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4 Background and Overall ASIDI Progress

The purpose of the grant is for the eradication of entire inappropriate schools; provision of basic level of water, sanitation and electricity to schools. The grant is also referred to as the ASIDI (Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative)

6 ASIDI SCOPE OF WORKS (objectives and intentions)
On all four sub-programs the services provided adhere to GUIDELINES RELATING TO PLANNING FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE Inappropriate structures (entire mud schools, plankie schools, corrugated sheeting structures and prefab schools which are no longer fit-for-purpose) Learning and teaching spaces, water, sanitation, electricity and furniture Water Supply (schools that never had water) Municipal connection where reticulation exists. Ground water exploration and boreholes where the yield and water quality is of acceptable standard. Rain water harvesting and Elevated water tanks for storage of potable water for immediate or future use. Sanitation provision (schools that never had sanitation) Waterborne sewerage systems where sufficient water is available, Enviro-loos as well as Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) Latrines. Electrification (school that never had electricity) As far as is possible Schools are connected to the electrical grid through ESKOM. In those instances where Grid Electricity is not available Solar Electricity is provided.

7 ASIDI SCOPE OF WORKS Inappropriate Electricity Sanitation Water
Inappropriate Electricity Sanitation Water Provinces Baseline Actual to date Actual to date Eastern Cape 442 458 317 221 344 270 619 538 Free State 30 143 87 68 46 101 64 Gauteng 2 28 14 KwaZulu Natal 3 116 156 140 50 230 255 Limpopo 142 5 77 78 121 102 Mpumalanga 148 53 8 21 17 19 North West 41 4 29 16 15 Northern Cape 1 26 12 9 Western Cape 22 25 7 Total 510 527 916 535 741 1120 1006

Financial Year (ending 31 March) Budget Amount (‘000) Division of Revenue Act 2014 Division of Revenue Act 2013 Division of Revenue Act 2012 Revenue Act 2011 FY11/12** R700 000 FY12/13** R2 065 000 R2 315 000 FY13/14** R2  R5 189 000 FY14/15 R2 938 500 R3  R5 500 340 - FY15/16*** R2 433 310 R2  FY16/17*** R2 610 660 TOTAL R13 236 470 R11  R13 454 340 R8 204 000

Baseline Actual to date 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total APP targets (Projected number of schools which will go into implementation) 510 527 - 49 140 150 171 Actual/ projected No of schools rolled out for implementation 151 99 228 Actual/Projected number of schools built/to be built 17 36 62** 107 155 **To date, 39 schools have been completed for 2014/15

Appointed IAs are DBSA, IDT, CDC, Adopt A Schools, ECDPW, NDPW, FSED and WCED. 299 schools have been allocated to IAs. The balance of the projects are in EC. Since inception 92 schools have been completed as follows: In Eastern Cape 78 schools have been completed In WC 9 schools have been completed In Mpumalanga 3 schools have been completed In Free State 2 schools have been completed Sub Programme Inappropriate schools Fin Year  Target  2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 APP targets 510 - 49 140 150 171 No of schools and the year of roll out 151 99 Year of Completion  17 36 39

11 ASIDI PROGRESS - WATER Sub Programme Water Fin Year Target   2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 App Targets 1120 188 932 - Completed 342 156 49 137 Implementing Agents are KZNED, WCED, NWED, GED, FS ED, CSIR, Mvula Trust, IDT, CDC and Mhlathuze Water. All projects are in implementation. Since inception 342 schools have been completed as follows: In Eastern Cape - 131 In FS - 30 In Gauteng – n/a In KZN - 74 In Limpopo - 91 In Mpumalanga - 10 In NW - 3 In NC - nil In WC - 3

Sub Programme Sanitation Fin Year Target   2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 APP targets 741 354 387 - Completed 351 188 64 99 Implementing Agents are KZNED, WCED, NWED, GED, FS ED, CSIR, Mvula Trust, IDT, CDC and Mhlathuze Water. All projects are in implementation. Since inception 351 schools have been completed as follows: In Eastern Cape - 139 In FS - 13 In Gauteng – 14 In KZN - 72 In Limpopo - 73 In Mpumalanga - 9 In NW - 9 In NC - 3 In WC - 19

Sub Programme Electrification Fin Year Target  2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 APP Targets 914  231  683 Completed 288 144 77 67 Implementing Agents are WCED, GED, FS ED, and ESKOM. All projects are in implementation. Since inception 288 schools have been completed as follows: In Eastern Cape - 166 In FS - 23 In Gauteng – 2 In KZN – 43 In Limpopo - 5 In Mpumalanga - 39 In NW - 2 In NC - n/a In WC - 8


