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Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Issues Institutional Training Management Team Professional Development.

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1 Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Issues Institutional Training Management Team Professional Development

2 Definition of TLO The main objective of a lesson plan, it is the performance required of the learner to demonstrate competency in the material being taught. What a student must be able to do at the end of the lesson “Terminal” means “Terminal” (By the end of the lesson)

3 Tasks to TLOs SMART 1. S pecific Says exactly what the learner will be able to do 2. M easurable Can be observed by the end of the training session 3. A ttainable For the participants within scheduled time and specified conditions 4. R elevant To the needs of the participant and the organization 5. T ime-Framed Achievable by the end of the training session TRADOC Pamphlet 350-70-XX, page 178

4 Three parts of a TLO Action. Specifies performance expected – Only one present tense action verb – Observable, measurable, and reliable Condition. Describes the "condition" under which the objective is taught or measured – includes: environment, safety considerations, resources, and constraints Standard. Criteria used to measure student performance – Observable, measurable, and achievable TR 350-70, Table 6-5, page 73

5 Action Statement Guidelines Clear statement of what the student must do Should only have one action verb Verbs must be TRADOC approved verbs for Learning Objectives Verbs must be used as defined by TRADOC Verbs must be Observable, Measurable and Reliable Match the action verbs to the standards verbs

6 Example Action Statement WRONG: “Determine and understand the cultural factors (beliefs, norms, values, religion, language, history, etc.) that bear on cognition – how individuals and groups receive, perceive and act on information.” RIGHT: “Identify cultural factors that affect how people receive, perceive and act on information.” Explanation is in notes below

7 Condition Statement Guidelines Refers to the condition of the learning, not the operational performance of the action/task Describe what is provided and what is withheld May be modified if necessary May include the following: – Learning environment – Safety considerations – Resources – Constraints Conditions reflect job or FSO conditions as closely as possible

8 Example Condition Statement WRONG: “In an operational environment, given relevant Field Manuals or similar doctrinal publications, a Subject Matter Expert on Cultural Awareness and appropriate training aids.” RIGHT: “In a classroom environment, given A Soldier’s Guide to Cultural Awareness, chapter 1; higher headquarters planning products; including Operations Order, Intelligence Estimate, map depicting higher headquarters’ Area of Operations and subordinate unit reports.” Explanation is in notes below

9 Standard Statement Guidelines Verbs used in the standard statement should logically match the verb in the action statement Standard statement should be self-contained – Don’t just refer to a manual or regulation – Describe what the document requires Verbs do not have to be written in past tense Criteria in standard statement must be taught Standards must be measurable, observable, and achievable

10 Example Standard Statement WRONG: “Students identified and explained cultural factors, their significance to individuals and groups, and identified ways to incorporate cultural factors into IIA activities.” RIGHT: “Develop a 15 minute briefing: 1.Describe cultural factors that might impact on Inform and Influence Activities (IIA). 2.The description must include a discussion of beliefs, norms, values, religion, language, and history.” Explanation is in notes below

11 Summary TLO must relate directly to assessment TLO is centerpiece of Lesson – Action. What the student must do – Condition. Circumstances in which the student must perform the action – Standard. How well the student must do the action

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