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Academic Writing Skills: Referencing Activities and strategies to help students This is designed to be used in conjunction with the Guidelines to Referencing.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Writing Skills: Referencing Activities and strategies to help students This is designed to be used in conjunction with the Guidelines to Referencing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Writing Skills: Referencing Activities and strategies to help students This is designed to be used in conjunction with the Guidelines to Referencing and Student Guide to Referencing that can be found on the SACE website. The examples of referencing used are based on the Harvard referencing system.

2 Introduction to referencing 1. You only need to reference direct quotations.True / False 2. You need to reference ideas as well as words.True / False 3. Tables or images don’t need to be referenced.True / False 4. A reference only needs to be included in the Reference List.True / False

3 In-text referencing What elements need to be included for an in-text reference? Author’s initial Author’s surname Page number Publication year Name of book URL A comma is used after the surname.True / False / Depends on style used A comma is used after the year.True / False / Depends on style used

4 In-text referencing Use the following source to complete the in-text reference for a book. The writer used page 6. England’s first successful settlement in North America started at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 (__________________________). Reference: Geise, R 1992, American History to 1877, Barron’s Educational Services, New York. Answer England’s first successful settlement in North America started at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 (Geise 1992, p.6).

5 In-text referencing Use the following source to complete the in-text reference for a book. The writer used page 20. “…the explorers were not pushing out into wilderness, they were trekking through country that had been in human occupation for hundreds of generations. It was land that had been skilfully managed and shaped by continuous and creative use of fire. (_____________________). Reference: Reynolds, H 1990, With the White People, Penguin Books. Answer “…the explorers were not pushing out into wilderness, they were trekking through country that had been in human occupation for hundreds of generations. It was land that had been skilfully managed and shaped by continuous and creative use of fire. (Reynolds 1990, p. 20).

6 In-text referencing When is ‘et al.’ used?a.For 3 authors b.For 4 or more authors c.Only in the Reference List ‘et al.’ is useda.after the date b.after the first surname c.after all the surnames

7 In-text referencing Use the following source to complete the in-text reference for a journal article. The writer used page 14. Maintaining safety is of utmost concern when children are playing sport (_______________________). Reference: Norton, K, Dollman, J, Klanarong, S & Robertson, I 2001, ‘Playing safe: Children in sport’, Sport Health, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 12–14. Answer Maintaining safety is of utmost concern when children are playing sport (Norton et al. 2001, p. 14).

8 In-text referencing Use the following source to complete the in-text reference for a journal article. The writer used page 13. Norton et al. ( ______________ ) discuss the safety of children in sport. Reference: Norton, K, Dollman, J, Klanarong, S & Robertson, I 2001, ‘Playing safe: Children in sport’, Sport Health, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 12–14. Answer Norton et al. ( 2001, p. 13) discuss the safety of children in sport.

9 In-text referencing When using an on-line source, should the URL be included (generally)? a.Only in the in-text reference b.Only in the Reference List c.In both the in-text reference and the Reference List

10 In-text referencing Use the following source to complete the in-text reference for a journal article that has been accessed online. The writer used page 403. Gin was blamed for an increase in criminal activities (________________________). Reference Abel, EL 2001, ‘The gin epidemic: Much ado about what?’ Alcohol and Alcoholism, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 401–5, accessed 12 September 2014,. Answer Gin was blamed for an increase in criminal activities (Abel 2001, p. 403).

11 In-text referencing Correct this in-text reference. Abel ( presents … Reference Abel, EL 2001, ‘The gin epidemic: Much ado about what?’ Alcohol and Alcoholism, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 401–5, accessed 11 January 2010,. Answer Abel (2001) presents …

12 In-text referencing Use the following source to complete the in-text reference for a website. Temperature records show…… ( ____________________________ ). Reference Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology 2014, accessed 12 September 2014,. Answer Temperature records show…… (Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology [BOM] 2014).

13 In-text referencing Use the following source to complete the in-text reference for an online article. Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is sometimes known as C-G or 67P (________________). Reference Powell, C 2014, ‘Why we Explore: A Comet Tale Told in Four Pictures’, Discover, accessed 11 September 2014,. Answer Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is sometimes known as C-G or 67P (Powell 2014).

