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1. We Are All In The Benefits Ballgame Together!! 2015 Benefit Open Enrollment Presentation.

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2 We Are All In The Benefits Ballgame Together!! 2015 Benefit Open Enrollment Presentation

3 Items we are reviewing today… Immanuel Benefits Preventive Care Urgent Care VS Emergency Room visits Health Savings Accounts—new limits & vender change in March 2015 Wellness reward What’s new for Immanuel? How to enroll for benefits?

4 1 st Inning Your Health Plan has 2 Parts: Your Coventry tax-free $$ Part 1: Health Insurance Plan Part 2: HSA Bank Account New Vendor

5 Medical Plan No plan design change $1500 Single deductible/$3000 Family deductible AND this is also your Out-of-Pocket maximum! Once the deductible is met the plan pays 100% for the rest of the plan year Coventry recently merged with Aetna-we now have an expanded network of Aetna providers New premium rates Adding same-sex spouse

6 Same-Sex Spouses Same-sex spouses are now eligible to be added to our current medical plan. If a same-sex couple was married in a any state that allows for same-sex marriages such as Iowa, dependent spouses are eligible to be on our plan regardless of where the couple resides. Just like other life events, documentation is required---proof of marriage (marriage certificate).

7 What applies to your deductible?? Deductible RX’s In Patient Hospital Outpatient Surgery Physical Therapy ChiropractorDoctor visit

8 Preventive Health Care Paid for by our Immanuel Health Plan @ 100% So….what does this include???? Annual Physicals Mammograms Well-woman care (pap smear) Diabetes screening Certain Osteoporosis screenings Well baby & child care Prostate cancer screening Colon cancer screening Adult & childhood immunizations

9 Emergency Room or Urgent Care What should I do??? There has been an up swing of emergency room visits mainly evenings and weekends. Just a reminder that some Urgent Care locations are open extended hours in the evenings and open at least part of the weekend hours. Average cost of an Emergency Room Visit is $1,350. Average cost of an Urgent Care Visit is $120. Average cost of a call to Nurse Advisor Line Free. We all need to be good health care consumers and keep the costs down for ourselves and our health plan!

10 Immanuel VS Competitor Deductible: $1,500 individual $3,000 family Out-of-Pocket Maximum: $0 individual $0 family *Once deductible is met plan pays 100%. Out-of-pocket has been met too. This is key!! HSA Employer Contribution: $350 individual max per yr. $1077 family max per yr. Wellness Reward: $377 per eligible employee Deductible: $2,000 individual $4,000 family Out-of-Pocket Maximum: $5,000 individual $10,000 family In addition to deductible before plan pays 100%. HSA Employer Contribution: $0 individual $0 family Wellness Reward: Non-specified incentive

11 2015 Medical Premiums (FTE.8 or 32 hrs per week) – EE Only $52.75 biweekly $47.48 subsidized rate** – EE + Spouse $178 biweekly $160.20 subsidized rate** – EE + Child(ren)$165 biweekly $148.50 subsidized rate** – EE + Family $202 biweekly $181.80 subsidized rate** **Employees with a wage of $14 per hr or less receive a 10% discount on medical premiums.

12 2015 Medical Premiums (FTE.7 or 28 hrs per week) – EE Only $69.25 biweekly $62.33 subsidized rate** – EE + Spouse $232 biweekly $208.80 subsidized rate** – EE + Child(ren)$215 biweekly $193.50 subsidized rate** – EE + Family $263 biweekly $236.70 subsidized rate** **Employees with a wage of $14 per hr or less receive a 10% discount on medical premiums.

13 Immanuel’s Premium History 2009201020112012201320142015 EE Only$48.00$38.00 $41.75$45.75$49.75$52.75 Savings 0% Neutral 10% Increase 10% Increase 9% Increase 6% Increase Table shows Employee Only per pay period premiums for the last 7 years as seen in the previous slide with the graph. The percentage of increase over the 7 years has averaged 3.65% compared to the market averages ranging between 25% and 35%.

14 14 Immanuel Total Medical Plan Cost Annually

15 EXAMPLE EMPLOYEE SCENARIO Employee earns: $12.00 an hour and is a 1.0 FTE (fulltime) = $24,960 Annually $24,960 X 2.5% merit increase is a $624 increase = $25,584 Employee Only health insurance premium was $44.78*/pay period = $1,164.28 for the year. *Note: EE receiving 10% premium subsidy. 2015 Premium increases to $47.48** ppp = $1,234.48 or $70 for the year *Note: Premium increase is just over 6% for 2015 employee only Net = $554

16 2 nd Inning HSA Account Your Health Savings Account is pre-tax dollars you set aside to help you pay for your out-of-pocket medical expenses such as your deductible, RX, other OOP qualifying expenses. What are the advantages? Tax Savings—using pre-tax $$$ Flexible—--it is your account Rolls over from yr. to yr. Portable---it goes with you Makes you a better health care consumer because you are conscious of YOUR money that you are spending for health care costs

17 H.S.A. IRS Maximum Contribution Limits 2014 Employee Only $3,300 Employee Plus/Family $6,550 Catch-up (age 55+) $1,000 **IRS added $50 to singles and $100 to families. 2015 Employee Only $3,350 Employee Plus/Family $6,650 Catch-up (age 55+) $1,000

18 New HSA vendor on the horizon In the 1 st quarter of 2015 we will be moving to a new HSA vendor for a number of reasons including: easier enrollment process investment opportunities(mutual funds/stock) lower fees associated with account larger network of banking locations We will conduct educational meetings after the first of year to explain in detail what will be happening and how it affects you.

