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CIOSS Executive Board Meeting Corvallis, Oregon August 30-31, 2005
CIOSS Executive Board Meeting
Agenda: CIOSS Executive Board Tuesday, August 30 8:00 Coffee and Registration 8:30 Welcome (Abbott/Vandehey) 8:45 CIOSS Overview (Strub) 9:15 NESDIS Overview (Powell/Bayler) 9:45 NOAA CI Policy (Moll) 9:55 COAST (Davis) 10:15 Ocean Vector Winds (Freilich) 10:35 Break 11:00 SST in NWF (Chelton) 11:20 Optics, Cal/Val, Color CDR (Letelier) 11:40 HAB Research (Strutton) 12:00 IOOS Obs and CIOSS (Kosro) 12:20 Coastal Modeling in CIOSS (Egbert) 12:40 Lunch/Posters 2:00 Outreach: HMSC Interactive Displays 2:20 Outreach: The SMILE HS Program 2:50 NOS Perspective (Spinrad) 3:20 Break 3:40 The NOAA Climate Office (Koblinsky) 4:00 Research-to-Operations (Wilson) 4:20 Wrap UP (Strub) 4:40 Discussion 6:00 Adjourn Wednesday, August 31 8:30 Open Discussion 9:30 Closed Discussion 11:00 Open Final Discussion
Chronology of CIOSS Development May 2002: Federal Register Notice July 2002: Proposals submitted Jan 2003: COAS notified of success Apr 2003: Year 1 Admin Begins - Core administrative funds, including Core Outreach funding SMILE – Develop HS curriculum activities/materials Oct 2003: Year 1 Research Funds arrive 6 Post-Docs in Years 1-2: Two of these begin (already recruited) GIS work (funds from CSC) Apr 2004: Year 2 Begins Post-Docs (2) continue; 1 new Post-Doc begins SMILE HS Curriculum implemented – First year HAB proposal (Strutton and Wood) successful COAST effort develops – Workshops 1 & 2 Ocean Vector Wind effort develops – Workshop 1
Apr 2005: Year 3 Begins Post-Docs (2) end; 1 continues; 3 start Omnibus Prop 7 new Core Projects proposed (not just post-docs), including SMILE Plus 1 R2O & 4 GLOBEC proposals Supplemental Proposal #1: 4 Other R2O projects Supplemental Proposal #2: Funds Curt Davis’ participation in HES planning COAST activity continues as CIOSS WG – Curt Davis moves to COAS/CIOSS Workshop 3 Color CDR Workshop Multi-Institutional Proposal: GOES-R Risk Reduction Activities (GOES-R3) Ocean Vector Winds activity continues as CIOSS WG – CIOSS Core and R2O Funding HAB work underway Executive Board Meets (August 30-31) Year 3 Funds Arrive ? Additional Outreach – Pilot displays at HMSC Four Working Groups Meet (Sept 7-9) Chronology of CIOSS Development
Future of CIOSS Development Apr 2006: Year 4 Begins Continue: Core Research Projects – Evaluate and adjust HAB Research Working Groups COAST – GOES-R3 projects, Workshop Vector Winds – Cal/Val activities, Workshop Dynamics/Modeling/ALT – Workshop 1 Product Development: CoastWatch, CIOSS & IOOS Regional Ass. R2O ? VIIRS ? Major Review: Fall-Winter 2006-07. Propose Year 5 activities, depending on results from the review.
Future of CIOSS Development Apr 2007: Year 5 Begins Executive Board Meets: Evaluate future plans, based on reviews Continue (if funded): Core Projects – Evaluate and finish old projects, solicit proposals for new HAB Research Working Groups: COAST, Vector Winds, Dynamics, Products; New? R2O ?, VIIRS ? and Develop New Directions (if funded): or, if not funded Transition: How to continue the important activities, wrap up others, start new?
NESDIS CoRP (Cooperative Research Programs) STAR: Center for Satellite Applications and Research (nee ORA) CIORS CISO CIOSS: Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies CIMSS: Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies CIRA: Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere CICS: Cooperative Institute for Climate Studies CREST: Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Center What these CI’s do: 1)Design and evaluate future and present satellites sensors Risk Reduction, Cal/Val 2)Research in atmospheric remote sensing Products of NESDIS, NWS 3)Research in modeling and data assimilation NCEP models 4)Basic research in meteorology, atmospheric sciences 5)Outreach To perform analogous functions to (2) and (3), CIOSS needs the IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) to move forward, including modeling. CIOSS is helping to make that happen.
