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Chapter 9 - Attraction Part 3: Nov. 1, 2010. Attachment and Love Evolutionary approach –Our adult relationships based partly on our experiences as infants.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 - Attraction Part 3: Nov. 1, 2010. Attachment and Love Evolutionary approach –Our adult relationships based partly on our experiences as infants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 - Attraction Part 3: Nov. 1, 2010

2 Attachment and Love Evolutionary approach –Our adult relationships based partly on our experiences as infants with our caregivers Secure attachment – 70% of infants –Definition & Examples? Avoidant attachment – 20% of infants –Definition & Examples? Insecure attachment – 10% of infants –Definition & Examples?

3 What type of relationships are reported by securely attached individuals? –Link to commitment & satisfaction? Insecure attachments? Avoidant attachments?

4 Theories of Love Passionate v Companionate Love –Companionate love: feelings of intimacy and affection not accompanied by passion –Role of self-disclosure: What are 3 patterns?

5 –Passionate love: intense longing; emotional roller- coaster Role of excitation transfer in passion: –Bridge study: How do companionate & passionate love change over time?

6 Sternberg’s Triangular Theory 3 ingredients in love – passion, intimacy, and commitment –Defs of each? Combine in varying degrees to determine kind of love

7 3 components combine in varying degrees to determine kind of love –Only intimacy  ? –Only passion  ? –Only commitment  ? –Passion + Intimacy  ? –Intimacy + Commitment  ? –Passion + Commitment  ? –All 3  ?

8 “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” video 6 couples describe their relationships Notice: –What are some themes you consistently hear from the women? From the men?

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