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ORION2.0: A Fast and Accurate NoC Power and Area Model for Early-Stage Design Space Exploration Andrew B. Kahng ¶ Bin Li ‡ Li-Shiuan Peh ‡ Kambiz Samadi ¶ ¶ University of California, San Diego ‡ Princeton University April 21, 2009 1
Outline Motivation ORION2.0 Framework Dynamic Power Modeling Leakage Power Modeling Area Modeling Validation and Significance Assessment Conclusions 2
Motivation Many-core chip NoCs needed to interconnect many-core chips Power-efficiency of NoCs is important Performance was the primary concern Now power efficiency is critical 28% of total power in Intel 80-core Teraflops chip is due to interconnection networks (routers + links); Need rapid power estimation to trade off alternative architectures Rapid power-area tradeoffs at the architectural level Our Goal: Develop accurate models that are easily usable by system-level designer early in the design cycle 3
Related Work Real-chip power measurements (Isci et al. 03) RTL-level NoC power estimations (A. Banerjee et al. 07, and N. Banerjee et al. 04) Simulation time is slow Requires detailed RTL modeling not suitable for early-stage NoC design space exploration Architectural-level power estimation Interconnection network (Patel et al. 97); model is not instantiated with architectural parameters not suitable to explore tradeoffs in router microarchitecture Uniprocessor power modeling (Wattch: Brooks et al. 00 and SimplePower: Ye et al. 00) NoC power modeling (ORION 1.0: Wang et al. 02) ORION 1.0 has been widely used early-stage design space exploration for NoC power-performance tradeoff analysis 4
ORION 1.0 Modeling Methodology Power models derived for major building blocks (FIFO, Crossbar, and arbiter) For each component, a canonical structure is described in terms of architectural and technological parameters Detailed analysis is performed to determine parameterized capacitance equations Capacitance equations and switch activity estimation are combined to determine power consumption Power models are based on detailed estimates of gate and wire capacitance and switching activity 5
Limitations of ORION 1.0 ParametersDescription ORION 1.0 ORION 2.0 B F P V X tech f clk V dd - B F P V X tech f clk V dd N pipeline App D #buffers flit-width #ports #virtual channels #crossbar ports technology node clock frequency supply voltage #pipeline stages application domain chip dimension ParametersDescription ORION 1.0 ORION 2.0 16 39 5 2 5 65nm 5.1 GHz 1.2V - B F P V X tech f clk V dd N pipeline App D #buffers flit-width #ports #virtual channels #crossbar ports technology node clock frequency supply voltage #pipeline stages application domain chip dimension ComponentPower (mW) V1Intel 80-core Buffer Crossbar Arbiter Link Clock Total 25.2 53.2 11.1 - 89.5 203.3 138.6 64.7 212.5 304.9 924 Up to 8.1X diff. 10.3X diff. 6
Outline Motivation ORION2.0 Framework Dynamic Power Modeling Leakage Power Modeling Area Modeling Validation and Significance Assessment Conclusions 7
ORION 2.0: Accurate NoC Router Models circuit implementation & buffering scheme SRAM and register FIFO MUX-tree and Matrix crossbar different arbitration scheme hybrid buffering scheme architectural parameters # of ports; # of buffers # of xbar ports; # of VC voltage, frequency interconnect parameters device parameters scaling factors for future technologies … technology parameters ORION 2.0 req I req E req W req N req S grant I grant E grant W grant N grant S Arbiter out E out W out N out S in I in E in W in N in S out I Crossbar Buf E Buf W Buf N Buf S Buf I Link Source Link Source Write Control Request Signals Built on top of ORION 1.0 Uses our automatic/semi-automatic flows to obtain technology inputs Provides significant accuracy improvement compared with ORION 1.0 8
ORION 2.0 Improvements Crossbar Links (dynamic power) Arbiter (dynamic power) Buffer (SRAM-based) Clock Crossbar Links Hybrid buffering Leakage power Arbiter VC allocator model Leakage power Buffer SRAM-based Flip-flop-based Application-specific technology-level adjustment Updated capacitance and transistor sizes ORION 1.0ORION 2.0 Power Subcomponents Model Infrastructure Area (router) Area More accurate router area model Link area model 9
