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Stina Soewarta and Doerte Bosse

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Presentation on theme: "Stina Soewarta and Doerte Bosse"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stina Soewarta and Doerte Bosse
Head of Unit, Team leader EDY2015 Communication and Transparency Unit 05, DG International Cooperation and Development, European Commission European Year for Development 2015

2 The principles of the EYD campaign
Help achieve the objectives, spread the messages and motto Inform on the results of EU development cooperation Foster critical thinking, raise awareness of EU added value Show the mutual interest, global approach Tell the new narrative on development cooperation ! The EYD2015 as a corporate communication priority, 'the EU as a global player'

3 EYD Stakeholders European Parliament • Council • Member States • European Commission • EEAS • EU Delegations • Economic and Social Committee • Committee of the Regions • Private Sector • NGO/CSO • International Organisations • Universities • Schools • Local and Regional authorities • Foundations

4 Civil society organisations
Target audience Young people aged show highest degree of openness to international development of all age groups. Civil society organisations Broader public Policy makers Schools/ Universities

5 Strategic approach Decentralised integrated campaign with storytelling approach and narrative building focused on partnership development and clear call to action Localised approach Partnerships and synergies with public, private, civil and NGO sector Storytelling People as change agents/ clear call to action World’s Best News

6 Our red thread: storytelling
What are our stories and what do they say about EU development cooperation?

7 Special focus Member States
Events Opening and closing events Awareness rising events for the general public Specific stakeholder events Focus young people Press Media trainings Press trips Joint campaigns Development magazines Online communication Subsections in existing websites planned in most of the MS Some MS plan their own websites

8 Special focus Member States
Social media Campaigns, Involving young people, Celebrity ambassadors, Competitions, Education, Hosting debates, Surveys Evaluation Some MS plan evaluations at national level Some provide measurable objectives, expected results and/or indicators Few mention reporting templates they will use Sustainability Some MS plan actions to make sure that the Year has an effect beyond 2015 Reaching new stakeholders, policy initiatives

9 Stakeholders' initiatives
CONCORD initiative DEAR project Marathons and sport for development Co-branded events with international organisations Think tanks launch discussions Awards with private sector organisations Fair Trade Changing Behaviour European Citizens' Alliance - Mobilising and Developing the Potential for Leadership/Influence in partnership ....

10 Flagship events of the EYD2015
Opening event Latvia hosted by the Presidency – 9th January Belgium opening event Brussels with Bozar and Africalia – 17th January Gender event Latvia with the Latvian presidency opening – 2nd March European Dev Days – 3rd/4th June Closing event Luxembourg by the Presidency – 8th December

11 EU inmstitutions' activities
Activities run by EU institutions - EC, EEAS, EP, Council,EESC, Co 4th Assises of Decentralised Cooperation Communication Campaign Prize Commission in the lead Kapucinski Lectures in all MS Back to school Lorenzo Natali Price Sports: Brussels 20 km and more Thematic conferences at the Info point Information through the Representations, EDDCs, EU Delegations ……

12 Thematic Months January – Europe in the World February – Education
March – Women and Girls April – Health May – Peace and Security June – Sustainable Green Growth, Decent Jobs and Businesses July – Children and Youth August - Humanitarian Aid September – Demography and Migration October – Food Security November – Sustainable Development and Climate Action December - Human Rights and Governance

13 EYD Shared Website Principles Main elements
Collaborative campaign site Approved partners will have full editorial control A shared site, a shared year For coordination, collaboration and dissemination Main elements Events Stories Case Studies Toolkit

14 Social Media Strategy Principles Main elements
Direct engagement with citizens A collaborative and innovative approach Main elements Posting guidelines Social media takeover of the official Twitter/FB accounts #EYD2015 and #Euglobalplayer Other event specific hashtags Capacity 4 Development Group

15 Media Eurobarometer measuring public opinion before and after the year
Media Partnerships (2 per Member State) with key broadsheets and broadcasters Engaging alternative media such as diaspora, faith, youth, development specialists Joint announcements and press events Press seminars and events throughout the EYD Building a database to facilitate easier access to experts

16 Key Next steps Finalise toolkit we can offer main stakeholders
Give further guidance on web, social media, media Agree on evaluation of the EYD2015 Exchange best practices and detect further synergies

17 Thank you and let's get started !

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