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The Hindenburg Disaster

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1 The Hindenburg Disaster
Summarizing an Event or Work of Nonfiction Using the 5 W's & 1H

2 What was the Hindenburg?
A German Airship Dirigible or Zeppelin Originally built to carry passengers, mail, and freight across the Atlantic Ocean from Germany to the United States Named after the former German President, Paul von Hindenburg. Used by Hitler and the Nazi Party as a symbol of German might and technological skill

3 Background Knowledge…
Who was Adolf Hitler? Leader of the Nazi Party Became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. As leader of the Third Reich, Hitler invaded Poland (9/1/1939), which started World War II (9/3/1939). He organized the Holocaust, which resulted in the death of 6 million Jews.

4 What was the Hindenburg Disaster?
On May 6, 1937, the Hindenburg burst into flames while attempting to land at Lakehurst, New Jersey. In little more than 30 seconds, the largest object ever to soar through the air was incinerated The disaster ended the era of commercial airship travel.  Watch a newsreel of the Hindenburg disaster…

5 Your Challenge… Pretend you are a newspaper reporter covering the landing of the Hindenburg in Lakehurst, N.J. Use your “Five W’s and one H” graphic organizer to gather information. Use the information in your organizer to create a summary of the event.

6 Where will I get my information?
Ms. Keruskin’s Wiki Page… Click on “livebinders” Click on hyperlink given Access Code = Rocket Click on Hindenburg Resources Tab

7 Remember… Good readers and writers develop questions as they read and research. Record any questions that come to mind as you conduct your research into the Hindenburg Disaster. We will investigate those questions as the unit unfolds.

8 Common Core Objectives-5th Grade
I can use key details to summarize a text. RI.5.2 I can use specific information in a text (e.g., historical, scientific, technical) to identify and explain the interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, and/or concepts.  RI.5.3 I can collect information and data.  RI.5.7 I can quickly locate an answer or efficiently solve a problem from various multiple print and digital sources. RI.5.7 I can engage effectively in discussions. SL.5.1 I can follow rules for discussions and complete my role. SL.5.1 I can summarize what I read, see, and hear. SL.5.2 I can recall information from experiences or gather information from text and/or digital sources. W.5.8 I can put the information in my own words when taking notes and preparing my finished work.  W.5.8

9 Common Core Objectives-6th Grade
I can use details from the text to determine the central message of a piece of nonfiction. RI.6.2 I can provide a summary of a piece of nonfiction without adding my opinions or judgments. RI.6.2 I can analyze how people, events or ideas are introduced, illustrated and elaborated upon in a piece of nonfiction. RI.6.3 I can understand a topic or issue by analyzing information presented on the same topic, but in different media or formats. RI.6.7 I can actively take part in discussions on sixth grade topics, texts and issues by expressing my ideas and opinions clearly and by listening and responding to others in the discussion. SL.6.1 I can think through the key ideas expressed in a discussion and show my understanding of different perspectives by reflecting aloud and restating what others have said. SL.6.1d I can gather appropriate information about a topic from different resources including books and technology. W.6.8

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