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GEF: Engagement with Indigenous Peoples Yoko Watanabe, GEF Secretariat Indigenous Peoples Focal Point & Lucy Mulenkei, GEF IPAG Chair 14 th UNPFII Side.

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Presentation on theme: "GEF: Engagement with Indigenous Peoples Yoko Watanabe, GEF Secretariat Indigenous Peoples Focal Point & Lucy Mulenkei, GEF IPAG Chair 14 th UNPFII Side."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEF: Engagement with Indigenous Peoples Yoko Watanabe, GEF Secretariat Indigenous Peoples Focal Point & Lucy Mulenkei, GEF IPAG Chair 14 th UNPFII Side Event 23 April 2015

2 Overview IP Participation at the GEF GEF Indigenous Peoples Projects and Portfolio GEF Principles and Guidelines for Engagement with Indigenous Peoples Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group

3 Participation of Indigenous Peoples at the GEF Access to GEF funds for projects Involvement and participation in GEF projects Involvement in GEF policy and operation processes (e.g. GEF Assembly, Council, etc) Involvement in COP processes and help provide guidance to GEF Involvement in GEF Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG) and CSO Network.

4 GEF Project Modalities GEF Small Grants Programme – national project selection process in more than 130 countries Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) – Project selection at the hotspot level. Medium and Full Size Projects – National level: STAR allocation for BD, LD, and CC. No STAR for IW and Chemical/Mercury. Country Portfolio Programming. – Regional and Global levels – GEF Agencies and Operational Focal Point at the country

5 GEF Portfolio related to Indigenous Peoples About 220 Full and Medium Sized Projects involved Indigenous Peoples Approximately 15% of GEF Small Grants Programme Projects

6 GEF Indigenous Peoples Policies and Strategies  GEF Focal Area Strategies and Results Framework -Incorporate strategies and indicators related to Indigenous Peoples  GEF Project Review Criteria -Clarify stakeholders participation, including indigenous peoples and gender groups, in project preparation and implementation.  GEF Public Involvement Policy (1996)  GEF Minimum Standards on Envi. & Social Safeguards, including Indigenous Peoples (2011)  GEF Principles and Guidelines for Engagement with Indigenous Peoples (2012)

7 Respect for Indigenous Peoples’ and their members’ dignity, human rights, and cultural uniqueness Full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in the identification, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of project activities. Activities are to be carried out in transparent and open manner, including full documentation Adoption of a standard of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) for GEF-financed projects for which FPIC is required by virtue of the relevant state’s ratification of ILO Convention 169, and where it is required by domestic legislation or other applicable international obligations Availability of GEF Indigenous Peoples Focal point and the Conflict Resolution Commissioner as needed GEF Principles and Guidelines

8 GEF IP Principles and Guidelines: Mechanisms for Implementation GEF Indigenous Peoples Focal Point Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group Capacity building and Information exchange Strengthened Financial Arrangements Enhanced Monitoring Systems

9 IPAG was established as a key implementation mechanism of the GEF Principles and Guidelines for Engagement of Indigenous Peoples Enhance coordination between Indigenous Peoples and the GEF related to policy, projects and processes Provide guidance and expert advice to the GEF Indigenous Peoples focal point on the operationalization of the GEF Principles and Guidelines Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group Origin

10 Seven members comprised of: 3 Indigenous Peoples, drawn from a pool of candidates self-selected by Indigenous Peoples worldwide 1 Indigenous Peoples representing the GEF CSO Network’s Indigenous Peoples Representatives, 1 independent expert drawn from a range of partners and stakeholders 1 representative among the GEF Partner Agencies 1 GEF Indigenous Peoples focal point, serving as a Secretariat of the Group IPAG Composition

11 IPAG Operations – Meets once or twice per year. Since July 2013, met 3 times and next one in May 2015. – Chair selected among IP representatives on rotational basis. – Members serve 2-year terms, eligible to serve no more than 2 consecutive terms (4 years) – Responsible for developing, adopting and implementing a 2yr work plan – Members are volunteer based and do not receive remuneration.

12 Key Functions and Work Plan  Financing arrangements to expand the number of GEF Indigenous Peoples projects  Capacity building for Indigenous Peoples and the GEF  Enhanced participation in GEF projects and processes  Improved measuring, monitoring and reporting tools  Input into key GEF policies and strategies

13 Thank you!

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