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E-B USINESS : I NTRODUCTION 1. Wireless communications Electronic transactions and communications conducted using mobile devices such as laptops, personal.

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Presentation on theme: "E-B USINESS : I NTRODUCTION 1. Wireless communications Electronic transactions and communications conducted using mobile devices such as laptops, personal."— Presentation transcript:


2 Wireless communications Electronic transactions and communications conducted using mobile devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and mobile phones with different forms of wireless connection 2

3 C ONTI … SCM(Supply Chain Management) The coordination of all supply activities of an organization from its suppliers and partners to its customers 3

4 C ONTI … World Wide Web(WWW) The most common technique for publishing information on the Internet Internet Physical network that links computers across the globe Consists of the infrastructure of network servers and communication links between them used to hold and transport information between the client PCs and web servers 4

5 C ONTI … Intranet A private network within a single company using Internet standards to enable employees to access and share information using web publishing technology Extranet A service provided through Internet and web technology delivered by extending an intranet beyond a company to customers, suppliers and collaborators 5

6 Any Difference 6

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9 Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense (ARPA) Implemented the ARPAnet, the grandparent of today’s Internet Packet switching Network operated technique in which digital data is sent in small packages called packets Packets Contain data, address information, error-control information and sequencing information Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ensures that messages are properly routed from sender to receiver and that those messages arrived together 9

10 C ONTI … Internetworking Protocol (IP) Enabled the intercommunication of inter-organization and intra-organization networks The Internet was initially limited to universities and research institutions Bandwidth The information carrying capacity of communications lines 10

11 H OW DID THE I NTERNET COME TO BE ? Internet born in 1969 - called ARPANET It started as a research project to experiment with connecting computers together with packet switched networks. It was developed with funding and leadership of the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). 11

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13 Allows computer users to locate and view multimedia- based documents on almost any subject Makes information instantly and conveniently accessible worldwide Possible for individuals and small businesses to get worldwide coverage Changing the nature of the way business is done 13

14 B IRTH OF WWW 1992 Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist in Geneva Switzerland came up with the term World Wide Web - WWW - W3 14

15 A ND 15

16 Computer use is increasing in almost every field of enterprise Computing costs have decreased dramatically Enhanced multimedia capabilities Transmit pictures, voices, videos, sounds, etc Increased publishing and learning opportunities Enhanced communication technologies The Internet has changed the way people communicate, conduct business and manage their daily lives 16

17 E-B USINESS E-Business is about enabling organizations to cohesively bring together their processes and Internet technologies for cost effectiveness, efficiency and better relationships between partners. 17

18 M AJOR BENEFITS OF E-B USINESS Global reach Reduced cost Convenience Higher productivity and efficiency 18

19 E- BUSINESS C ONCEPTS E-Business (electronic business) uses technology to improve your business processes This includes managing internal processes such as human resources financial and administration systems As well as external processes such as Sales and marketing Supply of goods and services Customer relationships 19

20 C ONTI … Electronic business (e-business) is aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of an organization by deploying innovative information and communications technology throughout an organization and beyond, through links to partners and customers E-business’ is applied as a broader term surrounding e-commerce but also including all electronic transactions within an organization 20

21 C ONTI … The way in which you manage your business relationships has not changed, but the way they are referred to when using e-Business tools has They are becoming more often known as: business to business (B2B) business to consumer (B2C) (also known as e- Commerce) government to consumer (G2C) government to business (G2B) 21

22 A CTIVITIES USING E -B USINESS TOOLS trading of goods or services online electronic retailing (eTailing) use of the Internet, intranets or extranets to conduct research and manage business activities website marketing online communications, such as email online training for staff (eLearning) 22

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24 Electronic commerce, commonly known as e- commerce, is the buying and selling of product or service over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks Electronic commerce’ (e-commerce) refers to all types of electronic transactions between organizations and stakeholders whether they are financial transactions or exchanges of information or other services 24

25 C ONTI … Electronic commerce draws on such technologies as electronic funds transfer supply chain management Internet marketing online transaction processing electronic data interchange (EDI) inventory management systems 25

26 T YPES OF E-C OMMERCE Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Business-to-Government (B2G) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) Mobile Commerce (m-commerce) 26

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28 E- BUSINESS AND E- COMMERCE OVERVIEW E-business recognize the needs of target audiences and match those needs with relevant content E-business and e-commerce are different e-Commerce Involves exchanges among customers, business partners and the vendor e-Business Includes operations that are handled within the business itself 28

29 C ONTI … 29

30 C ONTI … Powerful competition Businesses must adjust to new technologies and implement new systems Customized production capabilities Finding and keeping key employees Business that succeed involves the services Most reliable Most functional Most user-friendly Fastest services 30

31 C ONTI … 24-by-7 maintenance responsibilities Brick-and-mortar businesses Businesses that have only a physical presence Click-and-mortar businesses Businesses that have both an online and an offline presence All communications are conducted via phone, voice mail, fax, e-mail and the emerging capabilities of the Internet 31

32 C ONTI … Tracking of Internet activity Unauthorized access to credit-card numbers, medical history and criminal history 32

33 C AMPUSFOODS. COM FEATURE Developed by students Serves approximately 150 colleges and universities around the United States Built on investments made by private investors, family members and friends Revenue is generated by a percentage taken from transaction fees 33

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37 E-B USINESS VS. E-C OMMERCE E-business is broader in scope and e-commerce is just an aspect or a subset of it. E-commerce only covers business transactions such as buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. E-business involves marketing, product design, consumer service evaluation, and more. E-commerce essentially involves financial trade while in E-business, money transactions are not necessary. 37


39 C ONTI … Sales Customer Service Supplier management Marketing Product Design Financing Employees Training 39

40 F ULL F ORMS ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol IP: Internetworking Protocol TCP: Transmission Control Protocol TCP-IP: Transmission Control Protocol - Internetworking Protocol PGP: Pretty Good Privacy WAI: Web Accessibility Initiative WWW: World Wide Web W3C: World Wide Web Consortium WAP: Wireless Application Protocol XML: e X tensible M arkup L anguage XSL: e X tensible S tylesheet L anguage 40

41 A NY Q UESTIONS ??? 41

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