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Project Phases of an EPIC Contract Pre Project Basic EngDetailed Eng Procurement Long Lead Items MC Prep Installation PC Execute PC and Commissioning Preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Phases of an EPIC Contract Pre Project Basic EngDetailed Eng Procurement Long Lead Items MC Prep Installation PC Execute PC and Commissioning Preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Phases of an EPIC Contract Pre Project Basic EngDetailed Eng Procurement Long Lead Items MC Prep Installation PC Execute PC and Commissioning Preparation MC Execute Routine Operation Start Up Mechanical Completion RFSU Plant in Operation E P I C Typical EPIC Contract

2 Commissioning Objectives Safety The plant will be commissioned in such a manner that it ensures the safety of all personnel and avoids damage to any part of the plant or equipment Design Confirmation The commissioning of the plant will prove it functions according to the design intent and within the specific system and equipment design parameters Documentation The commissioning team will ensure they document all phases of the commissioning process Auditable Trail Documentation will be kept in such a way as to provide auditable evidence of the completion process both during commissioning and during the initial stages of operation Budget and Schedule The commissioning process will be managed to ensure the project completion is within the defined schedule and budget Operational Acceptance Early operational acceptance criteria will be defined and included in the commissioning process to ensure a smooth transition at both handover and acceptance between contractor and client.

3 General Preparation General Completion Preparation Develop Commissioning Execution Plan and Strategy Define plant start up sequence Define list of systems and sub systems Develop and issue colored P&ID’s and SLD’s showing limits of sub system Compile equipment lists by sub system Develop comprehensive detailed commissioning schedule (believe in the schedule) Import relevant data into CMS tracking system Develop discipline check lists for both MC and PC MC and PC Preparation Develop MC and PC check procedures Develop MC and PC Dossiers to be used as a handover document to hold all the relevant completion information. Develop system based commissioning test procedures Develop a punch list management system Develop a handover and acceptance protocol procedure

4 Project Breakdown The standard Shell project completion strategy is based on a breakdown of systems and sub systems A system is a major sub-division of an installation that performs a major operation function of a plant. The system testing is multi-disciplined A sub system is a sub-division of the system that performs a given operational function with no or little interference from the other parts of the plant. It also contains the equipment and is usually checked and tested as a single discipline Systems and Sub systems Project System Sub-system Equipment

5 The Sub-System Approach Project Duration Without Sub System Approach Project MCPCCommStart Up Project Duration With Sub System Approach TIME BENIFIT System 1 System 2 System 3

6 Sub-System Limit Definition Sub-System Limits

7 Discipline Breakdown Within Sub-System Limits Discipline Breakdown

8 Basic Tools Required Commissioning Execution Plan and Strategy Project System Listing Project Sub System Breakdown Colored System Based P&ID’s, SLD’s Robust MC and Commissioning Schedule Completions Management System (tracking tool) Document Control Register System Interface Between MC and PC Defined between Daewoo and Kogas Cable Schedules (E&I) Equipment Lists with Tag Numbers Instrument Index Pipe Line and Valve Listing Loop Diagrams MC and PC Check Procedures MC and Commissioning Dossiers SPDC Operations Acceptance Criteria System Based Commissioning Test Procedures Punch list Management Strategy Handover Acceptance Protocol

9 Existing Project System Numbers 0 General 2 Production 4 Utilities 5 Supply/ Disposal 7 Facilities/ Safety 8 Electrical/Control 9 Civil/Structural Develop Sub-systems 58 Corrosion Inhibitor 62 Diesel 63 Instrument Air Develop Sub-sub System Boundaries 63-01 Air Compression CCGP 63-02 Air Receivers CCGP 63-03 Air Dryers CCGP 63-04 Utility Air Dist CCGP 63-05 Inst Air Dist CCGP Develop Workable System Limit and Create Multi-Disciplined Work Packs Comp A Dryer A Comp B Dryer B 6301-0016301-002 Create Work Pack Status Assign Discipline Check Procedure Mechanical MCWP PCWP Piping MCWP PCWP Instrument MCWP PCWP Electrical MCWP PCWP MC CP-A PC CP-B Developing Workable Systems and Sub-systems

10 6301-001 MC Work Pack (MCWP) Mech Comp Certificate (MCC) 6301-001 63-01-001 Discipline CP-B M E I Ready For Comm (RFC) 63-01 Pre-Comm Work Pack (PCWP) Mechanical Completion Sub SystemPre Commissioning Sub System Commissioning Sub System Discipline Check Procedures CP-A M & PE & I 63-02-001 Discipline CP-B M E I RFC 63-02 Pre-Comm Work Pack (PCWP) MCC from 6302-001 MC to Commissioning and Acceptance Flow DAC M CDAC M CDAC E CDAC I DAC P DAC E DAC I CDAC M CDAC E CDAC I CTP System 63 Air SAC

11 Typical Preparation Flow PC Documentation Develop System and Sub system Breakdown Mark up P&ID’s and SLD’s By Discipline Develop PC Work Pack by Subsystem Review PC Check Procedures and Adjust Content to Suit Project Requirements By Discipline Assign Specific Check Procedures to Each Piece of Equipment within Subsystem Boundary to PCWP Carry Out First Pass Review Internally by Other Discipline Input System/subsystem Data into Completions Database Ready for Issue of PCWP Input Data into Completions Database Adjust Data into Completions Database as Final

12 Gaps and Issues MC to PC interface and verification of completed construction works to enable Mechanical Completion verification by Commissioning.(Daewoo/Kogas) MC Work pack development by sub system (Daewoo) PC Work pack development by sub system (Kogas) MC check procedure development and assignment to equipment (Daewoo) PC check procedure development and assignment to equipment (Kogas) Commissioning test procedure development by system (Kogas) Document control system development (Kogas) Schedule detail to be further developed to include, PC activities by sub system, CTP activities by system, manpower histogram, system priority listing and production of S curve and progress indication. (Kogas)

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