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Chapter 7 Introduction to Back Propagation Neural Networks BPNN

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1 Chapter 7 Introduction to Back Propagation Neural Networks BPNN
KH Wong Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

2 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Introduction Very Popular A high performance Classifier (multi-class) Successful in handwritten optical character OCR recognition, speech recognition, image noise removal etc. Easy to implementation Slow in learning Fast in classification Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

3 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Overview Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN) Part 1: Feed forward processing (classification or Recognition) Part 2: Feed backward processing (Training the network), also include forward processing Appendix: A MATLAB example is explained %source : Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

4 Theory of Back Propagation Neural Net (BPNN)
Use many samples to train the weights (W) & Biases (b), so it can be used to classify an unknown input into different classes Will explain How to use it after training: forward pass (classify / or called recognize input ) How to train it: how to train the weights and biases (using forward and backward passes) Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

5 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Motivation Biological findings inspire the development of Neural Net Input weights Logic function output Biological relation Input Dendrites Output Neuron(Logic function) X=inputs W=weights Output Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

6 Optical character recognition OCR example
Training: Train the system first by presenting a lot of samples to the network Recognition: When an image is input to the system, it will tell what character it is Training up the network: weights (W) and bias (b) Neural Net Neural Net Output3=‘1’, other outputs=‘0’ Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

7 Part 1 (classification in action /or called Recognition process)
Forward pass of Back Propagation Neural Net (BPNN) Assume weights (W) and bias (b) are found by training already (to be discussed in part2) Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

8 Recognition: assume weight (W) bias (b) are found earlier
Output Output0=0 Output1=0 Output2=0 Output3=1 : Each pixel is X(u,v) Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

9 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Neurons in BPNN In side each neuron : Inputs Output neurons Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

10 Multi-layer structure of a BP neural network
Input layer Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

11 Neurons in the Multi-layer structure
In between any neighboring 2 layers, a set of neurons can be found Each Neuron Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

12 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
BPNN Forward pass Forward pass is to find the output when an input is given. For example: Assume we have used N=60,000 images to train a network to recognize c=10 numerals. When an unknown image is given to the input, the output neuron corresponds to the correct answer will give the highest output level. 1 Input image 10 output neurons for 0,1,2,..,9 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

13 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Architecture (exercise: write formulas for A1(i=4) and A2(k=3) How many inputs, hidden neurons, outputs, weights in each layer? P(j=1) l=1(j=1,i=1) A1  2(i=1,k=1) A1(i=1) Neuron i=1 Bias=b1(i=1)  2(i=2,k=1) Neuron k=1 Bias=b2(k=1) P(j=2) l=1(j=2,i=1) A2  2(i=5,k=1) P(j=9) l=1(j=9,i=1) A5 A2(k=2)  l=1(j=1,i=1) P(j=1) P(j=2) P(j=3) : P(j=9) A1(i=1)  l=2(i=1,k=1)  l=2(i=2,k=1)  l=1(j=2,i=1) A1(i=2)  l=2(i=2,k=2) l=1(j=3,i=4)  l=2(i=5,k=3) A2:layer2, 3 Output neurons indexed by k Wl=2=5x3 bl=2=3x1 A1(i=5)  l=1(j=9,i=5) A1: Hidden layer1 =5 neurons, indexed by i Wl=1=9x5 bl=1=5x1 Input: P=9x1 Indexed by j Layer l=2 Layer l=1 S2 generated Neural Networks NN ver. 4h S1 generated

14 Answer (exercise: write values for A1(i=4) and A2(k=3)
P=[ ] Wl=1=[ ] bl=1= %Find A1(i=4) A1_i_is_4=1/(1+exp[-(l=1*P+bl=1))] =0.49 How many inputs, hidden neurons, outputs, weights and biases in each layer? Answer: Inputs=9, hidden neurons=5, outputs=3, weights in hidden layer (layer1) =9x5, neurons in output layer (layer2)= 5x3, 5 biases in hidden layer (layer1), 3 biases in output layer (layer2) Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

15 Numerical Example : Architecture of the example
Input Layer 9x1 pixels output Layer 3x1 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

16 Part 2: feed backward processing (Training the network)
Backward pass of Back Propagation Neural Net (BPNN) (Training) Ref: Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

