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1/5/15 Focus: 1/5/15 Focus: – The gradual decline of the Roman Empire ushered in an era of European history called the Middle Ages, or the medieval period.

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Presentation on theme: "1/5/15 Focus: 1/5/15 Focus: – The gradual decline of the Roman Empire ushered in an era of European history called the Middle Ages, or the medieval period."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/5/15 Focus: 1/5/15 Focus: – The gradual decline of the Roman Empire ushered in an era of European history called the Middle Ages, or the medieval period. Important Terms: Important Terms: Self Sufficient Self Sufficient Do Now: Do Now: What does the graph tells us about the population in Roman cities after the fall of Rome in 476 AD?

2 The Middle Ages The Early Middle Ages Impact of the Fall of Rome


4 The Middle Ages 500-1500 AD Divided into 3 periods – Early Middle Ages (500-1000 ) – High Middle Ages (1000-1300) – Late Middle Ages (1300-1500)

5 The Early Middle Ages 500-1000 AD 500-1000 AD – Fall of Rome led to changes in government, economics, and culture of western Europe – The Dark Ages

6 Impact of Germanic Invasions and Collapse of Rome on W. Europe Disruption of trade Disruption of trade – invasions – Roads were unsafe to travel – Business and trade collapsed – Money became scarce

7 Impact of Germanic Invasions and Collapse of Rome Cities abandoned as centers of government power Cities abandoned as centers of government power – Law and order collapsed

8 Impact of Germanic Invasions and Collapse of Rome Population shifts – People left cities to farm in countryside

9 Impact of Germanic Invasions and Collapse of Rome People become self- sufficient – They must be able to make and do everything for themselves.

10 Impact of Germanic Invasions and Collapse of Rome Decline of learning and knowledge Decline of learning and knowledge – Roman learning declined rapidly as people left cities – Few people could read or write Except for priests and Catholic church officials Except for priests and Catholic church officials Most Germanic tribes did not have written language or know how to read Most Germanic tribes did not have written language or know how to read – Knowledge of Greek literature, science, and philosophy almost disappeared

11 Impact of Germanic Invasions and Collapse of Rome Loss of a common language Loss of a common language – Latin language had united the Roman Empire – Mixing of Germanic people into empire lead to changes in Latin Different dialects developed Different dialects developed Led to the formation of the romance languages Led to the formation of the romance languages

12 Impact of Germanic Invasions and Collapse of Rome Roman Empire replaced by small kingdoms throughout Europe Roman Empire replaced by small kingdoms throughout Europe

13 Points for Discussion Identify one effect that the fall of Rome and invasions by Germanic tribes had on western Europe? Why is the early Middle Ages also known as the Dark Ages?

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