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1 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 More crap Nigel Nation BU ATLAS Group Weekly Meeting 29 April 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 More crap Nigel Nation BU ATLAS Group Weekly Meeting 29 April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 More crap Nigel Nation BU ATLAS Group Weekly Meeting 29 April 2008

2 2 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 Run 33182 (Dec 4 2007)‏  castor/  169 files (Transfer problem number 50)‏ TGC sectors 9,10 and 11 were on. Run Number and Numbers

3 3 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 EMS1C Residuals

4 4 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 First pass of raw data uses a Hough Transform to remove spurious hits. 2 nd pass uses a scalable least squares algorithm allowing up to 12 tubes hit.  This allows for an acceptance angle of 80 degrees perpendicular to chamber surface (1.3 π steradians)  No method to remove δ -rays or outliers Data stored in structured root file for reprocessing Data file can be opened and viewed with self- written OpenGL event display. Method

5 5 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 Alignment with tracks  Currently MOORE does not make tracks between chambers, only between stations (EM-EI, EM-EO)‏ Need tracks in adjacent chambers 2D chamber alignment  translations in local chamber coordinates z & y  rotations about x axis  can be done between small and large chambers without TGC information 3D chamber alignment  6 A-line parameter comparison  This needs understanding of TGC 2 nd coordinate  Requires alignment of TGCs relative to MDTs Motivation for Method

6 6 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 Run 33182 (Dec 4 2007)‏ TGC Hough Animation

7 7 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 Run 33182 (Dec 4 2007)‏ TGC sectors 9,10 and 11 were on.  EMS.1C12 is triggered by TGC  No double pulses seen in TDC spectrum (Andrew Eppig)‏ Use RAW data files and filter leaving only 6-tube 6-row events Use Hough Transform to locate tracks  Only looking at 6 hits EMS.1C12 Chamber

8 8 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 Hough 3D Image

9 9 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 EMS1C12 Tracks 621967 14849441 14230657

10 10 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 Hough Histograms

11 11 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 Hough Results Histogram is being incorrectly filled. As a result the peak is incorrectly found. Currently, top plot (previous slide) bin size is 5 where as bottom is 1. Second pass of program locates peak from first histogram and expands about its peak. This is why it is failing. This results in incorrectly found track along with its associated hits

12 12 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 Tracks Hough does not pick out correct track Bins are set incorrectly

13 13 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 Move to Least Squares Routine Hough Transform is not working and need to generate track residuals.

14 14 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 What next? Modify Hough Transform to get tracks and residuals? Modify least squares to deal with more that 6 tubes hit? Intention to be able to look at residuals independently of MOORE. The intention is to compare the two results BOTH the raw hit data and the segments data. Look at delta-ray production.

15 15 Nigel Nation 30 April 2008 References

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