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Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0533r0 April 2015 Alecsander Eitan, QualcommSlide 1 Removal of DMG OFDM from 802.11 REVmc ballot Date: 2015-04-27 Authors:

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Presentation on theme: "Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0533r0 April 2015 Alecsander Eitan, QualcommSlide 1 Removal of DMG OFDM from 802.11 REVmc ballot Date: 2015-04-27 Authors:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0533r0 April 2015 Alecsander Eitan, QualcommSlide 1 Removal of DMG OFDM from 802.11 REVmc ballot Date: 2015-04-27 Authors:

2 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0533r0April 2015 Alecsander Eitan, QualcommSlide 2 Motivation and purpose Since DMG OFDM was not deployed, and it has several coexistence issues with DMG SC, we would like to remove the DMG OFDM from 802.11 REVmc. The OFDM option will be revived in 802.11ay after fixing the issues, and extended to higher data rates

3 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0533r0April 2015 Alecsander Eitan, QualcommSlide 3 List of Changes The first (general) line was submitted via the IEEE site: CategoryPageSub-clauseLine #CommentProposed Change Must Be Satisfied Technical253521.531Since DMG OFDM was not deployed, and it has several coexistence issues with DMG SC, we would like to remove the DMG OFDM from 802.11 REVmc. The OFDM option will be revived in 802.11ay after fixing the issues, and extended to higher data rates 1. Remove section 21.5 2. Remove the DMG OFDM from other places and tables as one of the DMG options Yes Technical1xvContents40-49Remove DMG OFDMRemove section 21.5 and all its sub sectionsYes Technical904.3.1960Remove DMG OFDMRemove "21.5 (DMG OFDM),"Yes Technical13019.7.7.213Remove DMG OFDMRemove " or DMG OFDM modulation class "Yes Technical13049.7.919-23Remove DMG OFDMRemove row (left comumn: "DMG OFDM")Yes Technical239521.1.115Remove DMG OFDM Remove row: "— An OFDM modulation using MCS 13 to MCS 24 (the OFDM PHY; see 21.5 (DMG OFDM PHY))"Yes Technical239521.1.127Remove DMG OFDMRemove "DMG OFDM PHY,"Yes Technical244321.816Remove DMG OFDMRemove "21.5 (DMG OFDM),"Yes Technical245221.12.347Remove DMG OFDMRemove "DMG OFDM PHY andfor the"Yes Technical2819B.4.24.255-56Remove DMG OFDM Remove row from table (left column is: "*DMG-P2.3")Yes

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