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My personal archive: When the film camera became a phone, and the film became a file: a hundred years of saving our visual memories Susan Aasman.

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Presentation on theme: "My personal archive: When the film camera became a phone, and the film became a file: a hundred years of saving our visual memories Susan Aasman."— Presentation transcript:

1 My personal archive: When the film camera became a phone, and the film became a file: a hundred years of saving our visual memories Susan Aasman

2 Live Forever! Keep Me, Protect Me, Share Me and I will live forever




6 Bye Bye Super 8, Johan Kramer

7 Technologies of memory/memory of technologies

8 Changing Platforms of Ritualized Memory Practices The cultural dynamics of saving our memories

9 Rethink technological, social and cultural dimension of traditional and ritualized forms of mediated memory practices. How changing technologies of memory production (film, video or digital camera) have shaped new practices and rituals of memory staging Historicise both the changing means and meanings of home movies

10 my personal digital archive Research question: How do users archive their personal audiovisual memories in the digital age? Or: how do computer related technologies influence the way people, used to variety of tools, archive their personal audiovisual memories? Or: how do computer related technologies influence the way people, used to variety of tools, think about personal archiving?

11 practices users User generations technologies

12 User generations technologies From film to digital

13 users User generations technologies College- aged (2-25y) parents grandparents

14 practices users User generations technologies Types of visual record keeping: Local digital storage, sharing on social media, uploading to cloud service, printing, photo-album, shoebox etc From film to digital motivations: Memory,history, identity, hobby, communication parents grandparents College- aged (20-25y)

15 Are we witnessing the emergence of a “Everything I produce will be saved automatically” user generation?

16 Clip : When was the last time that you put something on your external hard drive? Jorritsma:I think it’s been about four years ago. Jilt: Why haven’t you used it in the last few years? Jorritsma: I think that I don’t really care for my photos and that I assume that I won’t lose them. Jilt: So you have a lot of trust in your technological devices? Jorritsma: Yes


18 “Everything I produce will be saved automatically”? ➢ Storage location: Local versus online, ➢ Selection: active versus automatic ➢ Selection criteria: keeping versus delete ➢ Classification: date, event, theme? Add Metadata? ➢ Curating: private versus public ➢ Sustainability: print versus digital ➢ sharing: offline versus online ➢ Taking chances, counting costs, obsolenscence

19 my personal archive Patterns of photo flow through “digital photo ecosystems” (Neustadter & Federovskaya, Kodak Research Labs) : Family members adopt different roles (capture, edit, store, distribute and display) in family photography, according to their age, expertise, and gender -> knowledge distributed between individuals Continual process of shuffling and evaluation, occasional downloading, deleting and archiving, combining old and new media traditions

20 20 ‘Technologies of the hearth

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