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Unit I: Foundations of Community Health
Allender& Spradley 6th Edition Unit I: Foundations of Community Health Chapter 1 Ahmad adeeb MsN.CCRN.RN 13\2\1428 Copyright (c) 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins All Rights Reserved.
Introduction In this unit the foundations for community health nursing are presented. Basic information about the definition and description of a community; the preparation for working in this discipline; the function, roles and settings for community health nursing; culture, ethics and values to consider in the community; and the structure, function and financing of health care is focused on in this unit. 13\2\1428
Community Health Nursing Opportunities and Challenges
Chapter 1 Community Health Nursing Opportunities and Challenges 13\2\1428
Objectives: Upon mastery of this chapter, you should be able to:
Define community health and distinguish it from public health. Explain the concept of community. Describe three types of communities. 13\2\1428
Objectives: Diagram the health continuum.
Differentiate among the three levels of prevention. Analyze the six components of community health practice. Describe the eight characteristics of community health nursing. 13\2\1428
Concept of Community …collection of people who interact with one another and whose common interests or characteristics form the basis for a sense of unity or belonging List some communities: 13\2\1428
Community Health (CH) and Public Health (PH)
CH = “identification of needs and the protection and improvement of collective health within a geographically defined area” PH = “activities that society undertakes to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy” 13\2\1428
Three Types of Communities
1- Geographic = city, town, neighborhood 2- Common-interest = professional organization, people with mastectomies 3- Community of solution = group of people who come together to solve a problem that affects all of them 13\2\1428
Example of Communities of Solution
Wellness-Illness continuum
Six Components of Community Health Practice
1- Promotion of health 2- Prevention of health problems 3- Treatment of disorders 4- Rehabilitation 5- Evaluation 6- Research 13\2\1428
Allender& Spradley 6th Edition
Health Promotion All efforts that seek to move people closer to optimal well-being or higher levels of wellness 13\2\1428 Copyright (c) 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins All Rights Reserved.
Levels of Prevention: Primary Secondary Tertiary
Keep illness or injury from occurring Secondary Efforts to detect and treat existing disease Tertiary Reduce the extent and severity of a health problem to its lowest possible level to minimize disability and restore or preserve function 13\2\1428
Describe Eight Characteristics of Community Health Nursing
1- Field of nursing: shift from individual to aggregate (public) 2- Combines public health with nursing Community-based & population focused Public health sciences & nursing theory 3- Population focused 4- Emphasizes prevention 13\2\1428
Describe Eight Characteristics of Community Health Nursing
5- Promotes client responsibility & self-care 6- Use aggregate assessment measurement & analysis 7- Uses principles of organizational theory 8- Involves inter-professional collaboration 13\2\1428
END OF PART ONE … BYE…. 13\2\1428
Unit I: Foundations of Community Health
Chapter 2 Evolution of Community Health Nursing 13\2\1428
Objectives: Upon mastery of this chapter, you should be able to:
Describe the four stages of community health nursing’s development. Analyze the impact of societal influences on the development and practice of community health nursing. Recognize the contributions of selected nursing leaders throughout history to the advancement of community health nursing. Explore the academic and advanced professional preparation of community health nurses. 13\2\1428
Describe the four stages of community health development
Early Home Care (before Mid-1800s) District (local) Nursing (Mid-1800s to 1900) Public Health Nursing (1900 – 1970) Community Health Nursing (1970 – present) 13\2\1428
Early home care (before Mid-1800s)
Religious and charitable groups Elizabethan Poor Law St. Vincent de Paul Home deliveries Industrial revolution Florence Nightingale & Mary Seacole 13\2\1428
District Nursing (Mid-1800s to 1900)
Visiting Nursing (district nursing) Care of individuals Religious to private philanthropy Health visitors backbone of primary health care system 13\2\1428
Public Health Nursing (1900 – 1970)
Expansion to health & welfare of the general public Specialized programs Lillian Wald: Public Health Nursing Teachers College National Organization for Public Health Nursing Henry Street Settlement National League of Nursing Education 13\2\1428
Community Health Nursing (1970 – present)
Public Health Nursing (Epidemiology) Community-based clinics Work Sites Schools Collaboration and interdisciplinary teamwork 13\2\1428
Analyze the impact of societal influences on CHN
Advanced technology Causal thinking Educational changes Role changes for women Consumer movement & changing demographics Economic forces 13\2\1428
Identify five characteristics shared by all cultures
1- Learned 2- Integrated 3- Shared 4- Mostly tacit 5- Dynamic 13\2\1428
Case Study: Assume that you have been asked to make a home visit to a 75-year-old man living alone whose wife recently died. Besides assessing his individual needs, what additional factors should you consider for assessment and intervention that would indicate an aggregate or population-focused approach? What self-care practices might you encourage or teach? 13\2\1428
Internet Resources American Academy of Nursing: American Assembly for Men in Nursing: American Nurses Association: American Nurses Credentialing Center: American Nursing Informatics Association: American Public Health Association: 13\2\1428
Internet Resources National Association of Hispanic Nurses: National Center for Health Statistics: National League for Nursing: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing: U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics: 13\2\1428
END OF PART TWO… BYE…. 13\2\1428
Unit I: Foundations of Community Health
Allender& Spradley 6th Edition Unit I: Foundations of Community Health Chapter 3 Roles and Settings for CHN 13\2\1428 Copyright (c) 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins All Rights Reserved.
Objectives: Upon mastery of this chapter, you should be able to:
● Identify the three core public health functions basic to community among seven different roles of the community health nurse. ● Discuss the seven roles within the framework of public health nursing functions. ● Explain the importance of each role for influencing people’s health. 13\2\1428
Objectives: ● Identify and discuss factors that affect a nurse’s selection and practice of each role. ● Describe seven settings in which community health nurses practice. ● Discuss the nature of community health nursing, and the common threads basic to its practice, woven throughout all roles and settings. ● Identify principles of sound nursing practice in the community. 13\2\1428
Three Core PH Functions
1) Assessment Regular collection, analysis and sharing of information about health conditions, risks and resources in a community 2) Policy Development Use of assessment data to develop policy and direct resources toward those policies 3) Assurance Availability of necessary services throughout the community 13\2\1428
Seven Roles & Influence on People’s Health
1- Clinician: focus on holism, health promotion, & prevention while using expanded skills 2- Educator: plan for community-wide impact 3- Advocate: Support client self-determination and responsive systems 13\2\1428
How Roles & Factors Influence People’s Health
4- Manager: Participative approach with community 5- Collaborator: multidisciplinary collegiality and leadership 6- Leadership: Change agent 7- Researcher: Systematic investigation, collection, and analysis of data for solving problems and bring evidence-based findings to community settings 13\2\1428
Seven PHN Settings Homes Ambulatory Service Schools
Occupational Health Residential Institutions Parishes Community at Large 13\2\1428
Nature & Common Threads Basic to Practice
Many nursing roles Special skill sets Assessment Policy Development Assurance Variety of clients in specific situations Collaboration with other institutions Schools & Parishes Occupational Health 13\2\1428
Principles of Sound Community Nursing Practice
Standards of practice Standards of care Management essential to all nursing roles Community Nursing Process: assessment, planning, implementation, & evaluation Case management Essential Behaviors Decision-making Transferring information Relationship building 13\2\1428
Internet Resources A Day in the Life of Public Health
Public Health Nursing Section of APHA Ten Essential Services of Public Health 13\2\1428
TANK YOU …. 13\2\1428
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