IA Baseline ASIDI IPMP No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented The Mvula Trust (Batch I) Water 84 2 82 The Mvula Trust (Batch I) Sanitation 60 1 59 The Mvula Trust (Batch II) Water 121 8 7 106 The Mvula Trust (Batch II) Sanitation 57 27 11 30 49 IDT (Batch I) Water 134 6 128 IDT (Batch I) Sanitation 79 71 IDT (Batch II) Water 96 94 IDT (Batch II) Sanitation 13 46 CSIR (Batch I) Water 152  165 39 126 CSIR (Batch I) Sanitation 63  50 43 Total 905 67 64 804 Total Water projects to be implemented is 536 Total Sanitation projects to be implemented is 268

IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) Tender/Procurement No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) The Mvula Trust Batch 1 141 The Mvula Trust Batch 2 154 51 103 IDT Batch 1 199 122 77 IDT Batch 2 140 CSIR Batch 1 169 43 126 Total 804 183 299 322

No of Projects in execution Per IA No of Projects to be implemented No of projects with construction at 25% No of projects with construction at 50% No of projects with construction at 75% No of projects at PC The Mvula Trust (Batch I) Water 82 The Mvula Trust (Batch I) Sanitation 59 The Mvula Trust (Batch II) Water 106 46 60 The Mvula Trust (Batch II) Sanitation 49 5 44 IDT (Batch I) Water 128 17 36 25 IDT (Batch I) Sanitation 71 11 19 52 IDT (Batch II) Water 94 IDT (Batch II) Sanitation CSIR (Batch I) Water  126 15 53 58 CSIR (Batch I) Sanitation  43 TOTAL 804 32 100 177 322 Total Water projects at PC are 167 Total Sanitation projects at PC are 155

No of projects that achieved/ or are to achieve PC Per IA Cumulative at Q3 Jan-15 Feb -15 Mar - 15 The Mvula Trust (Batch I) Water 82 The Mvula Trust (Batch I) Sanitation 59 The Mvula Trust (Batch II) Water 47 15 The Mvula Trust (Batch II) Sanitation 46 5 IDT (Batch I) Water 10 14 IDT (Batch I) Sanitation 33 8 6 IDT (Batch II) Water IDT (Batch II) Sanitation CSIR (Batch I) Water  0 CSIR (Batch I) Sanitation Total 267 53 50

Baseline ASIDI IPMP No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented DBSA (Batch I) 50 1  0 49 DBSA (Batch II) IDT (Batch I) 14 2 12 IDT (Batch II) 36 CDC (Batch I) 32 8 25 DPW (Batch I) 16 NDPW (Batch I) TOTAL 234 11 224

Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of projects at tender/ procurement No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) DBSA (Batch I) 49 DBSA (Batch II) 50 IDT (Batch I) 12 3 9 IDT (Batch II) 36 CDC (Batch I) 25 1 5 16 DPW (Batch I) 4 NDPW (Batch I) Total 224 39 67 78

No of Projects in execution Per IA No of Projects with work commenced No of projects with progress less than 25 % No of projects with construction at 25% No of projects with construction at 50% No of projects with construction at 75% No of projects at PC DBSA (Batch I) 49 DBSA (Batch II) 50 11 20 12 7 IDT (Batch I) 1 2 9 IDT (Batch II) 36 CDC (Batch I) 25 4 16 DPW (Batch I) 3 NDPW (Batch I) Total 224 24 14 17 78

22 No of projects that achieved/ or are to achieve PC
EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE Inappropriate Structures - Actual PC and Projected PC No of projects that achieved/ or are to achieve PC Per IA Cumulative at Q3 Jan - 15 Feb - 15 Mar -15 DBSA (Batch I) 49 DBSA (Batch II) 2 IDT (Batch I) 9 1 IDT (Batch II) CDC (Batch I) 16 4 DPW (Batch I) NDPW (Batch I) Total 78 5 10

23 WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
1. Number of projects being implemented IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented WCED 17-MAY-12 25 (14 +11) 25 Total 2. Progress in terms of number of projects being implemented IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) WCED Batch 1 14 WCED Batch 2 11 Total 25

24 WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
3. Number of Projects in Execution Per IA No of Projects with work commenced Construction at: 0 to 25 % 26 to 50 % 51 to 75 % 76 to 99 % Projects at Practical Completion WCED Batch 1  14 6 (62% Average) (91% Average) 2 WCED Batch 2  11  2 (23% average)  (37% Average) (87% Average) Total 25 9 Note / Comments: West Coast Cluster (3 Schools) – Replacement Contractor (H&I) was appointed and sites was handed over to them in December ‘14.

