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Reaching Holiday Shoppers & A Premium News Network Deep-Dive All-Hands Call September 9th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching Holiday Shoppers & A Premium News Network Deep-Dive All-Hands Call September 9th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching Holiday Shoppers & A Premium News Network Deep-Dive All-Hands Call September 9th, 2014

2 Research shows that 84% of smartphone shoppers use their device while shopping in a store, and one in three will use it to find the information they need rather than ask an employee “ “ -Google Shopper Marketing Agency Council & M/A/R/C Research ONLINE HABITS OF IN-STORE SHOPPERS 2

3 Top Markets & Wins Holiday Advertising Success Howard’s Appliance Success Story The Premium News Network Maserati of the Main Line Success Q&A Housekeeping AGENDA 3

4 25 21 Toledo Blade 18 17 16 14 13 11 23 22 20 19 Fresno Bee 15 12 24 Virginia Pilot LEADERBOARD 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 7 1 Los Angeles Times Chicago Tribune Columbus Dispatch Kansas City Star Naples Daily News STL Post-Dispatch Myrtle Beach Sun News Corpus Christie Caller-Times Regina Leader Post The Commercial Appeal Las Vegas Review Journal Allentown Morning Call The Island Packet Knoxville News Sentinel Baltimore Sun Edmonton Journal Hartford Current Calgary Herald Vancouver Sun Orlando Sentinel 10 14

5 TOP NEW WINS | AUGUST 2014 $58,886 Estimated Retail $37,920 Estimated Retail $34,526 Estimated Retail $26,142 Estimated Retail Myrtle Beach Sun News Toledo Blade Charlotte Observer Sacramento Bee $42,000 Estimated Retail

6 Top Markets & Wins Holiday Advertising Success Howard’s Appliance Success Story The Premium News Network Maserati of the Main Line Success Q&A Housekeeping AGENDA 6

7 INDUSTRY FOCUS Holiday Shopping

8 You Better Watch Out Mobile: the gift that keeps on giving: 93% of shoppers that used their mobile phone to research items ended up purchasing a product or service. Most of these purchases happened in a physical store. So long Black Friday, hello Gray Friday: Deals are starting early and stretching across the entire month of November. Removing the focus from one big day of shopping The constantly connected, savvy shopper: Long before swiping their credit cards, shoppers are researching deals online. 12-15 hours spent researching popular holiday shopping categories In-store traffic is down, but the spirit of spending is up: While in-store foot traffic is down substantially, retail sales over the same time period increased from $681 to $783 billion. Source: Think Newsletter “Holiday Is (Almost) Here: 5 Shopping Trends Marketers Should Watch Deck the halls with deals: Free shipping is the second most important factor when purchasing online

9 You Better Not Cry 20% of consumers start their shopping in or before September

10 Source: eMarketer US Digital Shoppers and Buyers 2012-2018. Ecommerce sales climb nearly 10% over holiday season. Practical Ecommerce: 2014 Holiday Ecommerce Marketing Checklist Holiday Shoppers Are Spending Online Nearly 90% of internet users shop online and 75% buy online Mobile will equate for over 33% of all online holiday purchases in 2014 Online Shoppers in the US spent $95.7 billion in Nov & Dec 2013, up 9.3% YOY. Online holiday spending is supposed to grow between 9-16% for 2014!

11 Start Making Your List Consumers spent an average of $164.13 per transaction on desktop Consumers spent an average of $153.44 per transaction on tablet Consumers spent an average of $129.42 per transaction on smartphones Source: – Avg. order value in Nov & Dec 2013. Prosper Spending Score

12 And Checking It Twice O&O site Premium News Network

13 Let’s Make Sure Your Advertisers Get it Right!

14 Top Markets & Wins Holiday Advertising Success Howard’s Appliance Success Story The Premium News Network Maserati of the Main Line Success Q&A Housekeeping AGENDA 14

