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INF 123 SW ARCH, DIST SYS & INTEROP LECTURE 19 Prof. Crista Lopes.

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Presentation on theme: "INF 123 SW ARCH, DIST SYS & INTEROP LECTURE 19 Prof. Crista Lopes."— Presentation transcript:

1 INF 123 SW ARCH, DIST SYS & INTEROP LECTURE 19 Prof. Crista Lopes

2 Objectives  Recap of the entire course

3 Lecture 2  Review of Architecture in Software Systems  Terminology, Definitions  Different Types of Architecture  Concrete example: OpenSimulator  What lead software architects/designers/engineers do

4 Lecture 3  Distributed Systems Recap  Computer networks – historical perspective  The OSI network model  The Internet  Basics of TCP

5 Lecture 4  UDP  DNS

6 Lecture 5  The Web  Client-Server architectures  Historical perspective of the Web  Main design principles  Universal Resource Locators  HyperText Transfer Protocol operations  HTTP requests and responses  Web caches  Cookies

7 Lecture 6  Web application programming  3-tier architectures  Media types  HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Relation to HTTP  Web Programming frameworks Wifi

8 Lecture 7  REpresentational State Transfer (REST)  Design principles  REST application design guidelines

9 Lecture 8  Web Services  Remote Procedure Calls  XMLRPC  SOAP  WSDL

10 Lecture 9  Distributed Objects  Java RMI

11 Lecture 10  External Data Representations  Endianess  XDR  XML  JSON

12 Lecture 11  Software architecture recovery  What and why  Conceptual vs. as-is  Grid Computing architectures

13 Lecture 12  Peer-to-Peer architectures  Napster  Gnutella

14 Lecture 13  Event-Based Architectures  The Internet, in practice Identification, IP addresses, ports

15 Lecture 14  Decentralization and security  Firewalls  Cryptography  MD5  Well-known threats (part1)  SLL and HTTPS

16 Lecture 15  Web application security  Well-known threats (part 2)  Due diligence

17 Lecture 16  Authentication and Authorization  OpenID and OAuth

18 Lecture 17  Trust on the Internet  Certificates and CAs  Public Key Cryptography  SSL

19 Lecture 18  How to program for security  The principle of least authority (POLA)  Good security ≈ good engineering

20 Assignments  Slice of the course material in practice:  Sniffing packets  HTTP  REST  Web programming  Services, connectors  Software architecture recovery  Firewalls  OpenID and related protocols

21 This course  Many architectures, not just one!  Main focus of this course:  Well-known software system architectures  Secondary focus:  “Good” software architectures

22 Expected knowledge  Basic understanding of how the Internet works  Proficiency on everything Web  architecture, data representations, HTTP, REST, programming, CAs, …  Confidence upon having to deal with web programming frameworks  Confidence upon having to interact with Web services  Proficiency on identifying security threats in decentralized systems  how to handle them  Awareness about non client-server architectures  P2P, EB, Grid, etc.

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