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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This portal reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be.

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Presentation on theme: "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This portal reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This portal reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. ICT-DRV Facilitating and documenting work-based learning through distance learning techniques within mandatory periodic training for professional drives in Europe Claudia Ball, DEKRA Akademie GmbH (DE), 22.10.2014, Thessaloniki (HE)

2 Basic project parameter Full title: „Preparing and keeping professional drivers qualificaton up-to-date for their changing job requirements with multimedia-based learning “ Acronym: ICT-DRV Duration: 12/2012 – 05/2015 (30 months) Partners: 20 from 11 countries (11 working, 9 associated) Coordinator:DEKRA Akademie GmbH (DE) Funding: about 415.000 Euro (EC Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci/ LdV, DoI)

3 Project partnership Working partners: ● DEKRA Akademie GmbH, DE ● 3s research laboratory, AT ● AFT, FR ● FTA, UK ● TCM-UGT, ES ● TTS, FI ● DEKRA Akademie KfT, HU ● Saarland University, DE ● ITS, PL ● ETM, DE 11 partners from 9 countries Working partners from 3rd countries: ● Trucking Human Ressources Canada, CA Associated partners: ● Eurotra ● Ver.di, DE ● TYA, SE ● sfs, DE ● IAG, DE ● VTL, NL ● VTI, SE ● KMW, DE ● Remondis, DE

4 Well-qualified drivers are a rare good on the labour market in a fast changing world of work. Legal regulations, application practice and quality of ICT-based learning are strongly differing. The current discussion on ICT-based learning leaves out the „learning dimension“. Key-players are strongly sceptical towards technology-supported training. Starting point

5 Pave the way for high-quality integration of computer- and simulator-based learning into professional driver training. Emphasise considerations on the facilitation of learning within the discussion on computer and simulator application in professional driver training. Help to overcome scepticism and reservations against technology- supported training through quality. Aim

6 E-learning/ distance learning pilots Pilot I a work-based learning course with tutor facilitated e- learning support on Load Security Pilot II a self-paced distance learning course incl. assessment elements on eco- and defensive driving E-learning/ distance learning pilots Pilot I a work-based learning course with tutor facilitated e- learning support on Load Security Pilot II a self-paced distance learning course incl. assessment elements on eco- and defensive driving

7 Legal framework of CVET for professional drivers  EC Directive 2003/59/EC on initial and periodic training of professional drivers in Europe  Periodic training: _35 hours of training in 5 years _class-room-based training only (with a few excemptions)  Input oriented approach  Work-based learning plays no role at all and is NOT recognised as CVET

8 WBL obstacles and assets  Legal framework does not support and partially even prevent the recognition of WBL learning  Characteristics of professional drivers and their regular work organisation _make WBL a promissing learning/ training approach within CVET _make special kinds of support structures necessary in order to implement WBL effectively

9 ICT-DRV WBL pilot: Questions  What support structures are necessary in order to facilitate work-based learning of professional drivers on the distance?  How can work-based learning of professional drivers be documented in order to receive recognition within the relevant national legal regulations on continuous training?  What framework needs to be provided in order to adapt the facilitation of work-based learning to the individual needs and/or institutional requirements of employees and employers on work-based learning?

10 ICT-DRV WBL pilot: Realisation  Blended learning approach  Accompanying basic learning material delivered via video lectures and additional learning material  Praxis tasks to be implemented within daily work praxis (WBL)  Learner is accompanied by a tutor  Learning is evaluated/ documented with the tutor

11 Key challenges addressed  Recognition of learners prior learning in following the course  Need for guidance and support alongside work-based learning through tutor- facilitated e-learning  Adaptation of the learning content to the work-reality of the learner  Transfer of learning (content) into the daily work  Proof of learning for recognition in the framework of (formal) periodic training

12 Crucial point in the realisation of work-based learning within professional driver qualification: learning outcomes approach output/-come orientation Application of the learning outcomes approach on EC Directive 2003/59 and shift from input to output/-come orientation

13 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This portal reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. An interdisciplinary conference Technology-supported vocational training for professional drivers in Europe … a matter of quality 12/13 February 2015, Potsdam (DE)

14 High-quality e-learning and simulator/simulation-based training for professional drivers in Europe This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This portal reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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