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PROTECTED AREAS LEARNING & RESEARCH COLLABORATION Initiative of University of Tasmania Tasmanian Land Conservancy James Cook, Charles Darwin & Murdoch.

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Presentation on theme: "PROTECTED AREAS LEARNING & RESEARCH COLLABORATION Initiative of University of Tasmania Tasmanian Land Conservancy James Cook, Charles Darwin & Murdoch."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROTECTED AREAS LEARNING & RESEARCH COLLABORATION Initiative of University of Tasmania Tasmanian Land Conservancy James Cook, Charles Darwin & Murdoch Universities Regional partners & supporters

2 Overview Fostering excellence in governance & management of protected areas in Asia Pacific & Oceania regions Postgraduate courses available at four Australian universities from 2015 Objectives are enhancing professionalism & meeting global competency standards Courses are for protected area professionals & community-based conservation practitioners Image: Graeme Worboys, Forest Rangers, Phong Kna Ke Bang NP Vietnam

3 The need Region has many IUCN Category I-VI protected areas Includes many marine protected areas, community-managed conservation areas & Australia’s Indigenous Protected Areas All face pressures & provide for basic life necessities Managers need professional competencies, strong career paths & skilled mentors Add map of regions & PAs Map courtesy of the United Nations Environment Programme, World Conservation Monitoring Centre

4 The Protected Area Learning and Research Collaboration will: Provide regional support for protected area practitioners Build regional collaborations between universities, PA agencies & other institutions Support objectives of IUCN Secure accreditation from bodies such as Global Partnership for Professionalizing Protected Areas Management (GPPPAM) Provide accredited training programs throughout Asia Pacific & Oceania regions The opportunity & purpose Images: Arwen Dyer; Matthew Newton

5 James Cook University, Murdoch University & University of Tasmania have courses approved for 2015 Graduate Certificates, Masters & short course (starting January 2015 at University of Tasmania) are available Courses likely to extend to Charles Darwin University, Wildlife Institute of India & University of South Pacific in 2015/16 All courses address competencies from draft GPPPAM framework 2015 courses JCU: UTAS: Murdoch: CDU:

6 How can you participate Enrol in a course yourself or recommend someone for a scholarship Encourage your government agencies, businesses, philanthropic sources & others to enrol people or provide scholarship funds Come and visit us at Booth 66 next to the IUCN bookstore/ cafe Find out more: Introduce us to other institutions who might join our collaboration Introduce us to new partners whether aid agency, government, park agency, business, philanthropy or other

7 Innovative and effective Our Collaboration joins like minds within a defined region of the world to share their strengths & tackle a clear need for enhanced capacity Evidence of implementation and impact “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela Applied elsewhere or more broadly The collaboration is worth aligning with, complementing or building elsewhere as it brings people & institutions together for a common end An inspiring solution? Image: Andrew Cambpell, Kakadu National Park

8 Components that lead to success A clear need A unity of purpose Enabling factors Visionary investors Broadly-based and competent committee members (we have ~30 people on 3 committees from across Asia, Pacific & Oceania regions) What makes it work? Image: Graeme Worboys, Short- tailed shearwater

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