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Fly ash: Looking beyond the conventional use

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1 Fly ash: Looking beyond the conventional use
S. K. Nath, T. C. Alex, R. Kumar & Sanjay Kumar CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur

2 What is Fly ash A by-product or the finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of pulverized coal in thermal power plants.

3 Potential of Fly Ash A alumino-silicate material
Fine PSD with good flow ability Combination of crystalline and glassy phases Pozzolanic characteristic Good durability Refractory properties

4 Waste to Resource The Changing Mindset
With right process you can turn it into a useful product Waste is a resource, but in the wrong place The Changing Mindset

5 Fly Ash Success stories

6 Bandra Worli Sea Link used
State of the Art Milwaukee Art Centre, USA Bandra Worli Sea Link used HVFA concrete BAPS Temple, Chicago UTAH State Capitol Building

7 Ample scope for new applications and technology
Fly ash Utilization in India Better than Global Utilization trend Global Utilization : 39% Ample scope for new applications and technology

8 Conventional Fly ash Utilization (%)
Around 72% Fly ash is used in Cement & Building Materials

9 Fly Ash Research: Global Trend

10 Fly Ash Utilization in non-conventional way
Geopolymer Ceno-sphere separation Extraction of heavy metals Ceramic products High performing Composites Wood & ply-wood substitutes Light weight insulating material Pre-processing

11 Fly ash R&D at CSIR-NML First research project on fly ash was carried out in 1968 Main activities started in 1994, focus on high value added ceramic products National Seminar on Fly ash in 1999 Preprocessing of fly ash started in 2000, completed project on cement Major activities on geopolymer started in 2004, pilot plant setup in 2011 MoU with C-FARM in 2009 Fly ash is one of the major activities under 12th Five year plan during

12 Domain of Fly ash R&D at CSIR-NML

13 Green Process & Technology using Geopolymerization of Fly ash

14 Geopolymerization Geopolymer.........
Synthetic alkali alumino-silicate material Mn [ – (SiO2)z – AlO2 ]n . wH2O M : Alkaline element, z : 1, 2 or 3, and n : Degree of polymerization Geopolymer can be described by the general formula

15 Why Geopolymer … Simple process Wide range of applications
80% less CO2 generation than OPC Low energy & water consumption Better durability & longevity Qualifies as GREEN

16 Excited Examples: Geopolymer Concrete
Geopolymer concrete sleepers of operating railway, St-Petersburg – Moscow were placed in 1988 and operational.

17 Geopolymer Concrete Geopolymer in Airport runway
>20 MPa strength in 4 hours

18 Geopolymerisation of fly ash

19 Why Fly Ash is Suitable ?? <100 µm particle size Flow behaviour
Si-Al ratio 1.6 – 2.2 >30% glassy phase Synthetic material

20 Suitability in Indian Context
Abundantly available Either free of cost or low cost material Cement making is of great concern due to depleting natural resources and increasing CO2 generation 100% utilization of fly ash notification by MoEF, Nov. 2009 Exploit the full potential of fly ash as source of silica and alumina: >90% fly ash can be used in many products Indian fly ash is suitable for geopolymerization The average ambient temperature in India is 27°C and average humidity is >50%,

21 CSIR-NML Research on Fly Ash Geopolymer

22 Self glazed tiles Low temperature processing
No additional process for glazing Properties Values Dimension tolerance Straightness of sides Surface flatness Water absorption, % Moh’s hardness Compressive strength 0.5% 14-16 5 >150 kg/cm2 Patent : 2626/DEL/2005, 30/09/2005 and 728/DEL/2006, 30/11/2005

23 Paving blocks Synergistic Utilization of fly ash, BF slag, COREX slag, steel slag, zinc slag and kiln dust Ambient temperature processing Ready to use in 7 days Product confirms IS-15658:2006 specification Properties Pavement tiles Compressive strength (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Bulk density, gm/cc Water absorption, % Abrasion resistance, mm 20-40 5-7 2.8 6-7 0.7

24 Lab Scale to Pilot Scale

25 Geopolymer pilot plant – 1st in India
Supported by FAU- Department of Science & Technology Fully automatic, with ~4 ton/shift capacity Can produce different shapes paving blocks Uses vibration, or hydraulic pressing or combination of both A step forward in translating process into technology

26 Pre-processing of fly ash

27 Methods Processing methods Principle Applications Air classification
Size classification based on shape, size and density of fly ash Separation of different size fraction of fly ash Separation of cenosphere Triboelectric separation Charge separation Separation of carbon Mechanical activation Increase in surface area, creation of bulk & surface defects Increased utilization in blended cement High strength geopolymers

28 Air Classification using ATP50
High speed air classifier with max rotation speed 20000, can classify very fine fractions also

29 Use of different size fraction in PPC

30 Strength Development !! Coarse fraction shows lot of un-reacted fly ash particles even after 28 day hydration More reaction product in the fine fraction is the reason for strength development

31 Mechanically Activated
Fly Ash

32 What is Mechanical Activation
Changes that takes place during mechanical activation Increase in surface area Stresses in solid structure Defects induced in the solid structures Phase transformations Repeated welding of interfaces Fracture leading to dynamic creation of fresh surfaces for reactions Chemical reactions

