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 Weather Maps often use symbols to represent conditions  A common one is known as a Wind Barb.

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Presentation on theme: " Weather Maps often use symbols to represent conditions  A common one is known as a Wind Barb."— Presentation transcript:

1  Weather Maps often use symbols to represent conditions  A common one is known as a Wind Barb

2  Each part of the block has a meaning: Pressure Wind Direction Wind Speed Cloud Cover Temperature Dew Point Precipitation

3  Pressure - three digit # = pressure in millibars  027 = 1002.7 mb  Temps - usually in Fahrenheit  Dew Point - Fahrenheit

4  Precipitation - represented symbolically

5  Wind:  Direction indicated by direction of arrow  Speed by barbs  Short barb = 5 knots  Long Barb = 10 knots  Flag = 50 knots  1 knot = 1.15 mph = 1.9 kph

6  Fronts are represented by lines with markings:  Cold Fronts - Solid line with triangles pointing toward warmer air and in direction of movement  Warm Front - solid line with semicircles pointing towards the colder air and in the direction of movement.

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