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Input and Output devices  Input devices put data into the computer.  Output devices process data out of the computer. LO: Recognise and compare input.

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Presentation on theme: "Input and Output devices  Input devices put data into the computer.  Output devices process data out of the computer. LO: Recognise and compare input."— Presentation transcript:

1 Input and Output devices  Input devices put data into the computer.  Output devices process data out of the computer. LO: Recognise and compare input and output and storage devices. Learning outcome: Give correct response to exam-type questions

2 Examples of input devices KeyboardMouse Touch pad Tracker ball Webcam/ Security camera Joystick Bar code Reader Scanner Digital Camera

3 More input devices Midi instrumentsSensors Concept/specialised Keyboard Foot operated mouse Graphics pad Button

4 Output devices CRT Monitor LCD/TFT Monitor VDUs Laser Printer Ink Jet Printer Robot arm / Acuator Speaker Touch Screen Braille printer

5 Storage devices Magnetic tapeHard diskUSB disk CD ROMSolid State HD CostMediumHighLow High Speed V. SlowFast SlowFast Capacity MediumHighMediumLowMedium

6 Some devices can be input and output

7 Optical storage devices CD-ROMCD-R (Recordable)DVD Digital Veratile Disk

8 Exam Question…  Which of these are used as computer input devices? A. Keyboard B. Inkjet printer C. VDUD. Plotter

9 Exam Question…  Which of these can be used as both input and output devices? A. Mouse B. Touch-screen C. Touch PadD. Barcode reader

10 Exam Question  Which of these are output devices A. Magnetic strip reader B. Mouse C. WebcamD. Tracker Ball

11 Exam Question  Which of these are output devices A. VDUB. CRT Monitor C. Laser PrinterD. 17” monitor

12 Exam Question  Give one reason why a mouse may not be suitable for use with a laptop computer 1Can get lost 2May not be enough room to use it. 3etc…

13 Storage questions  How is data stored in a computer?  What is a ‘bit’  What is a collection of bits called?  Arrange the following into ascending order: MegabyteBitKilobyte 16-bit byteGigabyte8-bit byte

14 List the input and output devices on a tablet computer

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