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 Excellent source of dietary protein for millions of people  Nutritious feed for livestock  Mini nitrogen plant having profound ameliorative effect.

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Presentation on theme: " Excellent source of dietary protein for millions of people  Nutritious feed for livestock  Mini nitrogen plant having profound ameliorative effect."— Presentation transcript:


2  Excellent source of dietary protein for millions of people  Nutritious feed for livestock  Mini nitrogen plant having profound ameliorative effect on the soil  Improve physical, chemical and biological properties of soil in irrigated and rainfed agriculture  Considered excellent crops for natural resource management, environmental security, crop diversification and consequently for sustainable agriculture Pulses are second in importance next to cereals But they are well behind cereals in acreage, production and productivity Pulses own a strategic position in intensive & subsistence agriculture:

3 Kharif pulse area : 7,22,890 hact. ( 35%) Rabi pulse area : 13,19,050 hact. (65%) Kharif pulse prodn. : 4,07,790 Mt. (39%) Rabi pulse prodn.: 6,28,980 Mt. (61%) Kharif pulse yield. : 564 kg/hact. Rabi pulse yield. : 477 kg/hact. Contribution of Green Gram, Black Gram, Horse Gram & Arhar Area: 88% Production: 85% Analysis of Pulses Scenario of the state

4 Pulse Crop Statistics of Orissa (2013-14) Sl. No.CropArea(000ha)Yield(Kg/ha)Production(000Tons) 1Green gram833.11476396.93 2Black Gram592.35457270.42 3Pigeon Pea140.87912128.48 4Cowpea50.3174737.56 5Horse Gram230.1338187.68 6Gram41.2377431.91 7Peas31.7973523.37 8Lentil14.465227.55 9 Other Pulses 107.6949152.87 Total Pulses2041.945081036.77

5 Area, Production& Productivity Pulses in the State (2006-07 to 2013-14 ) YearArea ( lakh ha.) Yield ( Kg/ha.) Production ( Mt.) 2006-0719.514448.66 2007-0819.814589.08 2008-0920.014979.94 2009-1020.924609.63 2010-1120.8548110.01 2011-1219.984939.85 2012-1320.4250810.37 2013-1420.8850710.58

6 KHARIF ACHIEVEMENT OF 2014 and PROGRAM FOR KHARIF 2015 ( PULSES) CropAchievement of Kharif 2014Program for Kharif 2015 Area ( lakh ha.) Yield ( Kg/ha.) Production ( Mt.) Area ( lakh ha.) Yield ( Kg/ha.) Production ( Mt.) Pigeon Pea1.399211.282.059511.95 Green Gram2.214751.053.005001.50 Black Gram2.614751.243.505031.76 Cow Pea & Other Pulses 0.855760.491.106090.67 Total Pulses7.065754.069.656085.87


8 Area expansion Crop substitution for rainfed upland rice (8 lakh ha) Complete substitution Partial substitution Intercropping of pulses in field crops interspaces of agro-forestry systems established orchards sugarcane crop Crop intensification in rice fallows i.e., in rainfed medium and low land rice. Diversification of rice-rice cropping system in tail ends of canal command Increase irrigated area through micro-irrigation.


10 Cow Pea +Maize( 2:2 ) Cotton+Arhar/Urad ( 4:1) Maize+Urad

11 Arhar/Mung/Biri +G.nut/Soybean/Cotton/Maize (8,500 ha.) Sl NoInterventions Qty/ ha. Indicative cost/ha in Rs. 1 Cost of Pulse seed (Treated) - Arhar-8kg & Mung/Urd-12 kg 8-12 kg 1150.00 2 Incentive for sowing in line by seed -cum-fertiliser drill either owned/ custom hiring 1250.00 3 Micronutrient- Boron (Borax)10 kg 800.00 Supply of Molybdenum for seed treatment6 gm 50.00 4 Rhizobium culture 500 gm 25.00 5 PSB culture 500 gm 25.00 6 Vermi compost @ Rs.1200/qt1 qt 1200.00 7 Plant protection( Need based application of pestices/ bio-pesticides) 750.00 8 Weedicide 750.00 9 Visit of Scientist/Officers/POL/etc 300 300.00 10 Publicity/Documentation/Display Board 250 250.00 11 Field Day/Kissan Gosthi 250 250.00 12 IC Plough with out beam+ garden rake 700.00 TOTAL 7500.00 CAFETARIA OF INTER CROPPING DEMONSTRATION UNDER NFSM-PULSES 2014 KHARIF

12 RESULTS OF INTERCRPPING DEMONSTRATION UNDER NFSM-PULSES KHARIF 2014. Cropping TypeArea taken in hact. Yield /hact in qtl. Yield of control /ha.In qtl. % increase in yield Cotton+Arhar800 a) Cotton14.0211.2220 b)Arhar9.287.4220 Arhar+Groundnut2000 a) Arhar11.557.7623 b) Groundnut15.447.0925

13 Initiatives taken by State in 2014-15 under NFSM Intercropping demonstration taken under NFSM-Pulses Arhar+Groundnut 2000 ha. Arhar+Maize 300 ha. Arhar+Ragi 200 ha. Arhar+Paddy 200 ha. Arhar+Cotton 800 ha. Arhar seed supplied to the Deptt from NFSM ( var: LRG-41) Sucessfull intercropping practice : Arhar+Groundnut & Arhar+Cotton Bund Crop : 19000 hact of paddy bunds are covered with bund crop of arhar/Urad. Facilitating Pulses in rice fallows : local variety with some inputs ( hact taken ) Pure crop demonstration of pulses : Arhar ; Green gram: Gram Urd : Released one ICRISAT Arhar Hybrid variety : ICPH – 3762 (Parvati) in the state.

14 Widely adopted intercropping practices in Kharif Arhar+Groundnut Arhar+ Cotton

15 Advantages of Intercropping Intercropping gives higher return/unit area than sole cropping It acts as an insurance against failure of crop in abnormal years Maintain soil fertility and addition of nitrogen to the soil. Reduces soil run off due to adequate coverage.

16 Strategy for 2015-16 under NFSM –PULSES-Kharif Intercropping demonstration to be taken under NFSM-Pulses Arhar+Groundnut 3000 ha. Arhar+Cotton 2000 ha. Arhar seed are to be procured from ICRISAT Production in the state through OSSC Ltd. Pure crop demonstration of 5000 ha. ( Arhar,Urd) Bund Crop : 20000 hact of paddy bunds are covered with bund crop of arhar/Urad. ( State Support) Arhar seed production by ICRISAT Program (under RKVY) durung Kharif ( 4000 Qtl.) Provision for supply of Dal mill + Dal thresher ( Rs. 1.35 lakh) under local initiative of NFSM-Pulses to supplied to the SHG/FPO for value addition in pulses. Proposal to release one early & two medium duration arhar variety by ICRISAT in the state.

17 ISSUESISSUES 1.Arhar is taken as intercrop with rice/groundnut/cotton in most of the areas of the state in Kharif season.But suitable short-medium duration varieties( 120-150 days) of less than 10 years old are not available – ICRISAT has been assigned to develop varieties. 2.Increase in MSP of Pulses crops. MSP of Green gram,Black gram and Pigeon Pea ( Rs./Qtl.) Crop2012-132013-142014-15 Pigeon Pea385043004350 Green Gram440045004600 Black Gram33004300


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