17 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Feed backward stage Part1:Feed Forward (studied before) Part2: Feed backward For training we need to find , why? We will explain why and prove equations in the following slides Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

18 The criteria to train a network
Based on the overall error function, there are ‘N’ samples and ‘c’ classes to be learned Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

19 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Theory Neuron j wkj 19 K=1,2,..,n n inputs to neuron j Output of neuron j is yj Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

20 Learning by gradient decent
Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

21 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
We need to find , why? Using Taylor series Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

22 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
neuron j wij Theory xi ui yj Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

23 Case 1: if neuronj is at the output layer
We want to see True Target Class=tj wij xi Output yj uj yj Neuron j as an output neuron Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

24 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Case2 : if neuronj is at the hidden layer Output yj affects all neurons connected to it in next layer neuron j Input xi to the hidden neuron j, P(:,) in program For this hidden neuron j, this df1 in the program Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

25 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
After all are found Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

26 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Training How to train the neurons: how to train the weights (W) and biases (b) (use forward, backward passes) Initialize W and b randomly Iter=1: all_epochs (or break when E is very small) For all training samples { Forward pass (same as the recognition process in part1) for each output neuron: Use training samples: Xclass_t : feed forward to find y. E=error_function(y-t) Backward pass: From the output layer find  and b to reduce Error E. Find all s(of the output) Calculate  and b of all hidden layers, } Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

27 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Summary Learn what is Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN) Learn the forward pass Learn the backward pass and the training of the BPNN network Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

28 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
References Wiki Matlab programs Neural Network for pattern recognition- Tutorial CNN Matlab example Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

29 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Appendices Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

30 Appendix 1:Sigmod function f(u) and its derivative f’(u)
Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

31 Derivation (for the output layer , in each neuron)
Alternative Derivation (for the output layer , in each neuron) Output (last layer) t=target (teacher) y=output Feeding back to the previous layer Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

32 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
derivation Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

33 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
BNPP example in matlab Based on Neural Network for pattern recognition- Tutorial Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

34 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Example: a simple BPNN Number of classes (no. of output neurons)=3 Input 9 pixels: each input is a 3x3 image Training samples =3 for each class Number of hidden layers =1 Number of neurons in the hidden layer =5 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

35 Display of testing patterns
Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

36 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
Architecture P(j=1) l=1(j=1,i=1) A1  2(i=1,k=1) A1(i=1) Neuron i=1 Bias=b1(i=1)  2(i=2,k=1) Neuron k=1 Bias=b2(k=1) P(j=2) l=1(j=2,i=1) A2  2(i=5,k=1) P(j=9) l=1(j=9,i=1) A5 A2(k=2)  l=1(j=1,i=1) P(j=1) P(j=2) P(j=3) : P(j=9) A1(i=1)  l=2(i=1,k=1)  l=2(i=2,k=1)  l=1(j=2,i=1) A1(i=2)  l=2(i=2,k=2) l=1(j=3,i=4)  l=2(i=5,k=3) A2:layer2, 3 Output neurons indexed by k Wl=2=5x3 bl=2=3x1 A1(i=5)  l=1(j=9,i=5) A1: Hidden layer1 =5 neurons, indexed by i Wl=1=9x5 bl=1=5x1 Input: P=9x1 Indexed by j Layer l=2 Layer l=1 S2 generated Neural Networks NN ver. 4h S1 generated

37 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
%source : clear memory %commented added by kh wong clear all clc nump=3; % number of classes n=3; % number of images per class % training images reshaped into columns in P % image size (3x3) reshaped to (1x9) % training images P=[ ; ... ; % class 1 ; ... ; ... ; % class 2 ; ... ; ... ; % class 3 ]'; % testing images N=[ ; ... ; % class 1 ; ... ; ... ; % class 2 ; ... ; ... ; % class 3 ]'; % Normalization P=P/256; N=N/256; Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

38 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
% display the training images figure(1), for i=1:n*nump im=reshape(P(:,i), [3 3]); %remove theline below to reflect the truth data input % im=imresize(im,20); % resize the image to make it clear subplot(nump,n,i),imshow(im);… title(strcat('Train image/Class #', int2str(ceil(i/n)))) end % display the testing images figure, im=reshape(N(:,i), [3 3]); % remove theline below to reflect the truth data input % im=imresize(im,20); % resize the image to make it clear subplot(nump,n,i),imshow(im);title(strcat('test image #', int2str(i))) Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

