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The Cold War. The Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine U.S. President was concerned about Soviet expansion into eastern Europe –Truman Doctrine US will provide.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War. The Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine U.S. President was concerned about Soviet expansion into eastern Europe –Truman Doctrine US will provide."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War


3 The Iron Curtain

4 Truman Doctrine U.S. President was concerned about Soviet expansion into eastern Europe –Truman Doctrine US will provide aid to countries threatened by Communist expansion.

5 Marshall Plan –U.S. plan to rebuild war-torn Europe. George C. Marshall = US Secretary of State –Soviet Union and its satellite states do not participate See it as America “buying support”

6 Growing Hatreds and the Arms Race By 1947, the U.S. and the Soviet Union had grown apart. –U.S. develops policy of containment Keep communism within its existing boundaries

7 New alliances form North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) –Several Western European powers ally with the U.S. Warsaw Pact –Several Eastern European powers ally with the Soviet Union


9 Development of the Arms Race Arms Race –Both countries build up nuclear weapons Both believed that an arsenal of weapons would prevent war. –Deterrence





14 Hot Spot - Berlin 1948 – USA, GB, FR sectors of Germany become West Germany. –West/East Berlin also divided 1948 – 1949 = Berlin Airlift 1961 – Berlin Wall –Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev builds a wall between East and West Berlin. –Becomes massive fortified barrier to prevent refugees from heading to West Berlin



17 Hot spot - Korea

18 Japan Hawaii Iwo Jima Leyte Gulf Okinawa Guadalcanal Coral Sea Midway

19 Hot spot - Korea Korean War –Communist North Korea attempts takeover of South Korea. NK is supported by China and Soviet Union –Because of containment, U.S. sends troops to stop spread of communism. Lasts 1950-1953 Ends in stalemate U.S. (30,000 dead, 100,000 wounded)


21 Hot spot - Cuba

22 Hot Spot - Cuba In 1959 Cuba becomes Communist under Fidel Castro 1961 –Bay of Pigs Invasion –U.S. attempts to provoke a revolt against Castro It fails miserably! After Bay of Pigs, Khrushchev sends advisors (and missiles) to Cuba. –October 1962 – U.S. finds out about missiles. –Tense standoff – closest the world would ever come to nuclear war –Cuban Missile Crisis





27 Hot spot - Vietnam

28 Vietnam War –1964 – U.S. concerned that Communist North Vietnam may invade South Vietnam Believe in domino theory – if South Vietnam fell, other countries in Asia would fall. –Long story short… U.S. does not want to provoke larger conflict with Soviets or China. –Limits military action War drags on too long and is too costly for United States Withdraw in 1973 1975 – North Vietnam invades South Vietnam, reunites country. –Domino Theory does not prove true





33 End of the Cold War Decline of Soviet Union –By 1980, the USSR was in very poor economic and social condition. US President Reagan ramps up defense spending – USSR can’t compete… –Invasion of Afghanistan “USSR’s Vietnam” –Drains Soviet military spending. –1987 – Perestroika Under Mikhail Gorbachev, USSR begins “restructuring” economically –1990 – Berlin Wall falls –1991 – USSR falls apart


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