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Democracy for children in preschool 2014-2017
Sweden - Vikbolandets preschools (Skogsgläntan, Kuddby, Önnemo och Kättinge) - Silverdansens preschool Lithuania Taskius Klauzada Spain - Santo Christo de la Vera Cruz Turkey - Mehmet Meto Anaokulu Croatia - Djecji vrtic Radost Zadar
Projectobjectives: A common understanding and consensus of the concepts of democracy, participation and influence. An approach that promotes a democratic way to work and the democratic abilities/skills. Learn by each others good example. A better understanding of UN:s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Increased knowledge of EU Keycompetences for Lifelong Learning.
Project meeting Project meeting 1A in Sweden, October 2014 – Sweden, Lithuania and Spain Project meeting 1B in Sweden, April 2015 – Sweden, Croatia and Turkey Project meeting 2 in Lithuania, May 2015 Project meeting 3 in Turkey, September/October 2015 Project meeting 4 in Spain, May 2016 Project meeting 5 in Croatia, September/October 2016 Project meeting 6 in Sweden, June 2017 Between project meeetings each partner organize their own implementation activities – for the unit, for parents and for the community in order to spread the work with the project.
Two parts in the project :
Good example of democracy in preschool: Development work at each unit Vikbolandets preschools: Equality work Silverdansens preschool: OUR Taskius, Lithuania: I´m unique Spain: Develop democratic values in preschool Klauzada, Lithuania: Personal freedom Mehmet Meto Anaokulu: Djecji Vrtic Radost Zadar: approach methods organization
Pedagogues, childrens and parents pre- knowledge
Democracy, EU´s key competences and UN´s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Pedagogues, childrens and parents pre- knowledge
Convention on the Rights of the Child
The four mainparts in the Convention: All children have equal rights and equal value. The childs interests must be taken into account in all decisions affecting children. All children have the right to life and development. All children have the right to express their opinion and have it respected.
EU´s key competences for life long learning:
Key competences for lifelong learning are a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context. They are particulary necessary for personal fulfilment and development, social inclusion, active citizenship and employment. Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign language Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competencees Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Cultural awereness and expression EU´s key competences:
Facebook Democracy for children in preschool – Erasmus+ web site
Norrköping October 2014 Barbro Wallhagen, director for preschools in Norrköpings municipality Emma, Magnus and Sabina, our three preschool managers Helene Elvstrand, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linköpings university Nelson St. Eufemia, International Relations Coordination, Municipal department of Education, Norrköping
Klauzada, Lithuania Personal freedom
Santo Christo de la Vera Cruz - Spain
Develop democratic values in preschool
Taskius, Lithuania I´m unique
Assignment until next projectmeeting, May 2015 in Lithuania:
Development work: Good example: Each preschool brings good examples in a presentation: where and when can we see democracy in our daily work, where and when can we see that children have participation in our daily work, when colleagues and our selves work at a democratic way. Each preschool shows where they are now in their work – the process from october until May 2015: Silverdansen, Sweden – OUR network Vikbolandet, Sweden – Equality work Spain – The right to participation Taskius, Lithuania – I´m unique Klauzada, Lithuania – Personal freedom Croatia – Turkey -
Focus at this project meeting:
The project Studyvisits at our preschools
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