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1 E XPLORING THE N ANOLANDSCAPE Scanning Probe Microscopy.

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1 1 E XPLORING THE N ANOLANDSCAPE Scanning Probe Microscopy


3 3 The Nanoscale Atomic diameter ~ 0.3 nm = 3 Å Microelectronics interconnect ~ 0.25 µm – Red blood cell (5µm)

4 4 Proximal Probes

5 5 History Topografiner Tunneling through a controllable vacuum gap Scanning Tunneling Microscope Atomic Force Microscope (Scanning Force Microscope)

6 6 Operation of a Scanning Probe Microscope Scanning with sub-Angstrom precision Probe detection (e.g., current, force, position, …) Electronics processing Computer control Image processing Vibration isolation Environmental control (e.g., vacuum, atmosphere, fluid; temperature)

7 7 Scanning Tunneling Microscope Omicron

8 8 Scanning Force Microscope

9 9 Tunneling One-dimensional tunneling Density of electronic states of sample and tip = sample wavefunction = tip wavefunction = workfunction

10 10 Forces Typical: Contact vs. non-contact modes... Forces to atto-newton (10 -18 N) range...

11 11 Themes IMAGING INTERROGATING MANIPULATING atoms and nanoscale objects


13 13 Large-scale  Atomic-scale Graphite 4.2 nm  4.2 nm STM Gold Grating 30 µm  30 µm STM DiNardo

14 14 Semiconductor Surfaces - Si(100) Tilted dimer SymmetricDimer Unreconstructed L) Occupied R) Unoccupied Hamers, 1986

15 15 Temperature-dependent Reconstructions Low-temperature Si(100)-c(4  2) vs. (2  1) –Domain boundaries, p(2  2) regions Wolkow, 1992

16 16 Homoepitaxial Growth - Si(100) Mo, 1988

17 17 Fractional Images Probing atomic orbitals –Frequency-modulated Atomic Force Microscopy –Si tip / Si(111)-7  7 Si atom Giessibl, 2000

18 18 Metal Surfaces Wahlström, 1998

19 19 0.4 ML Ag/Cu(110) c(10  2) model a, b) 230  230 nm 2 c) 5.4  5.4 nm 2 d) 3.8  3.8 nm 2 Sprunger, 1996

20 20 Interfaces - Cross-sectional Imaging Ohmori, 1999

21 21 Molecular Adsorption - CO/Pt(111) Pederson, 1996

22 22 Coatings - Colloidal Latex Particles VacancyRecovery Faulted Layer Interstitial DefectLine DefectOrientation Change Brennan, 2000

23 23 Coatings - Latexes

24 24 Carbon Nanotubes Odom, 1998

25 25 Overlapping Nanotubes Avouris, 1999

26 26 Nanotube Shapes and Forces Avouris, 1999

27 27 Biological Macromolecules - Collagen Brennan, 2000

28 28 Biological Macromolecules - Fibronectin Brennan, 1999


30 30 Visualizing the Tunnel Junction STM-TEM Naitoh, 1996

31 31 Scanning Ohnishi, 1998

32 32 Bias-dependent imaging ~ Graphite DiNardo

33 33 Bias-dependent imaging ~ GaAs(110) GaAs(110) (cleaved) surface Feenstra, 1987

34 34 Spectroscopy ~ on the Nanoscale Beam techniques average over surface species SPM techniques measure density of states related to the atom (or molecule) under the tip –electronic spectrum - measure dI/dV [or (dI/dV)/(I/V)] Hamers, 1986

35 35 Electronic Spectroscopy Atom by Atom Reconstructed Si(100)-2  1 surface –Dimers –Occupied electronic states of dimers (between atoms) –Unoccupied electronic states of dimers (away from atoms) Hamers, 1986

36 36 Defects Atomic-sized defects –Al/Si(111)-√3  √3 structure –different electronic states Hamers, 1988

37 37 Chemical Reactivity NH 3 reacted with the Si(111)-7  7 surface Wolkow, 1988

38 38 Vibrational Spectroscopy Molecule by Molecule Lauhon, 2000

39 39 Chemical Reactions Lauhon, 2000 Electron-induced dissociation product - pyridine on Cu(100) at 8K

40 40 Surface Diffusion Chasing Atoms with the Atom Tracker Swartzentruber, 1996

41 41 H-enhanced diffusion of Pt atoms Horch, 1999 an STM movie...

42 42 Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) Application –Topography of integrated circuit –Monitoring an active integrated circuit Digital Instruments,

43 43 Scanning Capacitance Microscopy Nakakura, 1999

44 44 Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) Magnetic tip interaction with surface Application: Disk drive –Morphology –Magnetic structure Digital Instruments,

45 45 Scanning Chemical Microscopy Measure chemical interaction between the tip and sample Functionalize the tip with hydrophobic or hydrophilic species Scan over surface and measure adhesion force or friction force

46 46 Carbon Nanotube Tips - Functionalization - Wong, 1998

47 47 Scanning Chemical Microscopy Frisbee, 1994 / Wong, 1998

48 48 Adhesion Forces Wong, 1998

49 49 Friction Force Microscopy Macroscopic friction forces Microscopic friction forces

50 50 Polymer Thin Films Nie, 1999 Polypropylene film (a) AFM + (b) FFM, (c) non-contact AFM

51 51 nN Bond Forces Strength of a Covalent Bond Grandbois, 1999

52 52 Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy - BEEM Three-terminal setup Probe potential barrier at interface between metal and semiconductor Electrons are forward-focused without scattering (ballistic)

53 53 BEEM Bell, 2000


55 55 Moving Atoms Xe –Physisorbed noble gas - (low temperature) Fe –Quantum “Corrals” Eigler, 1991 / Crommie, 1993

56 56 Confined Electrons Reflections of free electron (waves) at boundaries Standing waves solutions One-dimensional free electron solution (infinite barrier)

57 57 Quantum Corral Crommie, 1993

58 58 Forming Nanowires Ohnishi, 1998

59 59 Nanowire modeling Okamoto, 1999

60 60 Measuring Currents through One- and Two-atomic-row Nanowires Ohnishi, 1998

61 61 Nanoelectronics Nanoscale channels Nanoscale objects Currents - description based on quantum- mechanical transport

62 62 Nanoscale patterning Desorption –H-terminated Si(100) Deposition –Fe(CO) 5 Adams, 1996

63 63 Nanotube Circuits Avouris, 1999

64 64 Nanotube FET Martel, 1998 / Avouris, 1999

65 65 Diamond-like Carbon Films STMAFM Mercer, 1996

66 66 Protein-folding Forces Rief, 1999

67 67 Comparison of Force Curves Rief, 1999

68 68 Related Techniques Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy Scanning Thermal Microscopy

69 69 Some Acronyms... STM STS AFM TM-AFM FFM, LFM CFM

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