25 WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
4. Practical Completion Projections for Western Cape: 4.1. WCED Batch 2: WCED Batch 1: Project Name: Planned Practical Completion Dates: Mount View SS Phase /11/2014 Phase 2 – 02/07/2015 Phase 3 – 29/09/2015 Voorspoed PS Phase /05/2015 Phase 2 – 11/08/2015 Red River PS Phase /07/2015 Silverstream PS Phase /02/2015 Phase 2 – 19/10/2015 Scottsdene SS Phase 1 – 23/10/2014 Phase /05/2015 Phase 3 – 08/05/2015 Delft South PS Phase /06/2015 Rosewood PS Phase /02/2015 Phase 2 – 07/04/2015 Tygersig PS Phase /02/2015 Phase 2 – 07/05/2015 Du Noon PS Phase /06/2015 Phase 3- 14/08/2015 Vooruitsig PS Phase /06/2015 Phase 2 – 18/09/2015 Swartberg SS Phase1 - 12/12/2014 Phase 2 – 30/03/2015 Project Name: Practical Completion and Planned Practical Completion Dates: Delta PS Phase /05/2014 Phase 2 – 30/03/2015 De Duine PS Phase /06/2014 Phase 2 – 27/02/2015 Sophumelela SS Phase /07/2014 Phase 2 – 12/12/2014 Hawston PS Phase /07/2014 Phase 2 – 15/05/2015 Kensington SS Phase /04/2014 Phase 2 – 16/01/2015 Portia PS Phase /08/2014 Heideveld PS Phase /08/2014 Knysna SSS Phase 1 – 16/08/2013 Phase 2 – 04/06/2014 Phase 3 – 16/08/2014 Phase 4 – 12/02/2015 Kasselsvlei PS Phase 1 – 29/01/2015 Phase 2 – 30/04/2015 Sophakama PS Phase /04/2015 Phase 2 – 30/07/2015 Valhalla PS Phase 1 – 06/02/2015 Phase 2 – 30/06/2015 Parkview PS Phase 1 – 30/08/2015 Phase 2 – 31/10/2015 Wesfleur PS Willemsvallei PS .

26 MPUMALANGA PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
1. Number of projects being implemented IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented DBSA 27-NOVEMBER -12 5 3 Total 2. Progress in terms of number of projects being implemented IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) DBSA 5 2 3 Total

27 MPUMALANGA PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
3. Number of Projects in Execution Per IA No of Projects with work commenced Construction at: 0 to 25 % 26 to 50 % 51 to 75 % 76 to 99 % Projects at Practical Completion DBSA 5 1 72% 78% 3 100% 100 % 100% Total

28 MPUMALANGA PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
4. Practical Completion Projections for Mpumalanga: Project Name: Practical Completion and Planned Practical Completion Dates: Ngema PS (100%) Practical Completion - 12/11/2014 Works Completion – 08/12/2014 Planned Final Completion – 28/02/2015 Wesselton PS (78%) Planned Practical Completion - 11/03/2015 Planned Works Completion – 07/04/2015 Planned Final Completion – 19/07/2015 Tiyimeleni PS (72%) Practical Completion - 14/03/2015 Works Completion – 02/04/2015 Planned Final Completion – 30/06/2015 Goba PS (100%) Practical Completion - 05/11/2014 Works Completion – 22/01/2015 Planned Final Completion – 24/04/2015 Loding PS (100%) Practical Completion - 22/08/2014 Works Completion – 10/11/2014 Planned Final Completion – 16/02/2015 .

29 MPUMALANGA PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
1. Number of projects being implemented IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented TMT (BATCH1) WATER May 2012 25 7 2 20 TMT (BATCH 1 ) SANITATION 10 12 Total (TMT) BATCH 1 35 9 40 2. Progress in terms of number of projects being implemented IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) TMT(Batch 1) Water 20 TMT(Batch 1) Sanitation Total (TMT) Batch 1 40

30 MPUMALANGA PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
3. Number of Projects in Execution Per IA No of Projects with work commenced Construction at: 0 to 25 % 26 to 50 % 51 to 75 % 76 to 99 % Projects at Practical Completion TMT(Batch 1) Water 20 1 6 12 TMT (Batch 1) Sanitation 9 Total (TMT) Batch 1 40 2 15 21

31 FREE STATE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
1. Number of projects being implemented IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented IDT 21-Jun-12 10 DBSA 27-Nov-12 1 11 FS DoE 14-May-13 3 2 9 Total 30 2. Progress in terms of number of projects being implemented IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) IDT 10 1 9 DBSA 11 FS DoE Total 30 2 19 IDT: - Sehlabeng - contractor still be to appointed. DBSA: - Construction on (Metsimatle) is delayed due to EIA study. EIA approved in Jan 2015 FS DoE: - Number of projects reduced to due to zero progress achieved since May 2013

