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Identifying the Elements of Plot (via Diagram)

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1 Identifying the Elements of Plot (via Diagram)
- Mr. Harrell

2 Today Beginning with slide 6, there will be many video clips as examples of the different plot elements. You are to: Sit up Pay attention

3 Plot Diagram 3 2 4 1 5 Climax Rising action Falling action Exposition
Narrative “hook” 1 Resolution 5

4 Plot (definition) Plot is the organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story. Every plot is made up of a series of incidents that are related to one another.

5 Hook - The Hook grabs your attention right at the OPENING of the story so that you keep reading. May be several paragraphs for a short story, or several pages for a book. - Will usually leave you wondering what the consequences of the action will be. Ex: narrative voice stating that we (humans) traveled to Pandora after our home (earth) was “used up.” Think of the hook to your favorite song, it’s the easiest part to remember.

6 1. Exposition Beauty and the Beast
Exposition usually occurs at the beginning of a short story. Here the characters are introduced. We also learn about the setting of the story. Most importantly, we are introduced to the main problem (conflict). Ex: Jake Sully deboarding space craft, walking around army base, and hearing of the dangerous jungle creatures and natives of Pandora. - Avatar

7 2. Rising Action Rocky Rising action begins to develop the conflict(s). A building of interest or suspense occurs. Ex: viewer learns that there is a group of natives on Pandora that are in the way of the humans getting the precious natural resource they want, Jake becomes native himself, etc…

8 3. Climax Armageddon Climax is the turning point of the story. Usually the main character comes face to face with a conflict. The main character will change in some way. Ex: Jake becomes leader of natives and leads battle of large scale to protect native’s magic tree.

9 4. Falling Action Saints and Soldiers
All loose ends of the plot are tied up. The problem(s) and climax are taken care of. Ex: Jake and natives win battle, “deport” all but “good” humans OFF of Pandora, back to Earth.

10 5. Resolution Transformers
In Resolution the story comes to a(n) reasonable ending. Ex: Jake’s spirit is transferred to the native body, and he is allowed to live in peace and love with his new people.

11 Putting It All Together
1. Exp… 2. Rising… 3. Climax 4. Falling… 5. Res… Beginning of Story Middle of Story End of Story

12 “The Princess and the Pea” First draw a Plot Diagram on your own paper
Read the story / watch the video on Youtube List one thru five & find examples of each in the story: 1 - Exposition 2 - Rising Action 3 - Climax 4 - Falling Action 5 - Resolution Then compare your findings with your tablemates

13 Examples of #1-5 1 – Exposition – There was a prince who traveled the world looking for a princess. 2 - Rising Action – A woman claiming to be a princess shows up at the front door. 3 – Climax – The queen lays a pea on the bed: then put twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds on top of the pea. 4 - Falling Action - They saw at once she must be a real princess when she felt the pea through twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. 5 – Resolution – “The prince took her to be his wife, and was sure he had found a real princess.”

14 Constructed Response Practice (will be taken up)
On a new sheet of paper answer and show evidence from the story in your responses. Follow the six steps! One Full Paragraph - A) What all effects did the young woman’s appearance have on the royal family? How did they act whens she showed up? What was the final outcome? Switch with someone at your table, and use the rubric to assign points to their paragraph.

15 Constructed Response Practice (will be taken up)
On a new sheet of paper answer and show evidence from the story in your responses. Follow the six steps! One Full Paragraph - A) What all effects did the young woman’s appearance have on the royal family? How did they act whens he showed up? What was the final outcome? One Full Paragraph – (Finish now, or it’s homework) B) Did the queen believe the young woman was a real princess? How do you know?

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