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Presentation on theme: "S. Barua – CPSC 440 CHAPTER 8 INTERFACING PROCESSORS AND PERIPHERALS Topics to be covered  How to."— Presentation transcript:

1 S. Barua – CPSC 440 CHAPTER 8 INTERFACING PROCESSORS AND PERIPHERALS Topics to be covered  How to assess I/O system performance  Bus functions and types  Bus issues such as protocols, bandwidth, and arbitration  Interfacing I/O devices to the memory, processor, and operating system  I/O performance measures

2 S. Barua – CPSC 440 I/O Performance Assessment of I/O performance often depends on the Application. If system performance I/O Performancemeasured by ThroughputI/O bandwidth How much data? How many I/O operations? Response time (Elapsed time) I/O latency

3 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Application System Performance measured by Supercomputer applicationsData throughput Single-user machinesResponse time Commercial and transactionThroughput processing applications& response time

4 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Bus Basics Bus: A shared communication link between the memory and the processor and between the processor and the I/O devices. Three types of buses:  Processor-memory bus  I/O bus  Backplane bus

5 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Types of Buses Processor-memory bus: Connects processor and memory  Design – specific  Short  Generally high speed  Matched to the memory system so as to maximize memory - processor bandwidth  Requires most hardware

6 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Types of Buses (Continued) I/O bus  Lengthy  Standardized  Can have many I/O devices connected to them  Often have a wide range in the data bandwidth of the devices connected to them  Requires less hardware  Do not usually interface directly to the memory  Use either a processor-memory or a backplane bus to connect to memory

7 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Types of Buses (Continued) Backplane bus: Allows processors, memory, and I/O devices to coexist on a single bus  Lengthy  Standardized  Can have many I/O devices connected to them  Requires medium hardware  Balance the demands of processor-memory communication with the demands of I/O device-memory communication

8 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Communication on the Bus Two basic schemes for communication on the bus  Synchronous & Asynchronous Synchronous Asynchronous Control lines contain clock signal No clock in control lines All devices use same clock Devices have either independent or no clock Devices must be matched Accepts a wide range of devices Easy implementation, little logic More complex logic FasterSlower Must be kept short to maintain speed Can be longer Used for processor-memory busUsed for I/O or backplane bus Protocol based on clock Handshake protocol

9 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Bus Bandwidth Factors that affect bus bandwidth:  Data bus width Wider bus allows the transfer of multiple words in fewer bus cycles  Separate (not multiplexed) address and data lines Provides faster write operations because address and data can be transmitted in one cycle  Block transfers Sending fewer addresses will reduce the time needed to transfer large block of data

10 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Bus Access Two techniques available to control bus access:  Single bus master  Processor controls all bus requests  Drawback - Processor must be involved in every bus transaction  Multiple bus masters  Needs bus arbitration (a mechanism for deciding which bus master gets to use the bus next so that the bus is used in a cooperative rather than a chaotic way.)

11 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Arbitration Schemes for Multiple Masters Bus arbitration steps:  Device wanting to use the bus signals a bus request  After receiving a bus grant, the device can use the bus  Device signals to the arbiter when the bus is no longer needed  Arbiter then grants the bus to another device Two factors considered in deciding which device to grant the bus:  Priority : D evice with the highest priority will be serviced first  Fairness: Ensures that every device that wants to use the bus is guaranteed to get it eventually

12 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Arbitration Schemes for Multiple Masters (Continued) Types bus arbitration schemes :  Daisy chaining (centralized serial arbitration)  Centralized parallel arbitration  Distributed arbitration by self-selection  Distributed arbitration by collision detection (Ethernet)

13 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Interfacing I/O devices to the Processor and the Memory I/O addressing techniques  Memory -mapped I/O  Isolated I/O (special I/O) I/O transfer techniques  Transfer initiated by the processor Programmed I/O  Transfer initiated by the device Interrupt-driven I/O Direct Memory Access (DMA)

14 S. Barua – CPSC 440 Direct Memory Access (DMA) For high bandwidth devices such as the hard disks, the transfers consist primarily of relatively large blocks of data. DMA: Allows the data transfer to take place directly between the memory and the I/O by bypassing the processor During DMA operation:  DMA controller becomes the bus master  DMA controller directs the reads or writes between itself and the memory

15 S. Barua – CPSC 440 DMA (Continued) Steps involved in DMA  Processor sets up the DMA  Processor provides the DMA controller with  address of the device  operation to be performed on the device  memory address  number of bytes to transfer  DMA starts the operation  DMA controller supplies the memory address for read/ write  Transfers the data  Control given back to the processor  Once the DMA transfer is complete, the controller interrupts the processor  Processor regains control over the buses

16 S. Barua – CPSC 440 I/O Performance Measures  Transaction processing I/O benchmarks  Best known benchmark is the one developed by the Transaction Processing Council (TPC)  Simulates a complex query environment  Measures both I/O rate and data rate  File system benchmarks  SPECSFS – A file server benchmark by SPEC for measuring network file system (NFS) performance  Uses a script of file server requests  Tests the performance of I/O system (both disk & network) and processor  Web I/O benchmarks  SPECWeb – Web server benchmark  Simulates multiple clients requesting both static and dynamic pages from a server  Also simulates clients posting data to the server

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