Model Technology Inputs Inputs for power calculation Leakage current values (obtained from Liberty (.lib) / SPICE) Input capacitance for different repeater size (Liberty, Predictive Technology Models (PTM)) Inputs for area calculation Wire dimensions (Interconnect Technology Format (ITF) / LEF / ITRS) Cell area is available from Liberty and for future technologies, ITRS A- factors or proposed area models can be used We also provide data for (1) high-performance (HP), and (2) low-power (LOP) device types for 90nm and 65nm Scaling factors for 45nm and 32nm technologies were obtained from ITRS 2007 / MASTAR5.0 10
Outline Motivation ORION2.0 Framework Dynamic Power Modeling Leakage Power Modeling Area Modeling Validation and Significance Assessment Conclusions 11
Dynamic Power Modeling Dynamic Power: Switching Capacitance Clock power: P clk = × C clk × V dd 2 × f C clk = C sram-fifo + C pipeline-registers + C register-fifo + C wiring Physical Links: due to charging and discharging of capacitive load P d = × C load × V dd 2 × f; C load = C ground + C coupling + C input Register-based FIFO: implemented as shift registers Virtual channel allocator: added two models Other components: we use ORION 1.0 models with updated transistor and technology parameters 12
Clock Power (1) Clock power heavily depends on its distribution topology we assume an H-tree topology C clk = C sram-fifo + C pipeline-registers + C register-fifo + C clock-wiring Memory structures: precharge circuitry capacitive load on clock network: due to precharge transistor T c C chg = C g (T c ) + C d (T c ) C sram-fifo = (P r + P w ) × F × B × C chg where P r, P w, F, B are #read ports, #write ports, #buffers, and flit-width, respectively Pipeline registers: due to different stages in a router assume D-flip-flop (DFF) as the building block for pipeline registers C pipeline-register = N pipeline × F × C ff, where C ff is DFF capacitance Register-based FIFO: due to DFF capacitance used in registers C register-fifo = F × B × C ff 13
Clock Power (2) Wiring load: due to (1) wiring and (2) clock tree buffers Example: 5-level H-tree clock distribution: where, D, C w are chip dimension and per-unit-length wire capacitance, respectively capacitive contribution due to clock buffers requires estimation of number of buffer stages, k: where R int, C int, R d, and C gate are clock tree network wire resistance, wire capacitance, drive resistance, and input gate capacitance of a minimum size inverter, respectively where ρ, C area, and C fringe are resistivity, unit area, and unit fringe capacitances respectively C clock-wiring = kC gate + C wire Clock leakage power is due to clock buffers 14
Repeater and Wire Power Models Repeaters (buffers) are used in links and clock tree network Leakage power has two main components: (1) sub-threshold leakage, and (2) gate-tunneling current Depending on design conditions we will compute the leakage power at different temperature conditions:(1) 25 ◦ C, (2) 80 ◦ C, and (3) 110 ◦ C Both components depend linearly on device size p s = (p s n + p s p ) / 2 p s n = k 0 n + k 1 n × w n p s p = k 0 p + k 1 p × w p Dynamic power can be calculated as: p d = a × c l × v dd 2 × f c l = c i + c g + c c p d, a, c l, v dd and f are dynamic power, activity factor, load capacitance, supply voltage and frequency, respectively Load capacitance is composed of the input capacitance of the next repeater (c i ), ground (c g ) and coupling (c c ) capacitances of the wire driven 15
Interconnect Optimization: Buffering Conventional delay-optimal buffering unrealistic buffer sizes high dynamic / leakage power suboptimal Our approach: iterative optimization of hybrid objective (power + delay) Search for optimal number and size of repeaters Can be extended for other interconnect optimizations (e.g., wire sizing and driver sizing) Pareto-optimal frontier of the power-delay tradeoff of a 5mm interconnect in 90nm / 65nm 16
Virtual Channel Allocator Model Provides three virtual channel (VC) allocation models Traditional two-stage VC allocator model Most widely used Power consumption increases rapidly as number VCs increases Add One-stage VC allocator model Lower power consumption Lower matching probability Add VC selection model Proposed by Kumar et al. "A 4.6Tbits/s 3.6GHz Single-cycle NoC Router with a Novel Switch Allocator in 65nm CMOS”, ICCD07 Low power and high performance 17
