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PAF 101 “Teachers open the door, but you must enter yourself.” -Ancient Chinese Proverb Module 1, Lecture 1.

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Presentation on theme: "PAF 101 “Teachers open the door, but you must enter yourself.” -Ancient Chinese Proverb Module 1, Lecture 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAF 101 “Teachers open the door, but you must enter yourself.” -Ancient Chinese Proverb Module 1, Lecture 1

2 Class Agenda No CELL PHONES or TEXTING Announcements About Coplin Course Goals Skills WIN! Public Policy Definition About this Course Assignment & Next Class

3 No Blackboard Use PAF 101 website- Google it!

4 HONORS SECTION Meets Mondays 1:50pm-2:40pm in 105 Maxwell Students in 101 and in Honors but not in the Honors section are welcome to attend the first meeting to decide if they want to be in the section.

5 Bill Coplin Director and Professor of Public Affairs Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence

6 Research Published more than 110 books and articles in fields of: International Relations Political Risk Analysis Public Policy College and High School Education Doing Good Contributor to USA-Today

7 Intro to Policy Studies Started the Program in 1977 “Undergraduates build professional skills through community service and research” Policy Studies Majors are Winners 10 of 11 SU Truman Winners 25% of all S.U. Teach for America Corps members Check out the PAF web site prospective student link testimonials

8 Mission of PAF 101 and the Policy Studies Major Skills to Do Good Skills to Do Well Key Concepts Used as Tools Principles for Civic Thought and Action

9 Doing Good Working to improve and maintain society through service, meeting civic responsibilities and shaping public policy.

10 Meet Do-Gooders Through Reading and discussing How You Can Help, learn about Mother Theresa Ralph Nader Nelson Mandela Wendy Kopp, founder of Teach for America Ben Franklin Through class speakers Policy Studies Alumni who HAVE JOBS Frank Lazarski, Executive Director the United Way Nick Pirro, former County Executive for 22 years Renee Captor, Director, County Assigned Counsel Program Teach for America Reps

11 Genuine Do-Gooders People who work to improve the world rather than pretend to improve the world. Takes skills, character and a grasp of reality.

12 Do Well The Keys to Success Skills Win! Career Exploration Character PAF 101 will launch you

13 PAF 101 Introduces You to the Skills Employers Want

14 1. Taking Responsibility Motivate Yourself Be Ethical Manage Your Time Manage Your Money

15 2. Developing Physical Skills Stay Well Look Good Type 35 WPM Error Free Take Usable Notes

16 3. Communicating Verbally Converse One-on-One Present to Groups Use Visual Displays

17 4. Communicating in Writing Write Well Edit and Proof Use Word-Processing Tools Communicate Electronically

18 5. Working Directly with People Build Good Relationships Work in Teams Teach Others

19 6. Influencing People Manage Efficiently Sell Successfully Politick Wisely Lead Effectively

20 7. Gathering Information Use Library Holdings Use Commercial Databases Search the Web Conduct Interviews Use Surveys Keep and Use Records

21 8. Using Quantitative Data Use Numbers Use Graphs and Tables Use Spreadsheet Programs

22 9. Asking & Answering the Right Questions Detect Nonsense Pay Attention to Detail Apply Knowledge Evaluate Actions and Policies

23 10. Solving Problems Identify Problems Develop Solutions Launch Solutions

24 Concepts: Tools for Public Policy Analysis Concepts are words or phrases that provide a lens to order and think about public policy Pay attention to definitions provided and make sure you can apply them.

25 What is Public Policy?

26 Basic Diagram –First 3 Concepts Players Public Policy Societal Problems AB C

27 What is the Purpose of this Course? Public Policy Analysis  38 Skills Employers Want  Do Good 

28 Philosophy of PAF101 To hear is to forget To see is to remember To do is to learn -Ancient Chinese Proverb

29 Learn by Doing To learn by doing, you will be playing three roles: Doing Papers (Modules) PAF 101 as society & government Member of Syracuse Community

30 And Most Important of all Develop the 10 skill sets that guarantee success in whatever you do!

31 Course Materials on Website Website contains vital information for course Printouts are mandatory for modules and daily class participation Newsletters are useful and also recommended Power Points from Lecture are on the Site

32 Take the Pre-Test Go to Web Site Click Module 1 Click Pre-Test Complete the test and take the receipt to class.

33 Make sure you print out the pretest confirmation!

34 Books Required Maxwell Manual for Good Citizenship My royalties for these books are assigned to the Public Affairs Program to hire students for community activities Recommended but not required: 10 Things Employers Want You to Learn in College Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

35 Deep Questions Raised by the Course What is the proper balance between self- interest and the public interest? What is the source of the societal problems we face? How should freedom, order and equality be balanced? What are you going to do about it?

36 Good News About PAF 101 Fun and Crazy Class meetings Path to success in college and careers More than 70% of Students who finished the course got an A or B last semester Exercises and Guest Lecturers from the Real World

37 Best News of ALL No Tests No Exams No Final

38 For Next Class Read Syllabus Do the pre-test and print out receipt. Hand in to your TA on 1/16 in class or lose 5 points. Go to the Module One link on the 101 website and print Module 1 exercises for next class Read Chapter 1 in The Maxwell Manual Scan newspapers, print or on-line, to find discussions of public policies

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