19 3 rd Inning Wellness Reward 2016 Need to earn 150 points during 2014-2015 as well as complete the: Biometrics Screening Health Risk Assessment Tobacco Affidavit **Employees who start after July 1 st and special groups are grandfathered for the wellness points.

20 Wellness Reward There is some added flexibility in earning wellness points by doing a charity/community sponsored run/walk/cycle event of your choice. Receive 30 points by completing an Access Wellness form and providing the event number or letter of participation. Or you may receive 20 points by doing some community sponsored volunteer work and completing the Access Wellness Volunteer Verification form signed by a Community agency staff member.

21 4 th Inning Change to Dental Plan Annual maximum ($1,200) is ALL for dental expenses. Same Plan Design & Same Carrier---Ameritas There is incentive coinsurance which increases from 80% (1 st year), 90% (2 nd year) & 100% (3 rd year). Adult and Child Ortho 50% up to $3,000 lifetime maximum ($1,500). There is a dental reward carryover from year to year with dental rewards up to $250.

22 Dental Rewards You earn dental rewards by submitting at least one claim for dental expenses incurred during the benefit plan year, while staying under total claims $500 in the same year. The one claim could be your preventive check-up. The annual carryover amount of $250 is added to the following year’s maximum of $1200 the first year. Additional bonus of $100 is earned if you see a PPO provider. The accumulated maximum carryover amount is $1000.

23 5 th Inning NEW Vision Plan Separate plan and premium - no longer part of dental Now eligible to receive a vision exam every 12 months Up to $180 on frames or contacts (most lens options are covered in full in network) Claims processed by the dental provider to Ameritas. No reimbursement form to complete. $10 exam deductible and $10 Eye glass deductible applied to lenses or frames Wide network - uses the VSP network of providers

24 2015 New Vision Plan Premiums (FTE.7 or 28 hrs per week) – EE Only $2.32 biweekly – EE + Spouse $7.19 biweekly – EE + Child(ren)$6.38 biweekly – EE + Family $11.26 biweekly 24

25 6 th Inning New Vendor for Life & Disability Insurance Moving the Life Insurance and Long-Term Disability Insurance from Mutual of Omaha to Hartford Insurance effective January 1, 2015. Same plan design No major changes for employees Note: If you didn’t enroll when initially benefit eligible, you will need to complete a health statement (EOI form) to obtain or change coverage.

26 7 th Inning 401k Plan & Match Safe Harbor Match - 3% of annual salary each year without EE contributions. Immanuel match of 50 cents on the $ for the first 6% of EE contributions. Once in the plan—Always in the plan. So if an EE leaves and is rehired—always eligible now. Can change contributions at any time or discontinue if needed. If you are able, be sure to take advantage of those match $$ and your future retirement!!

27 8 th Inning How to enroll for Benefits We are introducing a new online enrollment process this year. All benefit eligible employees will need to confirm their benefits if they want to make changes or have their current benefit coverages continue effective 1/1/2015. If you are uncomfortable using the computer or have questions, we still have the option of the Call Center. Benefit Call Center @ 877-282-0808 Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm CST Deadline for Benefit Enrollment is November 21 st No Action = No Insurance

28 Immanuel Benefits Website To enroll you will log into and click on enroll now Employee Number: use your employee ID# (same as Relias number) PIN: first initial of first and last name & last 4 digits of SSN Example—js1234 After reviewing the benefit screens, there will be a summary page with all your benefits listed. Scroll down to the bottom and electronically sign with your “PIN” number. 28

29 9 th Inning Reminders Wellness Reward Points for 2014-2015 Wellness Cycle are now 150 points. If you do the Flexible Spending accounts for Dependent Day Care or Health or Limited, you must reapply for calendar year 2015. All employees have a $1,000 Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement policy with a $0 deductible paid by Immanuel. Employee Assistance Program – Up to 5 visits per person/per issue. Plus Financial/Legal Referral Wellness Reimbursement on the cancer policy--$50 on the Low policy and $100 on the High policy. Outpatient physician reimbursement on Accident policy--$25 on the Low policy and $50 on the High policy.

30 Reminders cont. Immanuel provides tuition reimbursement for FT employees up to a maximum of $3,000 per fiscal yr. and regular PT employees up to a maximum of $1,500 per fiscal yr. Immanuel provides a Helping Hands Assistance Fund for those employees in financial need. EVERY Benefit Eligible person must enroll or they will not have insurance on 1/1/2015! Also, remember to enter your pin at the bottom of the enrollment screen to confirm your enrollment. Questions – Contact your HR Manager or You can reach us at Some informational handouts are on the table.

31 Don’t forget to take a few minutes to fill out the Benefit Survey. We appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

32 You’re on Immanuel’s winning team. Thank you for coming to the Benefits Ballgame!!

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