32 FREE STATE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools (Continued)
3. Number of Projects in Execution Per IA No of Projects in execution (IDMS) Construction at: 0 to 25 % 26 to 50 % 51 to 75 % 76 to 100 % Projects at Practical Completion IDT 9 2 1 3 DBSA 10  0 FS DoE Total 19 4 6 5

33 FREE STATE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools (Continued)
4.1 Progress and Practical Completion Projections for IDT School Name Contract Amount Site Handover Date Contract Practical Completion Date Revised Practical Completion Date Contract Period Elapsed (%) Physical Progress to Date (%) Caledon Park Primary School R 17/07/2013 02/06/2014 18/12/2014 132% 84% Diamanthoogte Intermediate School Pending TBC Terminated on 28 July 2014 27% Heide Primary School R 40 993 926.00 07/08/2013 13/09/2014 16/12/2014 102% 66% Itemoheng Primary School R 11/10/2013 08/09/2014 31/01/2015 116% 63% Luckhoff Combined School R 20/11/2013 04/12/2014 19/02/2015 96% 62% Nampo Secondary School R 16/07/2013 22/08/2014 25/03/2015 111% 77% PT Sanders Intermediate School R 100% 93% Boshof Intermediate School Terminated on 5 Feb 2014 16% Sehlabeng Secondary School 0% Tweespruit Primary School Terminated on 15 April 2014 3% Note: Contract amounts exclude decanting works figures

34 FREE STATE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools (Continued)
4.2 Progress and Practical Completion Projections for DBSA Schools Project Name: Contract Amount Contract Start Date Anticipated Practical Completion Contract Period Elapsed (%) Actual Physical Progress (%) Bethlehem C/S 53,354,164.86 16 April 2014 8 Apr 2015 69% 43% Ntsu S/S 65,377,645.87 28 Feb 2015 73% 46% Clarens P/S 29,030,087.61 29 Aug 2014 31 Mar 2015 41% 26% Dorrington Matsepe I/S 72,562,777.26 18 March 2014 17 Feb 2015 82% Phephetso S/S 53,477,082.20 31 Jan 2015 90% 84% Vredefort P/S 40,205,392.32 19 March 2014 19 Dec 2014 100% Lehutsho P/S 47,560,854.95 20 March 2014 15 Dec 2014 97% Metsimatle S/S Delayed EIA approved Pele-ya-Pele S/S 29,835,380.72 15 Feb 2015 79% 34% Qalabotjha S/S 28,695,588.66 25 March 2014 27 Feb 2015 81% 38% Tjhebelopele P/S 45,463,919.26 26 March 2014 19 Jan 2015 75%

35 FREE STATE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools (Continued)
5. Independent Development trust (IDT) Practical Completion: PT Sanders has successfully reached Practical Completion on 9th October 2014 and the new structures were handed over. Delay in removal of the 5 remaining decanting units by FS DoE impacted negatively on completion of sports field. Penalties Contractors at Caledon Park I/S, Itemoheng P/S, Heide P/S and Nampo S/S): are on penalties Nampo: Poor workmanship at Nampo S/S is being addressed. However, the contractor is on penalties. Outstanding Appointments Sehlabeng: Contractor to be appointed.

36 FREE STATE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools (Continued)
5. Independent Development trust (IDT) – continued Terminations: Three(3) Contracts were terminated due to lack of progress. (Boshoff I/S – 6 February 2014, Tweespruit P/S – 16 April 2014, and Diamanthoogte – 28 July 2014) IDT forwarded Boshoff I/S and Tweespruit P/S replacement Contractors’ request for concurrence to DBE. However, IDT is uncertain on how the difference in original tender amounts for terminated Contractors and proposed new Contractors would be paid. DBE has requested IDT to clarify how the variance will be dealt with. IDT response remains outstanding General - IDT Slow rate of progress on various IDT’s sites remains a concern Notice of default and intention to terminate IA MoA was issued to IDT by DBE on 29 July 2014, and IDT responded on 14 August 2014.