Outline Motivation ORION2.0 Framework Dynamic Power Modeling Leakage Power Modeling Area Modeling Validation and Significance Assessment Conclusions 18
Leakage Power Modeling Leakage Power: Subthreshold and Gate From 65nm and beyond gate leakage becomes significant I ’ sub (i,s) and I ’ gate (i,s) are subthreshold and gate leakage currents per unit transistor width for a specific technology W sub (i,s) and W gate (i,s) are the effective widths of component i at input state s for subthreshold and gate leakage, respectively Key circuit components INVx1, NAND2x1, NOR2x1, and DFF Leakage currents are computed at different transistor junction temperatures: (1) 110 ◦ C, (2) 80 ◦ C, and (3) 25 ◦ C Same methodology as in ORION 1.0 Leakage current values are all obtained through SPICE simulation using foundry SPICE models 19
Arbiter Leakage Power Model Three arbitration schemes: (1) matrix, (2) round-robin (RR), and (3) queuing Example: matrix arbiter with R requesters one R×R matrix to keep the priorities grant logic can be implemented as a tree of NOR and INV gates and the RxR matrix can be constructed using DFF NOR2, INV, and DFF represent 2-input NOR gate, inverter gate, and DFF, respectively Further details on modeling methodology in Chen et al. 2003 20
Outline Motivation ORION2.0 Framework Dynamic Power Modeling Leakage Power Modeling Area Modeling Validation and Significance Assessment Conclusions 21
Router Area Model As number of cores increases, the area occupied by communication components becomes significant (19% of total tile area in the Intel 80-core Teraflops Chip) Gate area model by Yoshida et al. (DAC’04) Link area model by Carloni et al. (ASPDAC’08) Area arbiter = (Area NOR2x1 2(R-1)R) + (Area DFF (R(R-1)/2)) + (Area INVx1 R) Matrix Arbiter 22
Repeater and Wire Area Models For existing technologies, the area of a repeater can be calculated as: a r = τ 0 + τ 1 × (w n + w p ) a r denotes repeater area, τ 0 and τ 1 are coefficients using linear regression; w n, w p are widths of NMOS, and PMOS respectively For future technologies, feature size (F), contacted pitch (CP), row height (RH), and cell width (CW) can be used to estimate the area: NF = (w p + w n + 2 × F) / RH CW = NF × (F + CP) + CP a r = RH × CW Wiring area can be calculated as: a w = (n × (w w + s w ) + s w ) × L a w denotes wire area, n is the bit width of the bus, and w w, s w, L are wire width, spacing and wire length 23
Outline Motivation ORION2.0 Framework Dynamic Power Modeling Leakage Power Modeling Area Modeling Validation and Significance Assessment Conclusions 24
ORION2.0: Validations and Results Validation: Two Intel NoC Chips (1) Intel 80-core Teraflops: high-performance many-core design (2) Intel SCC: ultra low-power communication core ORION2.0 offers significant accuracy improvement Component%diff (ORION 2.0 vs. Intel 80-core) Buffer Crossbar Arbiter Clock Link -14.8 16.9 -9.0 -20.9 8.8 25 Intel 80-coreORION 2.0ORION 1.0
Impact on System-Level Design Testcases VPROC: video processor with 42 cores and 128-bit datawidth dVOPD: dual video object plane decoder with 26 cores and 128-bit datawidth System-level Impact: Communication-Driven Synthesis in COSI-OCC Accurate ORION 2.0 models lead to better-performing NoC Relative power due to additional port not as high in ORION 2.0 vs. 1.0 …….. R2R2 R2R2 R2R2 R2R2 R2R2 … … … … … R1R1 R1R1 R1R1 R1R1 R1R1 R1R1 R1R1 R1R1 R1R1 … ……… … 26
Conclusions Accurate models can drive effective NoC design space exploration ORION 1.0 is inaccurate for current and future technology nodes Proposed accurate power and area models for network routers (ORION 2.0) Presented a reproducible methodology for extracting inputs to our models Maintained ORION 1.0 interface, while significantly improved the accuracy of models switching to ORION 2.0 is easy! 27
ORION 2.0 Release ORION 2.0 Website: 28
System-Level NoC Power Modeling Example V. Soteriou, N. Eisley, H. Wang, B. Li, L.S. Peh, TVLSI’07 Polaris Toolchain
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