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Appendix A Length: m 1 km = 1000 m;
1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 106 micrometer (μm) 1 inch (in.) = 2.54 cm 1 foot (ft) = 12 in. = 12*2.54 = cm = m 1 mile (mi) = 1.61 km 1 nautical mile = 1.15 mi = 1.85 km
(b) Area: m2 1 mi2 = km2 = 2.59 km2 Volume: m3 1 liter (l) = 1000 cm3 = gallon (gal) US (d) Mass: kg 1 kg = 2.2 lb
(e) Speed: m/s 1 km/hr = 1000m/3600s = 0.28 m/s 1 mi/hr = 1609m/3600s = 0.45 m/s 1 knot = 1 nautical mile/hr = 1850m/3600s = 0.51m/s (f) Force: newton (N) = kg m/s2 F = ma `a’ is acceleration (or change of speed with time) 1 dyne = 1 g cm/s2 =10-3 kg 10-2 m/s2 = 10-5 N
(g) Energy: joule (J) = Nm
E = FL `L’ is distance 1 J = 1 Nm = 0.24 Calorie (cal) (h) Power: watt (W) = J/s P = change of energy with time 1 horse power (hp) = 746 W Power of 10
Pressure: pascal (Pa) = N/m2
P = F/Area 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 1 (kg m/s2)/m2 = 1 kg s-2 m-1 1 millibar (mb) = 100 Pa = 1 hecto Pa = 1 hPa sea level surface pressure = 1013 mb
1 millimeter of mercury (mm Hg) = 1.33 mb
because Hg density = 13,546 kg/m3; earth’s gravity = 9.8 m/s2; Over unit area (m2), 1 mm Hg mass = * 13,546 = 13.5 kg F = mg = 13.5 *9.8 N = 133 N P = F over unit area = 133 Pa = 1.33 mb
(k) Temperature: kelvin (K)
K = oC + 273; oC = 5/9 (oF -32) oF = 9/5 oC + 32 For instance 104 oF = 40 oC 20oC = 68 oF (Table A.1 on p. 437 could also be used) Q: if temperature changes by 1 K, how much does it change in oC and oF? (A: 1 oC; 1.8oF)
Chapter 2: Warming the Earth and the Atmosphere
Temperature and heat transfer Balancing act - absorption, emission and equilibrium Incoming solar energy
Temperature and Heat Transfer
Air T is a measure of the average speed of the Molecules Warm less dense
Temperature Scales kinetic energy, temperature and heat
K.E. = mv2, Internal energy = CvT, Heat = energy transfer by conduction, convection,and radiation Kelvin scale: SI unit Celsius scale: Fahrenheit scale: used for surface T in U.S. temperature conversions Every temperature scale has two physically-meaningful characteristics: a zero point and a degree interval.
Figure 2.2: Comparison of Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit scales.
Fig. 2-2, p. 27
Latent Heat - The Hidden Warmth
phase changes and energy exchanges evaporation: faster molecules escape to air; slower molecules remain, leading to cooler water T and reduced water energy; lost energy carried away by (or stored in) water vapor molecules Q: does the formation of clouds warm or cool the air in the clouds? sensible heat: we can feel and measure Latent heat explains why perspiration is an effective way to cool your body.
Figure 2.3: Heat energy absorbed and released.