14 In-text referencing Use the following source to complete the in-text reference for an online video clip. It has been suggested that Da Vinci used mathematical measurements to design The Last Supper (_________________________). Reference Plumstreetmusic 2011, The Last Supper: Da Vinci’s Geometric Secrets of Compositions, video, accessed 14 September 2014,. Answer It has been suggested that Da Vinci used mathematical measurements to design The Last Supper (plumstreetmusic 2011).

15 In-text referencing What elements need to be included for an in-text reference for an image or picture? a.Title of image b.URL c.Date viewed d.Date published e.Publisher / artist f.Page number (if applicable)

16 In-text referencing What is missing from this in-text reference of an image? Student studying in a hall (istockphoto) a.Title b.URL / Source c.Year

17 Reference List / Bibliography A Reference List and a Bibliography are the same. a.True b.False Which contains a list of everything you have used in your writing or presentation? a.Reference List b.Bibliography Which contains a list of everything you read, but not necessarily used, to prepare for your writing or presentation? a.Reference List b.Bibliography

18 Reference List Are bullet points or numbers used in a Reference List? a.Yes b.No How is a Reference List ordered?a.Alphabetically b.Chronologically c.By date or publication The title of a book isa.written in italics b.underlined What is the correct order for a book entry in a Reference List? Author’s first name initial/year of publication/author’s surname/place of publication/title of book/publisher Answer Author’s surname/author’s first name initial/date of publication/title of book/publisher/place of publication

19 Reference List Is a URL needed for an electronic publication? a.Yes b.No Do you need to write the date you viewed the electronic source? a.Yes b.No What needs to be placed before and after the URL? a.( ) b. c.[ ] What is the correct order for a electronic source in a Reference List? Author’s first name initial/year of publication/author’s surname/date viewed/title of article or website/. Answer Author’s surname/author’s first name initial/year of publication/title of article or website/date viewed/.

20 Reference List Correct the errors in this Reference List. There are 8 errors. Anderson, LW & Krathwohl, DR (eds) 2001, A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, Longman, New York Dillon JT, Questioning and Teaching: A manual of practice, Croom Helm, London. 1988. Bloom, B, Englehart, M, Furst, E, Hill, W & Krathwohl et al., D 1956, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: the classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive Domain, David McKay, New York. Jones, C. 2005, Assessment for Learning, Learning and Skills Development Agency, London. M. Neal 2011. ‘Engaging Students through Effective Questions’, Education Canada, vol. 51, no.1, p.1. Lanius, C 2008, Making a Fractal: The Sierpinski Triangle, accessed,.

21 Reference List Answers: Anderson, LW & Krathwohl, DR (eds) 2001, A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, Longman, New York Dillon JT, Questioning and Teaching: A manual of practice, Croom Helm, London. 1988. Bloom, B, Englehart, M, Furst, E, Hill, W & Krathwohl et al., D 1956, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: the classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive Domain, David McKay, New York. Jones, C. 2005, Assessment for Learning, Learning and Skills Development Agency, London. M. Neal 2011. ‘Engaging Students through Effective Questions’, Education Canada, vol. 51, no.1, p.1. Lanius, C 2008, Making a Fractal: The Sierpinski Triangle, accessed,. Full stop needed Position of date Et al. not used in reference list Italics needed for book title Alphabetical order Order of name Date needed

22 Reference List Correct version of Reference List. Anderson, LW & Krathwohl, DR (eds) 2001, A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, Longman, New York. Bloom, B, Englehart, M, Furst, E, Hill, W & Krathwohl, D 1956, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: the classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive Domain, David McKay, New York. Dillon JT 1988, Questioning and Teaching: A manual of practice, Croom Helm, London. Jones, C 2005, Assessment for Learning, Learning and Skills Development Agency, London. Lanius, C 2008, Making a Fractal: The Sierpinski Triangle, accessed 27 Sept 2014,. Neal, M 2011, ‘Engaging Students through Effective Questions’, Education Canada, vol 51, no.1, p.1.

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