37 FREE STATE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools (Continued)
Development Bank of SA (DBSA) DBSA have appointed Contractors for 11 schools and handed over 10 out of the 11 sites. Delays Pele Ya Pele School: The contractor experienced delays due to clashing with undetected water and electrical services running beneath the construction site.   Qalabotjha S/S: Ground water issues were resolved. A notice for Extension of Time has been received but not yet approved. Recovery plan still outstanding. Delay in Tranche payments is causing late payment to Contractors. This could have negative impact on the programme 

38 FREE STATE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools (Continued)
6. Development Bank of SA (DBSA) - continued Delays Tjhebelopele P/S: The Contractor was delayed by the steel strike.   The EoT claim is currently being reviewed.  Metsimatle Secondary School: A delay in the approval of an Environmental Impact Assessment by the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (DETEA) resulted with delay in commencement of this project. The EIA was approved in Jan DBSA will commence with procurement process.

39 FREE STATE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools (Continued)
7. General Comments: FS DoE The FS DoE was appointed to implement replacement of inappropriate schools on 14 May 2013 and to date conceptualisation and design for these schools has not started. The FS DoE was issued with a Final Notice letter dated 25 August 2014 re: Final Notice and Intention to Terminate On 05 February 2015 the DBE has taken a decision to reduce the scope of work of the FS DoE on the ASIDI programme to only be limited to the basic services projects The 9 inappropriate schools project will no longer form part of the projects being implemented by the FS DoE

40 FREE STATE PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
1. Number of projects being implemented IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented FS DoE Water 14-Dec-12 37 8* 29 FS DoE Sanitation 36 FS DoE Electricity 64 12* 12** Total 137 20 12 129 * FS DoE have identified 8 water schools and 12 electrical schools where teaching activity has ceased since Jan 2014. **FS DoE have indicated the addition of 12 electrical projects. 2. Progress in terms of number of projects being implemented IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) FS DoE Water 29 FS DoE Sanitation 36 FS DoE Electricity 64 54 10 Total 129 90 39

41 FREE STATE PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
3. Number of Projects in Execution Per IA No of Projects with work commenced Construction 0% to 25% Construction at 26% to 50% Construction at 51% to 75% Construction at 76% to 100% No of projects at PC FS DoE Water 29 34 FS DoE Sanitation FS DoE Electricity 10 9 Total 39 4. Free State Department of Education (FSDoE) 4.1 Water: FS DoE Water Contractors appointments were approved by DBE and FS DoE had aligned the SDPs and BOQ. Variation Orders were submitted to DBE/PSU, however additional information was requested by DBE PSU from FS DoE and remains outstanding;

42 FREE STATE PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
No SDPs approved to date. No appointments of contractors made to date. Request for concurrence for appointment of contractors was forwarded to DBE. Concurrence was declined due to non-compliance with PFMA & PPPFA. 4.3 Electricity: No appointments of contractors for installation made to date and tender validity period has expired. Request for concurrence for appointment of contractors was forwarded to DBE. Concurrence was declined due to non-compliance with PFMA. 4.4 General FSDoE have indicated their intention to re-tender sanitation and electricity projects FSDoE to submit formal request to DBE for re-tendering of the sanitation and electrical projects.

43 GAUTENG PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
1. Number of projects: IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented Electricity: 2011/2012 04-May-12 2 Water: 2013/2014 10 Sanitation: 7 14 14+4 11 Total 23 25 28 26 No of Projects allocated as per DBE Appointment letter (reference 003), signed and dated 14th December 2012. Total No of Projects added as per scope change approved by DBE on 23rd July 2013, for work to be complete under the following Categories - Category (i) Conversion of pit latrines to water borne systems, (7 No.) - Category (ii) Replace septic tanks with conservancy tanks (11 No.). - Category (iii) Water quality and water pressure (10 No.) A further 4 schools from Category ii removed as per DBE scope change Letter 007, signed and dated 27th June 2014

44 GAUTENG PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
2. Progress in terms of number of projects being implemented IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) Electricity: 2 2011/2012 Water: 2013/2014 10 Sanitation: 7 Total 26 17 9

45 GAUTENG PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
3. Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) 2013/2014 List of schools: Category (ii) – Replacement of Septic Tanks with Conservancy Tanks at 11 schools still to be done. Category (iii) – Improvement of water quality and pressure at 10 schools still to be done. Following the DBE’s decline for concurrence for appointment of preferred contractor by Rand Water Foundation, GDE terminated their agreement with Rand Water Foundation. DBE is intending to takeover the management of the implementation of /14 projects

46 KWAZULU NATAL PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
Progress: Adopt-A-School Project Name: DBE Estimates AAS Contract Amount incl. Approved VO’s Contract Start Date Planned Practical Completion Lembe Primary R 28,076,202.03 R 17,001,612.00 1 April 2014 30 Sept 2015 Enhlanhleni Primary R 25,792,789.18 R 21,208,284.00 Ingweni Phaphama R 26,239,357.28 R 18,920,024.00 1 July 2014 31 Dec 2015 Project Name: Contract Amount incl. approved VO’s Contract Start Date Planned Practical Completion Contract Period Elapsed (%) Actual Physical Progress (%) Lembe Primary R 17,001,612.00 1 Apr 2014 30 Sept 2015 53% 56% Enhlanhleni R 21,208,284.00 43% Ingweni Phaphama* R 18,920,024.00 1 Nov 2014 31 Dec 2015 16% 31%