Stepped Art Fig. 2-3, p. 28
Conduction Conduction:
heat transfer within a substance by molecule-to-molecule contact due to T difference good conductors: metals poor conductors: air (hot ground only warms air within a few cm)
Convection Convection: heat transfer by mass movement of a Thermals
fluid (such as water and air) Thermals Soaring birds, like hawks and falcons, are highly skilled at finding thermals. Convection (vertical) vs Advection (horizontal) Rising air expands and cools while sinking air warms by compression
Radiation Radiation: energy transfer between objects by electromagnetic waves (without the space between them being necessarily heated); packets of photons (particles) make up waves and groups of waves make up a beam of radiation; electromagnetic waves Q: are molecules needed? In a vacuum, speed of light: 3*105 km/s Wein’s law λmax = 2897 (μmK)/T Stefan-Boltzmann law E = σT4
All things emit radiation Higher T leads to shorted λ
Higher T leads to higher E Shorter λ photon carries more energy UV-C ( μm) ozone absorption UV-B ( μm) runburn/skin cancer UV-A ( μm) tan, skin cancer Most sunscreen reduces UV-B only Figure 2.7: Radiation characterized according to wavelength. As the wavelength decreases, the energy carried per wave increases. Fig. 2-7, p. 32
Radiation electromagnetic spectrum ultraviolet radiation (UV-A, B, C)
visible radiation ( μm) shortwave (solar) radiation infrared radiation longwave (terrestrial) radiation
Figure 2.8: The sun’s electromagnetic spectrum and some of the descriptive names of each region. The numbers underneath the curve approximate the percent of energy the sun radiates in various regions. Fig. 2-8, p. 34
Balancing Act - Absorption, Emission, and Equilibrium
Selective Absorbers and the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect
blackbody radiation perfect absorber; don’t have to be colored black; radiative equilibrium T = 255K; actual T = 288K selective absorbers snow: good absorber of infrared radiation, but not solar radiation atmospheric greenhouse effect The best greenhouse gas is water vapor, followed by CO2
Enhancement of the Greenhouse Effect
global warming: due to increase of CO2, CH4, and other greenhouse gases; global average T increased by 0.6 C in the past 100 yr; expected to increase by 2-6 C at the end of 21st century positive and negative feedbacks Positive feedback: increasing temperatures lead to melting of Arctic sea ice, which decreases the albedo. Positive water vapor-temperature feedback Potentially negative cloud-temperature feedback
Warming the Air from Below
radiation conduction convection Fog “burns off” from the bottom up.
Incoming Solar Energy
Scattered and Reflected Light
Scattering: blue sky, white sun, and red sun Reflection: more light is sent backwards Albedo: ratio of reflected over incoming radiation; fresh snow: 0.8 clouds: desert: grass: forest: water:
The Earth’s Annual Energy Balance
What happens to the solar energy that reaches the top of the earth’s atmosphere? What happens to the solar energy that is absorbed by the earth’s surface and by the atmosphere?
Solar constant = 1367 W/m2 Fig. 2-15, p. 41
Figure 2.15: On the average, of all the solar energy that reaches the earth’s atmosphere annually, about 30 percent (30⁄100) is reflected and scattered back to space, giving the earth and its atmosphere an albedo of 30 percent. Of the remaining solar energy, about 19 percent is absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds, and 51 percent is absorbed at the surface. Fig. 2-15, p. 41
Figure 2. 16: The earth-atmosphere energy balance
Figure 2.16: The earth-atmosphere energy balance. Numbers represent approximations based on surface observations and satellite data. While the actual value of each process may vary by several percent, it is the relative size of the numbers that is important. Fig. 2-16, p. 42
Figure 2.17: The average annual incoming solar radiation (red line) absorbed by the earth and the atmosphere along with the average annual infrared radiation (blue line) emitted by the earth and the atmosphere. Fig. 2-17, p. 43
Why the Earth has Seasons
earth-sun distance: closer in winter tilt of the earth’s axis Earth-sun distance has little effect on atmospheric temperature.
Seasons in the Northern Hemisphere
insolation summer solstice spring and autumn equinox
Seasons in the Southern Hemisphere
tilt solstice equinox December 21 is the 1st day of winter in astronomical definition not in meteorological definition
Figure 2.24: The apparent path of the sun across the sky as observed at different latitudes on the June solstice (June 21), the December solstice (December 21), and the equinox (March 20 and September 22). Stepped Art Fig. 2-24, p. 50
Local Seasonal Variations
slope of hillsides: south-facing hills warmer & drier vegetation differences Homes can exploit seasonal variations: large windows should face south.
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