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  What was the name of the old lady being accused of witch craft?  Was she innocent or guilty  Guilty…… Bell Ringer.

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Presentation on theme: "  What was the name of the old lady being accused of witch craft?  Was she innocent or guilty  Guilty…… Bell Ringer."— Presentation transcript:

1   What was the name of the old lady being accused of witch craft?  Was she innocent or guilty  Guilty…… Bell Ringer

2   Dutch prosper and they are tolerant???  Absolutism in Europe  Russian Czars become absolute rulers:  - Ivan the Terrible  - Peter the Great  Video: Biography of Ivan the Terrible  Westernizing Russia  Video: St. Petersburg Agenda/Objectives


4   United Provinces of Netherlands differed than the rest of Europe:  - Religious tolerance  - Republic not a kingdom  * Each province had an elected governor, whose power depended upon merchants and landholders. The Independent Dutch Prosper

5   1636 – Dutch had the largest fleet in the world – around 4,800 ships.  Stability of government allowed people to focus on economic growth.  Merchants used other poor countries to benefit. Dutch Trading Empire

6   Dutch merchants brought Scandinavian lumber to Spain and other countries struggling. Dutch Trading Empire

7   Absolute Monarchs – kings or queens who believed that all power within their state’s boundaries rested in their hands.  Divine Right – God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God’s representative on earth.  These ideas are not new to the 1600s but grew increasingly popular. Absolutism in Europe

8   Emerging from the Middle Ages led to the decline of the Feudal system.  Rise of cities and growth of national kingdom helped to centralize authority. Growing power of Europe’s Monarchs

9   Middle class typically back monarch.  Why?  - promise peaceful supportive climate for business.  Church also lost power in the….? Reformation  - Monarchs gained more power. Growing power of Europe’s Monarchs

10   17 th Century – Religious and territorial conflicts led to continuous warfare.  - State’s built large armies  - Raised taxes  Revolts because of taxes.  - Monarch’s responded by increasing their power. Crisis Leads to Absolutism

11   Free themselves from any limitations that nobility and parliaments.  - Most successful Louis XIV of France Monarch’s goal

12   What happened between the Catholics and Huguenots?  - St. Bartholomew’s Day masacre Religious wars create a crisis

13   Huguenot survived the massacred.  Inherited the throne after Catherine and her last son died.  Became Henry IV. Henry of Navarre

14   Many Catholics opposed him.  Henry converted to Catholicism.  1598 – Established the Edict of Nantes Henry of Navarre

15   Read the article.  What was the Edict of Nantes? Edict of Nantes

16   Declaration of Religious freedom.  Henry dedicated his reign to restoring France’s prosperity.  1610 – Some people hated his religious tolerance and he was stabbed to death by a fanatic. Edict of Nantes

17   http://www.jcs- http://www.jcs-

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