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SS6 – Unit 2. Southern Europe… Greece  Religion – mostly Christian or Greek Orthodox  Greeks celebrate Christmas and Easterr as their major holidays.

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1 SS6 – Unit 2

2 Southern Europe… Greece  Religion – mostly Christian or Greek Orthodox  Greeks celebrate Christmas and Easterr as their major holidays  They celebrate a couple of weeks later than the US because they have their own calendar.  Ancient Greeks produced many beautiful buildings, sculptures, works of poetry, pottery, gold jewelry, and mosaics (pictures created from tiny pieces of colored stone).


4 Ancient Greek Building

5 Theatre of Herodes Atticus

6 Model of home and courtyard…

7 Southern Europe… Italy  Religion is made up mostly of Roman Catholics  Christmas, Easter, and All Saints Day is celebrated  Roman Catholic Church’s leadership is based out of Vatican City in Rome, Italy.  Southern Italians eat a Mediterranean diet of olives, bread, and fish where northern I talians eat more rice, butter, cheeses, and mushrooms  Italians are well known for their glassware, jewelry, paintings, sculptures, and fashions


9 The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa are among Leonardo da Vinci's best-known masterpieces.

10 Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo, located in Rome

11 Vatican, home of the Catholic Church, located in Rome

12 Southern Europe… Spain and Portugal  They speak 4 different languages  Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Basque  Their food is a Mediterranean cuisine including olives, olive oil, lemons, wheat, wine, fish, tomatoes, and peppers  Both countries have a high population of Roman Catholics – they celebrate major Christian holidays such as Christmas and Easter

13 Spain and Portugal…

14 Famous for bullfighting…

15 Barcelona, Spain


17 West-Central Europe… France  Language – French  Religion: mostly Roman Catholic  Diet: southern France has a Mediterranean diet and northern France eats more butter, herbs, and mushrooms  Produce many different wines and cheeses  Traditions include poetry, philosophy, music, and visual arts

18 France…



21 West-Central Europe… Germany  Religion: Christianity largest group -- mostly Roman Catholic and Protestant Evangelical Church  Many different people call Germany home, but it’s population consists of mostly ethnic Germans  Each region within the country produces its own varieties of sausage, cheese, wine, and beer  Home of the Oktoberfest … we celebrate in US



24 Northern Europe… United Kingdom (England) Official church: Church of England (protestant) Common foods: fish and chips, different meats, oat porridge, and cakes Holidays: Christmas and the Queen’s Birthday British literature is popular throughout the world along with their art and music


26 Queen Elizabeth still ruler today…

27 London Bridge….

28 Northern Europe… Ireland Language: English Religion: Roman Catholic A number of groups promote traditional Irish culture in Ireland today… Traditional Irish fold dancing and music are popular in Ireland and around the world National holidays: Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17 Irish bag pipes are common


30 Irish bagpipes…


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