47 KWAZULU NATAL PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
1. Number of projects being implemented IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented MW WATER 07-Dec-12 79 7 1 71 MW SANITATION 10 3 Total (MW) 89 78 CDC WATER 70 4 2 64 CDC SANITATION 20 16 Total (CDC) 90 6 80 IDT WATER 69 73 IDT SANITATION 27 Total (IDT) 4* 2* 17 100

48 KWAZULU NATAL PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
2. Progress in terms of number of projects being implemented IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) MW WATER 71  55  16 MW SANITATION 7 1 6 Total (MW) 78 56 22 CDC WATER 65 44 14 CDC SANITATION 15 3 10 2 Total (CDC) 80 54 16 IDT WATER 73 29 IDT SANITATION 27 13 Total (IDT) 100 58 42

49 KWAZULU NATAL PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
3. Number of Projects in Execution Per IA No of Projects with work commenced Construction at 25% Construction at 50% Construction at 75% No of projects at PC MW WATER  71 45 26 MW SANITATION 7 1 6 Total (MW) 78 46 32 CDC WATER 57 25 CDC SANITATION 13 9 4 Total (CDC) 70 41 29 IDT WATER 73 27 IDT SANITATION 3 18 Total (IDT) 100 51 Total KZN 248 138 106

50 LIMPOPO PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
Development Bank of Southern Africa Date of appointment : 27 November 2012 Number of schools allocated : 3 The contractor at Sedibeng Special School – expected to reach PC by 14 Jan 2015 The contractor at Molepo Primary School – expected to reach PC by 28 Feb 2015 The contractor at Honoko Primary School) has managed to make significant progress following the delays experienced from the rock. There contractor is experiencing some difficulty in getting material delivered onto the site but has made suitable interventions to deal with the situation. The contractor is expected to reach PC by 5 Mar 2015. Project Name: Contract Amount Contract Start Date Planned Practical Completion Contract Period Elapsed (%) Planned Physical Progress Actual Physical Progress (%) Molepo Primary School R26,540,123.40 20 March 2014 28 Jan 2015 100% 70% 98% Sedibeng Special School R 7,502,547.48 19 March 2014 20 Dec 2014 Honoko PrimarySchool R 4,249,285.66 18 April 2014 5 Mar 2015 80% 40% 60%

51 LIMPOPO PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
1. Number of projects being implemented IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented Water 10-May-2012 83 12 5 64 Sanitation 37 2 35 Total 10-May-12 115   14*  5 99 *Mvula Trust submitted a list of 19 schools which were not implemented as they had proper infrastructure or closed ** 1 No. water school not found, not even on NEIMS. Mvula Trust to submit scope change to remove these schools from ASIDI Master List The Limpopo Provincial Department of Education has been requested to confirm the latter findings, where-after an application will be lodged to have these projects been removed from the list of projects to be implemented. 2. Number of Projects in Execution Per IA No of Projects with work commenced Construction at 26% to 50% Construction at 50 51% to 74% Construction at 75% to 100% No of projects at PC Water 64 8 57 Sanitation 35 34 Total 99 91

52 LIMPOPO PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
No. of projects that achieved / or are to achieve PC Per IA (Mvula Trust) No. of Projects to be implemented Cumulative at Q2 Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Dec 2014 2015 Water 64 57 7 Sanitation 35 34 1 Total 99 91 8

53 NORTH WEST PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
Development Bank of Southern Africa Date of appointment : 27 November 2012 Number of schools allocated : 2 DBSA have appointed inappropriate school contracts and sites handed over as follows: The contractor at Motaung Primary School is 22days behind time - delays due to steel strikes The contractor at Toevlug Primary School submitted a VO for an EoT for 11days due to the construction of retaining walls Project Name: Contract Amount Contract Start Date Revised Practical Completion Contract Period Elapsed (%) Planned Physical Progress Physical Progress to Date (%) Motaung Primary School R 44,846,815.19 18 Mar 2014 12 Feb 2015 100% 90% Toevlug Primary School R 34,464,798.06 18 Mar2014 19 Feb 2015 93%

54 NORTH WEST PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
1. Number of projects being implemented IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented Batch 1: DoE NW 5 Dec 2011  28 13 15 ** IDT Water 3 ** IDT San 12 Batch 2: DoE NW Water 12-Sep-13 1* 11 DoE NW San 9 8 Total 49 34 *DoE NW Batch 2: 1 x Water project (Setshabha) and 1 x sanitation project Pemelo Motsheg are removed from list of schools in Batch 2. Schools handed over to Department of Social Development. Scope change approved by DBE 31st July 2014.

