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World Book Day World Book day is a day we set aside every year to celebrate books, reading, authors and illustrators.

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Presentation on theme: "World Book Day World Book day is a day we set aside every year to celebrate books, reading, authors and illustrators."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Book Day World Book day is a day we set aside every year to celebrate books, reading, authors and illustrators.

2 We have lovely books in our library

3 We like to look at books in school

4 We have books at home

5 My favourite book is ……

6 Jack’s favourite book is ….

7 Henry has no book. Luke has no book.

8 Sophie’s favourite book is ….

9 Grace has no book. Mary has no book.

10 It is fun to share books with our friends

11 These children have no books to share

12 Not one of these children has a book

13 Many African schools have no books and no library

14 Many African houses do not have books

15 It is good to share books
It is good to share books. We can share our books with people who do not have any.

16 World Book Day This year on World Book Day, we are going to help children who have no books, by giving books that we no longer use. The money from our mufti day will help to ship them to Ghana.

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