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2015 Academic A The Hindu Caste System Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Block Days: Wednesday, March 18 or Thursday, March 19, 2015 First South.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Academic A The Hindu Caste System Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Block Days: Wednesday, March 18 or Thursday, March 19, 2015 First South."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Academic A The Hindu Caste System Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Block Days: Wednesday, March 18 or Thursday, March 19, 2015 First South Asia Unit Test: Friday, March 20, 2015

2 Block Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---There are many Buddhist proverbs that capture the essence of Buddhist beliefs. Like what we did in the Africa Unit with African proverbs, you are to select TWO different proverbs to work with. Highlight your chosen two proverbs. Translate or explain the proverb in your own words. Explain how this proverb connects to specific aspects of Buddhism using your notes from the last lesson.

3 Block Class: Well as we learned in the last lesson, one of the key differences between Hinduism and Buddhism is the Hindu belief in the Vedas and the Caste System. This is what we will be examining within this lesson plan. Class: The teacher is going to begin the Caste System PowerPoint Lecture. If you follow along in the graphic organizer, it indicates where the information comes from either the PowerPoint or the Supplemental Reading to guide your note-taking. The PowerPoint Notes should be in EITHER PENCIL, BLACK, OR BLUE PEN. Individual: For the rest of the Block, you are to use the Class Set of the Castes PowerPoint to take notes from in EITHER PENCIL, BLACK, or BLUE PEN.

4 Block Rest of Block/Homework: You are to read and take notes from the photocopied supplemental reading entitled “Caste System in India.” You are to take reading notes in EITHER ORANGE, PINK, RED, OR PURPLE PEN. This will serve as review for Friday’s Test. This will be checked for Class Participation Points in two class periods. Chunking: Night One: Block Read and take notes from pages 1-4 of the photocopied supplemental reading. Continue to follow the chunking for the Summative Assessment Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism Essay. Have Two Copies for Test Day for Peer Editing! STUDY FOR FIRST INDIA UNIT TEST ON FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015

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