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Introduction to GIScience
GTECH 361 Introduction to GIScience
Contact Information Instructor: Jochen Albrecht Office: Hunter N1030 Office hours: We, Th 2-3 PM Phone: (212) TA: Pyung Ho Kim
Course Overview GIScience is a lofty goal for this course
Principles/fundamentals of GIS is a more realistic goal Theory and practice GIS as a process Becoming a well-versed user of any GIS
Relationship to GTECH 201 Revision of course contents of undergraduate offerings One-time slight overlap with Fall 04 GTECH 201 New software (ArcGIS 9)
Texts Required: none Recommended (choice of)
Burke et al Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop (updated for ArcGIS 9). ESRI Press (but a lot cheaper from Amazon). Burrough, P and R McDonnell Principles of GIS. Oxford: Oxford University Press . deMers, Michael Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems. New York: Wiley. Worboys, M and M Duckham GIS: a computing perspective. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Policies Attendance Plagiarism Special accommodations Lab policies
Criteria for Evaluation
10 Quizzes 20% 14 Lab exercises 50% Midterm exam 15% Final exam 15% Hunter undergraduate grading scheme according to percentage of points accumulated over the semester.
Schedule Class # Date Topic 1 01/28 GIScience and GIStudies
2 02/01 Storing geographic information L1 02/04 Lab 1: Getting started with ArcGIS 3 02/08 Geographic data sources L2 02/15 Lab 2: Creating map symbology 4 02/18 Cartographic communication and geospatial visualization L3 02/22 Lab 3: Referencing data to real locations 5 02/25 Datums, projections, and coordinate systems L4 03/01 Lab 4: Organizing geographic data 6 03/04 Basic spatial queries L5 03/08 Lab 5: Creating and editing data 7 03/11 Secondary data L6 03/15 Lab 6: Exploring the geodatabases model 8 03/18 Midterm Exam
Schedule Class # Date Topic L7 03/22 Lab 7: Creating a geodatabases
9 03/24 Advanced spatial queries L8 04/01 Lab 8: Creating and editing features in a geodatabases 10 04/05 The third dimension L9 04/08 Lab 9: Adding behavior to a geodatabase 11 04/12 Raster GIS and map algeba L10 04/15 Lab 10: Getting started with GIS analysis 12 04/19 Spatial statistics and data quality L11 04/22 Lab 11: Geoprocessing and Modeling 13 05/03 GIS and society: social, legal, economic and organizational aspects L12 05/06 Lab 12: Designing maps with ArcGIS 14 05/10 Review and final exam preparation L13 05/13 Lab 13: Working with Labels L14 05/17 Lab 14: Working with Annotation 05/ /22 Final (online) Exam
Course Web Site Lecture PowerPoint slides Lab exercise instructions
Lecture PowerPoint slides Lab exercise instructions Lab exercise datasets
GIScience vs. GIStudies
GISystems (GIS) Emphasis on technology and tools GIScience (GISci) Fundamental issues raised by the use of GIS and related technologies (e.g.) Spatial analysis Map projections GIStudies (GISt) Systematic study of the use of geographic information Accuracy Scientific visualization
GIS as an Approach to Science
Geographic Information Science is research both on and with GIS. “the generic issues that surround the use of GIS technology, impede its successful implementation, or emerge from an understanding of its potential capabilities.” (Goodchild, 1992)
The Science Behind In the U.S.: geography, UCGIS
to GIS as statistics is to the statistical packages The science behind the systems Fundamental issues arising from use The science that is done with the technology Systematic study of geographic information using scientific methods Geographic Information Science is research both on and with GIS. (called geomatics in Canada, ties to surveying and engineering communities there, multilingual) “the generic issues that surround the use of GIS technology, impede its successful implementation, or emerge from an understanding of its potential capabilities.” (Goodchild, 1992)
A New Discipline Symptoms of a science
journals, terms, books, conferences, departments, heroes, cultural artifacts grand challenges What would we say to Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking? “As young man, my fondest dream was to become a geographer. However, while working in the customs office I thought deeply about the matter and concluded that it was far too difficult a subject. With some reluctance, I then turned to physics as a substitute.”
Contributing Disciplines
Geography Remote Sensing Surveying Statistics Computer Science Information Science Cartography Photogrammetry Geodesy Operations Research Mathematics Management Science
Major Journals/Magazines
International Journal of Geographical Information Science Cartography and Geographic Information Science Geographical Systems Transactions in GIS Geo Info Systems GEOWorld (formerly GISWorld)
Specialty Journals Business Geographics GIS Law Mapping Awareness
GrassClippings Arc User Intergraph News GIS Asia/Pacific GIS World Report/CANADA GIS Europe
Regular GISci Scholarly Papers
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Annals of the Association of American Geographers Cartographica Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems Computers and Geosciences IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Applications
Occasional GISci Scholarly Papers
International Journal of Remote Sensing Landscape Ecology Cartographic Perspectives Cartographica Journal of Cartography Geocarto International IEEE Geosciences Remote Sensing Review Mapping Science and Remote Sensing Infoworld
Professional Organizations
AAG: The Association of American Geographers. GITA: Geospatial Information & Technology Assoc. (formerly AM/FM) URISA: Urban and Regional Information Systems Association. ACSM: American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. ASPRS: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. UCGIS: University Consortium for Geographic Information Science
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