33 Strength Development in cement

34 MA Fly ash in Geopolymer
X50 ~ 5 μm X50 ~ 3 μm X50 ~ 36 μm 60 oC

35 Very high (120 MPa) strength
Geopolymer Cement Very high (120 MPa) strength

36 Ceramics using Fly Ash

37 Wear Resistant Ceramics
Excellent compressive strength Very hard and dense Excellent wear resistant properties Can be used for wear resistant applications in pipelines, chutes, bunkers, hoppers, mills etc Fly ash (30-40 wt% ) based wear resistance ceramics substitute for high alumina based ceramic tiles

38 Refractory Bricks Properties Refractory brick IS-6
4/16/2017 Refractory Bricks 50% fly ash can be used Equivalent of IS-6 fire-clay bricks Sintered at lower temperature Properties Refractory brick IS-6 % AP 24.5 25.0 (max) BD (g/cc) 1.9 2.0 (min) CCS (Kg/cm2) 300 250 (min) Al2O3 % Fe2O3 % 30.7 3.5 30.0 (min) 2.0 (max) CSIR-NML

39 Patent No. DEL/1800/96, 005NF and 13005NF 1998/03
Ceramic Tiles Produced at C Improved scratch hardness Better compressive strength Satisfy EN specification Possibility to use other waste in addition to fly ash Patent No. DEL/1800/96, 005NF and 13005NF 1998/03

40 We are caring for environment
Thank You We are caring for environment



43 Fly ash Utilization: A Giant Leap
Year 2009 Generation : 6.5 billion tonnes Utilization : 39% Source: ACAA

44 Geopolymer as Products
Blended cements for structural applications Enhanced acid and fire resistant cements Toxic waste encapsulation Advanced composites (high temperature ceramic) Adhesives

45 Commercial Realty Zeobond, Australia is making geopolymer concrete, using fly ash as one of the component

46 Geopolymer Pilot Plant: 1st in India
Provide valuable design and operational data for the setting up of a large size plant, Assess the impact of variability of raw materials (fly ash, water etc) quality, Fine tune operational parameters, Work out a more precise techno-economics for the process, Act as demonstration unit and instill confidence in potential user of the technology since the technology would be used in India for the first time, Development of other geopolymer products since the plant has a modular character

47 Immense Application Potential
Area Applications Civil engineering Low CO2 Fast setting cement, Precast concrete products Ready mixed concrete Building materials Bricks, blocks, pavers, self glazed tiles, acoustic panels, pipes, Archeology Repairing & restoration Composite material Functional composite for structural ceramic application Fire resistant material Fire and heat resistant fiber composite material Refractory application Refractory moulds for metal casting, Refractory castables Immobilization of toxic materials encapsulation of domestic, hazardous, radioactive and contaminated materials in a very impervious, high strength material Others Paints, Coatings, Adhesive

48 Fly Ash, Geopolymer & Sustainability
Low cost Easily available Good properties Geopolymer Simple processing Low energy consumption Low CO2 generation Low water requirement Fly ash Towards Sustainability

49 Reactivity of MA Fly ash

50 What is Mechanical Activation
Changes that takes place Increase in surface area Stresses in solid structure Defects induced in the solid structures Phase transformations Localised and overall thermal effects Repeated welding of interfaces, and Fracture leading to dynamic creation of fresh surfaces for reactions etc. Chemical reactions Grinding and Mechanical Activation Grinding time, h Degree of dispersion  E =  Eu -  (e as) = sWz zWz =  E = e as sWz =  E =  (e as) Agglomeration Aggregation Rittinger Stage z = efficiency of grinding Wz = work expended during grinding E = change in bonding energy due to grinding e = specific surface energy as = specific surface area

51 Mechanical Activation Devices

52 TVA Coal Ash Pond Rupture- 2008
-40-acre pond holding coal combustion waste for a Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) steam power plant ruptured -largest coal slurry spill in U.S. history -contained 2.6 million cubic yards of fly ash and bottom ash -heavy rains and freezing temperatures could be to blame

53 Paving Blocks from Industrial Waste
Combination of fly ash, steel slag and granulated blast furnace slag has been used, Meet all the obligatory specification as per IS 15658: 2006, Complied with the USEPA limit for leaching of toxic metals and is environmentally safe, A joint outcome of CSIR-NML & Tata Steel Collaboration Paving Blocks Cement based Steel slag based Total CO2 generation / ton kg (from firing of cement) kg (conversion of alkali carbonate into oxide) Water requirement/ ton 300 liters 250 liters Waste & by-products reuse/ ton <75 kg >900 kg Embodied energy/ kg 1.2 MJ 0.8 MJ

54 What are Supplementary Cementing Materials
What are Supplementary Cementing Materials? Pozzolan – a siliceous or alumino-siliceous material that, in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemically reacts at ordinary temperatures with calcium hydroxide (released by the hydration of Portland cement ) to form compounds possessing cementing properties A hydraulic cement reacts chemically with water to form compounds (hydrates) that have cementing properties – e.g. Portland cement

55 Why Geopolymer … Cement type Manufacturing temperature
Energy consumption CO2 emission Portland °C 100 Glass 750°C-1350°C 64 (-36%) 35 (-65%) Carbunculus™ nat °C 30 (-70%) 20 (-80%) Source:

56 Potential substitute for natural granite
Synthetic Granite Tiles Potential substitute for natural granite Very dense Macro defects free body Excellent mechanical properties Pat. No. DEL/1800/96

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