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Rhetorical Appeals The Art of Persuasion. What is rhetoric? The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhetorical Appeals The Art of Persuasion. What is rhetoric? The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhetorical Appeals The Art of Persuasion

2 What is rhetoric? The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.

3 Aristotle’s Role in Rhetoric  Aristotle ( 384-322 BCE ) is the most notable product of the educational program devised by Plato.  He wrote on an amazing range of subjects, from logic, philosophy, and ethics to physics, biology, psychology, politics, and rhetoric— the art of persuasion.  He defined three appeals which help authors persuade their audiences.

4 Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle Aristotle believed that a combination of the three rhetorical appeals would allow a speaker to be the most effective in persuasion.

5 A Look at How Persuasion Works What Aristotle and Joshua Bell can teach us about persuasion What Aristotle and Joshua Bell can teach us about persuasion

6 The Three Types of Appeals

7 Logos Logos = logic The argument is based on facts, evidence, and reason; a logical appeal. Giving reasons is the heart of any argument. This was Aristotle’s favorite one!

8 How is this using Logos?  Statistic makes us believe that the gum will remove stains from our teeth.  It will also get us out of traffic tickets!  It makes sense that we would buy this gum.

9 Pathos Pathos = passion/emotion Appealing to the reader’s emotions and feelings This can be ANY emotion – fear, sympathy, excitement, happiness, etc. Example: Q Q Q

10 Ethos Ethical appeal Credibility Convincing because of the character of the author/speaker

11 How does this use Ethos?  It’s a toothpaste ad and dentists know all about teeth!  Man is wearing a white coat – he looks legitimate & trustworthy.  We should believe him and buy this toothbrush.

12 Why should I care about logos, pathos, and ethos? These rhetorical devices are used in our daily lives – they are everywhere! Advertisements – a BIG one! Public service announcements Politicians use them

13 Why should I care about logos, pathos, and ethos? You and your friends use them Trying to convince your parents to let you go out with friends on Friday Trying to get a boyfriend/girlfriend to watch the new action movie when they want to see a comedy. It’s all about persuasion! It’s all about persuasion! Your 10 Honors Class – Shakespeare! Your 10 Honors Class – Shakespeare!

14 Let’s Take a Closer Look… With your table group, examine the two advertisements assigned to you and complete the worksheet. Decide which type of appeal they use (there can be more than one!). Why do the advertisers use the appeal(s) they do? Find a third advertisement in a magazine and complete the same process. Present your findings to the class.

15 Rhetorical Appeals – Day 2 The Art of Persuasion

16 Let’s Review…

17 Who is he? What important thing did he do?  Aristotle  He wrote about rhetoric—the art of persuasion.  He defined three appeals which help authors persuade their audiences.

18 Type of Appeal and Why?  Logos  Statistic  It makes sense that we would want to buy this gum – no teeth stains and maybe no speeding tickets!

19 Type of Appeal and Why?  Pathos  Appeals to our emotions – we feel empathy, sympathy, and sadness.  We want to donate our money to help the animals (and get that beautiful tote bag!).

20 Type of Appeal and Why?  Ethos  Dentists know toothbrushes!  Man is wearing a white coat – he looks legitimate & trustworthy.

21 Time to Present! Elect a spokesperson for your group. When your ad appears on screen, tell us what appeals are used and how/why they are used. Stand and share the magazine advertisement you found.















36 How does this relate to Julius Caesar?

37 Let’s begin Act III Big moment in the play! Shakespeare demonstrates his brilliant use of language. Pay attention to the rhetorical devices and appeals that are used.

38 Your ticket out of here… With a partner, identify one example of ethos, one example of logos, and one example of pathos in Julius Caesar (any part of the play that we’ve read so far). Write a 2 sentence explanation for each appeal. Be sure to state why each appeal is used.

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