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Raster Data in QGIS Matthew Rosencrans Tom DiLiberto.

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Presentation on theme: "Raster Data in QGIS Matthew Rosencrans Tom DiLiberto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raster Data in QGIS Matthew Rosencrans Tom DiLiberto

2 Outline What is Raster Data? Supported Formats What can one do with Raster Data?

3 Raster Data Raster Data = gridded data – NWP Model Output – Imagery – LDAS outputs – LIDAR/RADAR – Interpolated fields from point/line/polygon data

4 Raster Data QGIS uses GDAL libraries – GDAL = Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

5 Supported Formats ArcInfo Grid (ASCII or Binary) GeoTIFF/GeoPDF ERDAS IMAGINE/ ENVI GIF/JPG/PNG netCDF HDF4/5 NGSGEOID USGS DEM OGC formats Grib2

6 Raster Data What good is data without interpretation? Need to colorize/stylize/query

7 Symbologies Singleband Psuedocolors Multiband

8 Symbologies Pseudocolor – Scalar fields – Temperature – Precipitation – Satellite Index Choose colors Decide your thresholds Apply

9 Creating Raster Data Interpolation of point data – Multiple methods Inverse distance weighted (CPC) Natural Neighbor (used by CPC and USDA) Kriging – SAGA GIS - open source for making Gridded Data

10 Creating Raster Data Inverse distance weighted (CPC) – Power Value higher = emphasis on the nearest points, less smooth lower = emphasis on further points, smoother – Control number of points – Non physical

11 Creating Raster Data Natural Neighbor (used by CPC and USDA) – Voronoi (Thiessen) polygons constructed – Sample point, new Thiessen polygon constructed – Weight = proportion of overlap new/initial poly

12 Creating Raster Data Kriging – SAGA GIS – Some issues with software – Assumes distance or direction between sample points can be used to explain variation in the surface – forms weights from surrounding values to predict unmeasured locations

13 Raster Processing Clipping – GDAL Clip Raster By Extent. Instead of masking out ocean, or able to subset for country or province Extracting Point Sampling Extracting by value Resampling (helps to match resolution) Mathematical operations within and across rasters Raster Addition/subtraction Creating Totals, Climatologies, Anomalies Local Statistics (Zonal Statistics)

14 Raster Processing Clipping – GDAL Clip Raster By Extent.

15 Raster Processing Resampling (helps to match resolution)



18 Raster Processing Extracting Point Sampling –QGIS Plugin or SAGA tool Extracting by value

19 Raster Processing Mathematical operations within and across rasters Raster Addition/subtraction Creating Totals, Climatologies, Anomalies Covered in Day 3 Local Statistics (Zonal Statistics)

20 Raster Processing Lab Work will cover Symbolizing Rasters Querying rasters Clipping Raster Calculator Calculations Interpolations Querying rasters at points

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