15 Tom Erspamer, Director of Retail Advertising, LA Times Media Group Laura Grochowski, Account Executive, LA Times Media Group Leslie Restaino, Digital Sales Manager, LA Times Media Group

16 BUDGET ALLOCATION CAMPAIGN DETAILS CLIENT OBJECTIVES: Drive sales through new e-commerce website. Drive awareness and in-store visits to a 10-mile radius of each of their 11 Southern California locations. Phone Calls. TOTAL SPEND $885,000 CAMPAIGN LENGTH 6 months GEO TARGETS LA DMA LOCAL SEARCH 24% SUCCESS STORY : Search RETAIL Howard’s TV & Appliance PRINT, FLYERS, INSERTS LATIMES.COM

17 WHY THEY BOUGHT: Howard’s had developed a new e-commerce website that went from 400 skews to 4,000 skews, so they wanted to drive website traffic. They also wanted to continue to drive in-store traffic to each of their locations. They were seeking a search expert & a high level of service, along with a one-stop shop with other LATMG strategies. RETAIL Howard’s TV & Appliance CLIENT BACKGROUND: Howard’s TV & Appliance was founded in 1946 and has 11 store locations in Southern California. They were seeking a SEM provider who provided more transparent analytics and call tracking. LABOR DAY PERFORMANCE Howard’s changed their ad copy to put an emphasis on a Labor Day sale. Overall, they saw improved CTR, CPC, and positioning for the Howard’s Labor Day copy – compared to the Thursday through Sunday period the week before. CTR improved 12% (0.95% to 1.06%) with a 10% drop in CPC ($4.52 to $4.11). We also saw average position move from 1.5 the week prior to 1.39 over Labor Day Weekend. SUCCESS STORY : Search

18 Top Markets & Wins Holiday Advertising Success Howard’s Appliance Success Story The Premium News Network Maserati of the Main Line Success Q&A Housekeeping AGENDA 18

19 TRUE DIFFERENTIATOR The Premium News Network

20 With more than 1,400 sites, Premium News Network is the largest premium local source for carefully vetted publishers with quality, journalistic content. LOCAL MARKETS AT SCALE

21 BRAND SAFE, BRAND SMART 21 Trust Metrics gives the Premium News Network a quality rating 20x the industry average.

22 How does PNN’s performance stack up to that of other display products? What type of user does the PNN appeal to? PREMIUM AUDIENCE PREMIUM PERFORMANCE How does the local reach of PNN compliment that of your own site? PREMIUM REACH MORE THAN JUST PREMIUM SITES

23 PREMIUM AUDIENCE All 168,164 All67.2 % A18-24 23,420 13.9%69.2 % A25-34 35,977 21.4%87.0 % A25-54 97,321 57.9%82.8 % A65+ 16,277 9.7%64.7% HHI $15K-$25K 9,242 5.5%59.0% HHI $25K-$40K 21,531 12.8%66.5 % HHI $40K-$60K 27,890 16.6%67.2% HHI $60K-$75K 16,275 9.7%61.6 % HHI $75K-$100K 25,685 15.3%70.5 % HHI $100K+ 57,009 33.9%72.3% DEMO BREAKOUT TOTAL UNIQUE VISITORS (000) % COMPOSITION UNIQUE VISITORS % REACH *All data reflects comScore numbers from June 2014. Men 78,655 46.8%63.6 % Women 89,50953.2%70.6 %

