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LBNL Isotopes Project Report

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1 LBNL Isotopes Project Report
Shamsuzzoha Basunia Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720 NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

2 Isotopes Project Members
M. S. Basunia (Staff) A. M. Hurst (Staff) E. Browne* (Affiliate) L. A. Bernstein (Senior Staff, LLNL) R. B. Firestone** (Affiliate) C. M. Baglin**(Affiliate) Mark A. Trudel (Student) - XUNDL Adriana Ureche (Student) - EGAF Leo Kirsch (Student) – Experiment Ivana Abramovic (Student) - Computation A. M. Rogers (Post doc, until March, 2014) *Under contract with NNDC, BNL **Under contract with UCB NE - since Dec, 2014 UCB Component Data Evaluation for Applied Nuclear Science (DEANS) NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

3 NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015
Activities: ENSDF Responsibility: 37 mass chains: 21-30, 59, 81, 83, 90-93, , 184, 186, 187, , XUNDL Contributing since FY 2014 EGAF New NA-22 (nonproliferation) initiative at LBNL Aligned with Correlated Fission Data project at LLNL+LANL (n,) measurements with enriched targets. Statistical model calculations , 0, structure, decay data, Sn Experimental effort: Targeted experiment, statistical model study of level density and photon strength. Facilities: 88” cyclotron, LBNL; Neutron Generator, UCB; Guided neutron beam in Budapest, Hungary, FRM, Germany, and Cyclotron facility at the University of Oslo NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

4 Evaluation/Compilation
ENSDF (since last NSDD meeting) A=21, R.B. Firestone, In ENSDF A=28, M. S. Basunia, Nuclear Data Sheets, 114, 1189, 2013 A=91, C.M. Baglin, Nuclear Data Sheets 114, 1293, 2013 A=92, C.M. Baglin, Nuclear Data Sheets 113, 2187, 2012 A=192, C.M. Baglin, Nuclear Data Sheets 113, 1871, 2012 A=210, M.S. Basunia, Nuclear Data Sheets, 121, 561, 2014 A=211*, C.M. Baglin, et. al., Nuclear Data Sheets 114, 661, 2013 93(Br, Kr, Rb) and 186Po (Baglin) In Progress: A=26 (Hurst and Basunia) In production process: A=22 (Basunia), A=170, A=171, A=183 (Baglin) NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

5 NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015
XUNDL/EGAF XUNDL Compiled 53 datasets from 28 articles and thesis Mark Trudel from UCB - since Nov, 2014 New students will be recruited this year EGAF (Detailed update later) 93Nb(n,) – Danyal Turkoglu (OSU), M. S. Basunia 139La(n,) – Adriana Ureche (UCB), A. M. Hurst 185Re(n,) – Andrew Lerch (US Army), A. M. Hurst, J. J. Carroll 242Pu(n,) – Christoph Genreith (Jülich GmbH), A. M. Hurst 16O(n,), 54,56,57,58Fe(n,) – R. B. Firestone, M. Krticka 180W(n,) – A. M. Hurst NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

6 Experiment/Facility Development
88-Inch Cyclotron, LBNL Neutron production from deuteron breakup, Time-of-flight 56Fe(n,n’) – CIELO (Collaborative International Evaluated Library Organization) 2nd run (March, 2015): coincidence measurements with large HPGe detectors: Leo Kirsch, Lee Bernstein DD Neutron Generator, NE-UCB >1011 n/s, En ~2.5 MeV NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

7 NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015
Other activities: Workshop organization: Nuclear Data Needs and Capabilities for Applications, May 27-29, 2015, Berkeley, CA Energy National Security Isotope Production, and Industrial Applications Code development – A. M. Hurst Python translator to convert ENSDF to XML, RIPL PABS (Particle Absolute Branching) – read directly from ENSDF Calculated beta decay branching ratio and uncertainties derived from -decay scheme – E. Browne, Nucl. Instru. Meth. Phys. Res. A265, 541, 1988. Baghdad Atlas compilation/evaluation Completed compilation of (n,n’) data into searchable SQL database NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

8 NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015
Publications Experiment/EGAF 39,40,41K(n,g) – R. B. Firestone et al., Phys. Rev. C 87, 23Na(n,) – R. B. Firestone et al., Phys Rev C 89, , 2014 182,183,184,186W(n,) – A. M. Hurst et. al., Phys Rev C 89, , 2014 revised data for EXFOR, - updated RIPL 155,157Gd(n,) – H. Choi et. al., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 117, 219, 2014 ND 2013 proceedings: EGAF: Measurement and Analysis… – R. B. Firestone et al., NDS 119, 79, 2014. 180W(n,) – A. M. Hurst et al., NDS 119, 91, 2014 151,153Eu(n,) – M. S. Basunia et al., NDS 119, 88, 2014. Low energy neutron measurements in HED plasmas using the NIF – L. A. Bernstein et al., Plasma Fusion Res. 9, , 2014. Co-authored: Other 15 papers/conference proceedings/meeting reports Gamma Ray Generator, Richard B. Firestone and Jani Reijonen, Patent US B2 (2014). NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

9 NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015
Future Plans ENSDF Training of new evaluators XUNDL Student participation seems promising EGAF Targeted evaluation: Experiment with enriched targets and statistical model calculations Experiments 55Mn(d,p)56Mn at the Cyclotron facility, University of Oslo, for level density studies Workshop on Nuclear Data Needs and Capabilities for Applications Bay Area Nuclear Data Group (BANG)? LBNL, UCB, LLNL NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

10 NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015
Collaborators LLNL – B. Sleaford, N. Summers, J. Escher UCB - Nuclear Engineering – K. van Bibber, J. Vujic, K.-N. Leung, B. Goldblum, Jay James Budapest Reactor – T. Belgya, L. Szentmiklosi Garching FRM-II Reactor – Zs. Revay, P. Kudejova, C. Genreith Charles University, Prague – M. Krticka, F. Becvar University of Oslo - S. Siem, M. Guttormsen TransActinide Nuclear Data Evaluation and Measurement (TANDEM) – M. Rossbach, C. Genreith (Jülich Forschungszentrum) Seoul National University, Korea – H. Choi U.S. Army Research Laboratory – J. J. Carroll Air Force Institute of Technology – J. W. McClory, A. G. Lerch NSDD Meeting, IAEA, Vienna, April 20-24, 2015

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