39 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
% targets T=[ ]; S1=5; % numbe of hidden layers S2=3; % number of output layers (= number of classes) [R,Q]=size(P); epochs = 10000; % number of iterations goal_err = 10e-5; % goal error a=0.3; % define the range of random variables b=-0.3; W1=a + (b-a) *rand(S1,R); % Weights between Input and Hidden Neurons W2=a + (b-a) *rand(S2,S1); % Weights between Hidden and Output Neurons b1=a + (b-a) *rand(S1,1); % Weights between Input and Hidden Neurons b2=a + (b-a) *rand(S2,1); % Weights between Hidden and Output Neurons n1=W1*P; A1=logsig(n1); %feedforward the first time n2=W2*A1; A2=logsig(n2);%feedforward the first time e=A2-T; %actually e=T-A2 in main loop error =0.5* mean(mean(e.*e)); % better say e=T-A2 , but no harm to error here nntwarn off Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

40 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
for itr =1:epochs if error <= goal_err break else for i=1:Q %i is index to a column in P(9x9), for each column of P ( P:,i) % is a training sample image, 9 training samples, 3 for each class %A1=5x9, A1 =outputs of hidden layer and input to output layer % A2=3x9, A2=Outputs of output layer %T=true class, each column in T is for 1 training sample % hidden_layer =1, output_layer =2, df1=dlogsig(n1,A1(:,i)); %df1 is 5x1 for 5 neurons in hidden layer df2=dlogsig(n2,A2(:,i)); %df2 is 3x1 for output neurons % s2 is sigma2=sensitvity2 from the output layer , equation(2) s2 = -1*diag(df2) * e(:,i); %e=T-A2; df2=f’=f(1-f) of layer2 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

41 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
%s1=5x1 s1 = diag(df1)* W2'* s2; % eq(3),feedback, from s2 to S1 %dW= -n*s2*df(u)*x in ppt, =0.1, S2 is found, x is A1 %W2 is 3x5 , each output neuron receives, update W2 % 5 inputs from 5 hidden neurons in the hidden layer %sigma2=s2 = -1*diag(df2) * e(:,i); %e=T-A2; df2=f’=f(1-f) of layer2 %delta_W2 = -learning_rate*sigma2*input_to_output_layer %delta_W2 = -0.1*sigma2*A1 W2 = W2-0.1*s2*A1(:,i)'; %learning rate=0.1, equ(2) output case %3x5 =3x5- (3x1*1x5), %A1=5 hidden neuron outputs (5 hidden neurons) %A1(:,i)’=1x5=outputs of hidden layer, b2 = b2-0.1*s2; %threshold % 3x1=3x1- 3x1 %P1(:,i)=1x9 =input t o hidden, % s1=5x1 because each hidden note has 1 sensitivity (sigma) W1 = W1-0.1*s1*P(:,i)';% update W1 in layer 1, see equ(3) hidden case %5x9 = 5x9-(5x1* 1x9), since P is 9x9 and for an i, P(:,i)' =1x9 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

42 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
b1 = b1-0.1*s1;%threshold %5x1=5x1-5x1 A1(:,i)=logsig(W1*P(:,i)+b1);%forward %5x1 = 5x1 A2(:,i)=logsig(W2*A1(:,i)+b2);%forward %3x1=3x1 end e = T - A2; % for this e, put -ve sign for finding s2 error =0.5*mean(mean(e.*e)); disp(sprintf('Iteration :%5d mse :%12.6f%',itr,error)); mse(itr)=error; Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

43 Neural Networks NN ver. 4h
threshold=0.9; % threshold of the system (higher threshold = more accuracy) % training images result %TrnOutput=real(A2) TrnOutput=real(A2>threshold) % applying test images to NN , TESTING BEGINS HERE n1=W1*N; A1=logsig(n1); n2=W2*A1; A2test=logsig(n2); % testing images result %TstOutput=real(A2test) TstOutput=real(A2test>threshold) % recognition rate wrong=size(find(TstOutput-T),1); recognition_rate=100*(size(N,2)-wrong)/size(N,2) % end of code Neural Networks NN ver. 4h

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