24 PREMIUM REACH Orlando Sentinel: 12.4% +PNN: 41.9% Orlando Sentinel: 12.4% +PNN: 41.9% Chicago Tribune: 20.6% +PNN: 44.5% Chicago Tribune: 20.6% +PNN: 44.5% Kansas City Star: 26.3% +PNN: 65.4% Kansas City Star: 26.3% +PNN: 65.4% LA Times: 10.79% +PNN: 31.64 LA Times: 10.79% +PNN: 31.64 PilotOnline: 15.5% +PNN: 57.8% PilotOnline: 15.5% +PNN: 57.8% Baltimore Sun: 26.9% +PNN: 57.2% Baltimore Sun: 26.9% +PNN: 57.2% Seattle Times: 30.3% +PNN: 56.9% Seattle Times: 30.3% +PNN: 56.9% SL Trib: 20% +PNN: 77.84% SL Trib: 20% +PNN: 77.84% Commercial Appeal: 15.2% +PNN: 59% Commercial Appeal: 15.2% +PNN: 59% UTSD: 8.27% +PNN: 47.51% UTSD: 8.27% +PNN: 47.51% *Source: comScore Columbus Dispatch: 22.8% +PNN: 52.8% Columbus Dispatch: 22.8% +PNN: 52.8% Review Journal: 16.2% +PNN: 50.3% Review Journal: 16.2% +PNN: 50.3%

25 Average CTR (2013).098% Average CTR (2014).144% 147% Performance Increase from 2013 to 2014 !! PREMIUM PERFORMANCE

26 You are the digital expert. If you feel strongly that a specific product or tactic should be included on your advertiser’s plan, simply add it on to the proposal! Does your advertiser want to reach multiple markets? Save them time by helping them to reach a trusted, news-consuming audience wherever they need to get their message out. Middle to upper class news- consumers across all voting age groups? You’ve got that covered. 83% reach across adults ages 25-54 and the ability to reach nearly 71% of all online females should cover the majority of your advertisers holiday shopping needs. AUTOMATIC ADD-ON MULTI-MARKET ELECTION SEASON HOLIDAY SHOPPING WHEN TO INCLUDE PREMIUM NEWS

27 Top Markets & Wins Holiday Advertising Success Howard’s Appliance Success Story The Premium News Network Maserati of the Main Line Success Q&A Housekeeping AGENDA 27

28 Jason Finley, Digital Specialist, MASERATI OF THE MAIN LINE

29 Maserati of the Main Line Auto CLIENT BACKGROUND PHILLY.COM SUCCESS STORY CAMPAIGN DETAILS The rep had been calling on Maserati of the Main Line for about 3 months before he was able to secure the meeting. They have 3 luxury auto dealerships: Porsche, McLaren and Maserati. The first meeting was with Porsche, and they were so impressed that they asked for another meeting to focus on Maserati. They had mostly done print marketing along with dealership events. Maserati was initially overwhelmed with the overall investment. was able to demonstrate that they can more effectively reach their target shoppers with a digital campaign than any other form of media. Total Spend $25,800 Centro Spend $19,200 Campaign Length Q4 2014 Geography Targeted Target: Competitors and Affluent Neighborhoods BUDGET ALLOCATION Retargeting 40% Search Retargeting 25% Hyper-Local Mobile 35%

30 PHILLY.COM SUCCESS STORY WHY DID THEY BUY? Maserti buyers aren't typical buyers and therefore are a bit more elusive. The Centro products allows us to identify them and target the dealerships unique messaging. Maserati of the Main Line was excited about the ability to very aggressively target their biggest competitor through a hyper-local mobile campaign along with being able to retarget consumers that have been to the site or searched for specific keywords. Maserati of the Main Line Auto

31 Top Markets & Wins Holiday Advertising Success Howard’s Appliance Success Story The Premium News Network Maserati of the Main Line Success Q&A Housekeeping AGENDA 31

32 32 Q&A

33 Top Markets & Wins Holiday Advertising Success Howard’s Appliance Success Story The Premium News Network Maserati of the Main Line Success Q&A Housekeeping AGENDA 33

34 Basics Session September 18th @ 11am Central Advanced Session September 18th @ 11:30am Central “digitalninja” We will discuss the new Q4 product offering on the October 4 th All- Hands Call!!! Reach out to Channel Sales Manager for more information TRAINING THURSDAY LIBRARY PASSWORD Q4 RATE CARD ACCOUNT PLANNING HOUSEKEEPING


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