CIOSS Research Themes Theme 1: Satellite Sensors and Techniques: Development of satellite oceanography techniques and applications; evaluation of existing and proposed satellite sensors, algorithms, techniques and applications. Theme 2: Ocean-Atmosphere Fields and Fluxes: Development, evaluation and analysis of improved fields of physical and biological parameters in the upper ocean, and of surface parameters and fluxes at the air-sea interface, using combinations of remote sensing, in situ data and modeling. Theme 3: Ocean-Atmosphere Models and Data Assimilation: Use of satellite-derived fields to force and evaluate numerical models of the oceanic and atmospheric circulation, including the assimilation of those fields using methods of inverse modeling. For some applications, the ocean models will include components of marine ecosystems. Theme 4: Ocean-Atmosphere Analyses: Dynamical and statistical analyses of data sets derived from satellites, models and in situ instruments, in order to increase our understanding of the physical, chemical, biological, geological and societal processes that affect and are affected by the ocean-atmosphere system. Theme 5: Outreach: We include three broad Outreach areas, each to be related to CIOSS research and its results. Formal Education: K-12, Undergraduate & Graduate Students, Scientists, Managers, the Public. In courses, workshops, short courses, after school activities Informal Education (“free-choice education”): Outside formal educations systems – science museums, web sites, forums, etc. Data Access: Methods of enhancing the use of satellite and model data sets.
CIOSS Research Themes Theme 1: Satellite Sensors and Techniques: GOES-R3, Ocean Vector Winds, VIIRS Cal/Val, NPP?, ALT?, SST? Theme 2: Ocean-Atmosphere Fields and Fluxes: Improved global SST fields (Reynolds); improved coastal winds, surface radiation, mesoscale circulation fields (ALT, SCAT, Radar) Theme 3: Ocean-Atmosphere Models and Data Assimilation: Coastal models with DA of ALT, Radar, moorings, …; Coupled ocean-atmosphere models; Pilot “Ocean Prediction” systems; Global model DA (IOM/ITR) implementation Theme 4: Ocean-Atmosphere Analyses: Air-sea interaction; Coastal frontal positions; Satellite climatology; Basin-scale modes; Surface slope vs poleward undercurrent; etc. Theme 5: Outreach: Formal Education: SMILE program Informal Education (“free-choice education”): HMSC Interactive Displays Data Access: Oregon Coastal Atlas (Ocean Coastal Management Program)
CIOSS Research Projects and Interactions Year 1-3 Postdocs NRL model analysis (NRL) Optical data sets off Oregon (NESDIS Cal/Val) Surface radiation flux fields Improved fine-resolution winds (NESDIS) ALT-SCAT-Radar mesoscale fields (NESDIS) Coastal Data Assimilation (NOPP, GLOBEC [NSF, NOS, NMFS, Rutgers, LDEO,…], NSF CoOP) HAB analysis (NESDIS, State of Oregon, OAR, NRL) Other Year 1-3 Projects SMILE & MRM Masters thesis (NOS/HazMat, Coast Guard) HMSC Displays (Oregon Sea Grant, NESDIS/CoastWatch, NOAA Environmental Literacy Initiative) COAST/GOES-R (NESDIS, NOS, CSC, NRL, NASA, many partners – academic, Federal and private) Research-to-Operations (NESDIS, private firms, NWS operational forecast offices) WindSat validation (NESDIS) SST influence on boundary layer dynamics (NCEP, ECMWF) Frontal analysis (NESDIS) Coupled (Ocean-Atmosphere) models in the coastal region (ONR) Pilot ocean predictions Hyperspectral analysis (NESDIS, NRL) “Dynamics” Working Group (NRL, NOS, JCSDA, NOPP) Interactions now include: All 5 NOAA LO’S, NRL, NASA, NSF, ONR, State of Oregon, ECMWF, NOPP, JCSDA, IOOS Regional Associations, NSF ORION, and various academic institutions.
CIOSS Research Projects and Interactions Interactions now include: All 5 NOAA LO’S, NRL, NASA, NSF, ONR, State of Oregon, ECMWF, NOPP, JCSDA, IOOS Regional Associations, NSF ORION, and various academic institutions. The question is no-longer how to establish interactions with NOAA and other Federal partners; it is how to nurture the established or beginning interactions? Annual proposal for Core Research Proposals to various NOAA calls Proposals to the JCSDA Interactions within CIOSS WG’s (COAST, Oc Vector Winds, Dynamics, Products) Workshops for specific activities Interactions within the developing IOOS and ORION programs Individual visits to either assess potential collaborations or to accomplish the research in those collaborations (“science exchanges”) Visits in summer 2005 by Laury Miller (1+ week) and Dick Reynolds (~ 1 month) serve as models of successful science exchanges, both “exploratory” (Miller) and “working” (Reynolds) visits. To pay for Federal travel to CIOSS, we suggest that funds be held at NESDIS/STAR, under CIOSS’ control ($20-$40K)?
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