55 NORTH WEST PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
2. Progress in terms of number of projects being implemented IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) Batch 1: IDT Water 3 IDT San 12 2* 10 Batch 2: DoE NW Water 11 DoE NW San 8 Total 34 19 2 13 *Contractors put on hold. DBE and NWPED agreed to include Sione and Rakoto into Batch 2. No progress made on all Batch 2 projects due to internal SCM challenges within NW PED. In Jan 2015, NW PED surrendered all Batch 2 projects to DBE.

56 NORTH WEST PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
3. Number of Projects in Execution * Tirelo Farm School Per IA No of Projects with work commenced Construction at 25% Construction at 50% Construction at 75% No of projects at PC Batch 1: IDT Water 3 IDT San 10 1* 9 Batch 2: Total 13 1 12 4. Practical Completion Projections for North West Per IA Total No of Projects to be implemented Cumulative since start to end Oct 2014 Dec-14 2015 Batch 1: IDT Water 3 IDT San 12 9 Batch 2: Water 11 San 8

57 NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Inappropriate Schools
Development Bank of Southern Africa Date of appointment : 27 November 2012 Number of schools allocated : 1 Scope changes : JG Jansen School substituted by Sternham DBSA have appointed Ruwacon (Pty) Ltd; site was handed over on 26th March 2014 and the anticipated Completion is schedule for January 2015 Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion Planned Works Completion Planned Final Completion Sternham I/S Phase 1 (65%) 26 March 2013 22 Sept 2014 12 Nov 2014 25 Mar 2015 Sternham I/S Phase 2 (35%) 11 August 2014 27 Jan 2015 11 Feb 2015 Project Name: Contract Amount Contract Start Date Planned Practical Completion Contract Period Elapsed (%) Physical Progress to Date (%) Sternheim School R 26,040,840.58 26 Mar 2014 11 Feb 2015 91% 85%

58 NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Water and Sanitation
1. Number of projects being implemented IA Date of Appointment No of projects Allocated as per Appointment letter No of projects Cancelled due to sufficient infrastructure No of Projects Cancelled due to closures No of Projects added as change of scope Total No of Projects to be implemented PED WATER 14-Dec-12 5 4 1 PED SANITATION 21 2 on hold 20 Total 26 Split on above per PED appointed IA: FOUR SANITATION SCOPE CHANGED TO WATER PED water 9 PED sanitation IDT San 7 1 On Hold  6 Public Works San 2 On Hold 

59 NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
2. Progress in terms of number of projects being implemented IA Total No of Projects to be implemented No of projects at Planning (IDMS) No of projects at detailed design (IDMS) No of Projects in execution (IDMS) No of Projects at close out (IDMS) PED water 5 PED sanitation 1 IDT sanitation 6 1 On Hold Public Works San 9 2 Total 21 2 on Hold 8 11

60 NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
3. Number of Projects in Execution Per IA No of Projects with work commenced Construction at: 0 to 25 % 26 to 50 % 51 to 75 % 76 to 99 % Projects at Practical Completion PED water 3 PED sanitation 2 1 IDT sanitation 5 Public Works San 6 4 Total 16 4. Practical Completion Projections for Northern Cape Per IA Total No of Projects to be implemented Cumulative since start to end Oct 2014 Nov-2014 Dec-14 to Jan-15 2015 PED Water 7 6 IDT Sanitation 3 1 2 Public Works San 8

61 NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Water and Sanitation (Continued)
5. General Tadcaster – has reached Practical Completion. Challenge with septic tank due to high ground water level. Currently connected to an existing septic tank but there remains questions about the capacity of the tank. Installation of prefab septic tank currently on hold because the building has been vandalised already. PED plan to address situation with principal. Gazes - slow progress, no progress for last 4 months because of community unrest in JT District. NC DoE terminated the contract & intending to appoint a replacement contractor Glenred - No progress for past 4 months due to Community unrest in JT District. NC DoE terminated the contract & intending to appoint a replacement contractor Ditshipeng - Practically Completed and was handed over to school during January. There is a problem with water supply to the tank and the Ablution is not functional. PED is intending drilling a borehole using EIG funds. Kegomoditswe - Practically Completed. Handed over to the school during April and is in use. Public Works progress very slow


