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Patriotism What is the speaker suggesting America stands for?speaker.

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Presentation on theme: "Patriotism What is the speaker suggesting America stands for?speaker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patriotism What is the speaker suggesting America stands for?speaker

2 next to of course god america i The poem is mocking an American patriotic pro-war speech.  List the patriotic images and texts the poem references to show how American citizen’s patriotic feelings can be manipulated by politicians.

3 next to of course god america i as a dramatic monologue The last line makes it clear that the rest of the poem is spoken by a character, rather than reflecting the poet’s own opinions.  What sort of character is he?

4 next to of course god america i next to of course god america i: structural techniques Technique First 13 lines are within speech marks – it is a first person dramatic monologue. Last line is in 3 rd person describing the person giving the speech. No full sentences Limited punctuation making phrases sound confused and meaningless Possible Meaning The character speaking is giving a speech The speech, however, is muddled and meaningless – the poem then is a parody of a political speech. The content is ironic.

5 The poem is about the power of a national flag. It’s presented as a conversation between two characters. One character asks questions about the flag and the other character responds, explaining that the flag has the power to make people fight wars and die. Flag

6 Techniques Second line in each stanza is shortest & is a refrain Rhyme scheme links the questions with the answers Use of a 2 nd refrain – in each stanza the questioner asks about a flag Final question in last stanza is different – the question changes Final two lines rhyme & final response is end-stopped Possible Meanings Creates a cynical mocking tone Flag Flag: structural techniques

7 Comparing Flagnext to of course god america i Comparing Flag and next to of course god america i 1.Compare the poems’ cynical attitudes to patriotism? Where is it apparent in each poem? 2.Why according to these two poems are soldiers willing to die for their country? 3.How do the two poems’ structures draw attention to their critique of patriotism? 4.Both poems use imagery of blind patriotism: ‘rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter’ and ‘blind your conscience to the end’. What is each poet saying in these lines?

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