63 Contents PROGRESS SUMMARY – Electrification
No Progress on Batch 1 schools (117/118) Batch 2 schools, 1 school completed for the month of November and December (93/169 and 47/122) Actual expenditure reported for November 2014 = R 444,628 in VAT Actual expenditure reported for December 2014 = R 1,616,102 in VAT

64 Progress per Province - Dec


66 COMMITMENTS / EXPENDITURE - 2014/15 Fin Year (1)

67 COMMITMENTS / EXPENDITURE - 2014/15 Fin Year (2)





  DoRA ALLOCATION versus ACTUAL EXPENDITURE April - Dec (9 Months) Projected Cash Flow According to DoRA Allocation R Actual expenditure through BAS R Balance Treasury Allocation / BAS Expenditure R Claims in Process & Accruals R Shortfall Treasury Allocation / BAS & In Process R CASH OUTLAY - DBE April – Dec (9 Months) Balance on Tranche Payments (Un-spend portion) R Actual Expenditure through BAS R Other Opex through BAS R Total Expenditure according to DBE R DoRA Allocation 9 Months R Shortfall according to DBE R

73 Graphs

74 COMPARISON (Dec 2014)

75 CLAIMS IN PROCESS & ACCRUALS 31-12-2014 (1)

76 CLAIMS IN PROCESS & ACCRUALS 31-12-2014 (2)




80 Development Facilitation reporting points per IA
ASIDI Targets PSP Jobs created PSP intern Jobs created Labour created Local Economic Development Skills development General comments

81 Employment Targets Target
Creation of work opportunities by the end of the programme 35% of beneficiaries to be women, 30% youth and 2% people with disabilities Progress as at end of December 2014 Job Opportunities have been created since inception of the programme, till December 2014, with 1644 & 80 new recruits in November and December respectively. Labour count 9497 for month of December 2014 In most sites labour desks have been established

82 Employment –New Monthly Recruits Per IA 2014
2012/13 Jan ‘14 Feb ‘14 Mar ‘14 Apr ‘14 May ‘14 Jun ‘14 Jul Aug Sept Oct ‘14 Nov ‘14 Dec’ 14 IA Totals EC DBSA 3566 463 998 720 1584 80 7411 EC CDC 1088 EC IDT 857 82 939 EC IDT w/s 280 155 226 173 557 84 51 1526 EC PW 222 101 98 19 38 478 EC Mvula 741 1306 150 66 27 2290 CSIR 160 96 256 Kzn IDT 316 338 654 Kzn Mhlz 352 Kzn CDC 442 220 662 Kzn Adopt 67 113 180 WC PW 759 9 768

83 Employment –New Monthly Recruits Per IA 2014
2012/13 Jan ‘14 Feb ‘14 Mar ‘14 Apr ‘14 May ‘14 Jun ‘14 Jul Aug Sept Oct ‘14 Nov ‘14 Dec ‘14 IA Totals NW IDT 41 138 179 NW DBSA 211 62 51 10 42 27 403 MP DBSA 164 17 181 MP Mvula 374 LP DBSA 12 38 55 73 23 201 LP Mvula 1573 FS IDT 258 80 20 288 64 874 FS DBSA 306 547 274 59 346 1532 FS PeD ws 24 7 31 NC PeD 113 79 192 NC DBSA 39 16 8 33 4 1 101 Totals/mth 9250 461 2013 898 1188 156 1553 1004 2229 1364 537 1644 22 245

84 Job Opportunities

85 Job Opportunities Per Province

86 Labour Count / IA

87 Equity Employment 2013/14

88 Equity Employment 2013/14 IMPLEMENTING AGENT 2013-December 2014 YOUTH
YOUTH WOMEN DISABILITY EC CDC 522 97 3 EC DBSA 2348 720 12 EC DPW 375 48 EC IDT 524 62 1 EC MVULA 1313 252 23 EC IDT ws 670 362 NW IDT 82 14 NW DBSA 284 32 WC DPW 588 33 MP DBSA 99 19 MP MVULA 186 47 FS IDT 85 FS DBSA 938 54 2 FS DoE 31 LP MVULA 417 146 LP DBSA 49 11 NC PeD 79 KZN Adopt 113 KZN IDT ws 331 78 KZN CDC ws 229 NC DBSA 51 TOTAL 9753 2108 45

89 Education and Skills Development Target
1 learnership per site on learnership programme 10% of the workforce to be recognised for prior learning Achieved to date 124 learnership on ASIDI project sites

90 Internships created per IA 2013
IMPLEMENTING AGENT INTERNS EC CDC 49 EC IDT w/s 9 EC Public Works 30 WC Public Works 29 FS IDT 6 FS DoE w/s 1 Total 124



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