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Analysing the Saving Potentials and Defining the Targets.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysing the Saving Potentials and Defining the Targets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysing the Saving Potentials and Defining the Targets

2 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Motivation for Energy Perforamnce Contracting – Public Sector  Climate Protection  Cost reduction  Equipment modernisation / Renovation  Pushing innovation / Beacon project  Development of the regional economy ... ?

3 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Savings Potential and Target Setting - overview Data Collection Analysing the potential Need for Investment Building Selection Decision for contracting Target SettingImplementation

4 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Main data categories:  Energy consumptions and costs for electricity, heat/fuels etc.  Water consumptions and costs (drinking water, sewage)  Using data (operating hours, numbers of pupils etc.)  Description of the sites/buildings (heated areas, main energy consumers, service meters, comfort standards,....) Data collection and potential analysis are precondition for verification of baseline costs and definition of targets for improvement energy efficiency / saving of costs Energy consumption, metering and monitoring

5 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Data Collection Analysing the potential Need for Investment Building Selection Decision for contracting Target SettingImplementation

6 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Specifically interesting buildings for performance contracting : Administrative /Office buildings Schools, Kindergarten, Universities Hospitals, Nursing homes Cultural Centres, Libraries Sports Facilities (esp. Swimming pools) Criteria for selection of buildings Above average energy consumption + costs Long term user concept (for next 10 years) Clear ownership structure

7 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Data Collection Analysing the potential Need for Investment Building Selection Decision for contracting Target SettingImplementation

8 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Steps 1.Data collection a.Energy costs or energy consumption b.Reference values, e.g. floor space, number of persons c.Known weak spots 2.Calculation of efficiency indicators 3.Comparison with benchmark => Estimate of saving potentials

9 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH  Schools: Heating consumption  Example: kWh/m2/a, kWh/student/a.  Attention: differences in area definition: gross or net area used  Office: Electricity consumption  Example: kWh/m2, kWh/work place  Hospitals: Water Consumption  Liters/bed and day Indicators

10 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Benchmarking Water consumption indicators, German public buildings 1993 (VDI 3807, Part 3) Type of utilisationm 3 /m 2 main occup. area Guide valuem 3 /person and year Administration buildings0,540,505,8 Police station buildings0,460,405 General sports buildings2,552,60 Communal centres/dwellgs.2,432 Build. for cultural purposes0,440,40 Prisons3,282,80 Technical universities0,960,60

11 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Water consumption indicators, German public buildings 1996 (VDI 3807, Part 3 and ages) Type of utilisationSize (beds)Average value (l/bed per day) Guide value Hospitals, basic supply0-250342206 Hospitals, controlled supply251-450400272 Hospitals, central supply451-650447347 Hospitals, maximum supply651-1000421181 HospitalsOver 1000701393 Schools6 – 10 l/pupil Kindergartens11 – 14 l/user Benchmarking

12 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Table for indication of hot water consumption per occupant or person in common types of buildings: Type of buildingConsumption per occupant (l/d) Peak demand per occupant (l/hr) Storage per occupant (l) Factories (no process)22-4595 Hospitals general1603027 Hostels904530 Houses and flats90-1604530 Offices2295 Schools (with boarding)1152025 Schools1595 Benchmarking

13 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Municipal water use by sectors (example Berlin 1992 - 2003): Inhabitants (million) / year 3,47 / 19923,46 / 19963,33 / 20003,39 / 2003 Total consumption (million m 3 ) 270,9229212,6214,4 Domestic consumption (million m 3 ) 174,5161152,9157,2 Domestic consumption per person and day (l/d per pers.) 138128126127 Benchmarking

14 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Examples with energy indicators of public buildings in Austria and Switzerland: Benchmarking

15 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Following table shows examples with energy indicators of public buildings in Germany (Standard VDI 3807): Benchmarking

16 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Uncertainties of the method Missing or not enough energy consumption data for estimation of real energy indicators (also if there are only lump-sum invoices for energy consumption) Too short periods under consideration / measuring periods Weather influence Occupancy level average values of the ascertained energy indicators are sometimes only insignificantly higher than the desired values to be aimed at during / after renovation (there can be extremely high differences even in buildings within the same category or from the same building period) There are no (not enough...) standard energy efficiency indicators for the building category (country specific indicators) Benchmarking

17 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Typical energy saving potentials for different types of measures

18 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Example: Office Buildings Energy use has risen in recent years because of growth in information technology, air-conditioning, intensity of use Energy use benchmarks reflect these trends, they can show the saving potential Examples for four generic office building types in the frame of a British Energy consumption guide (best practice programme):  No 1: naturally ventilated cellular (typical size 100 – 3000 m2)  No 2: naturally ventilated open-plan (typical size 500 – 4000 m2)  No 3: air-conditioned, standard (typical size 2000 – 8000 m2)  No 4: air-conditioned, prestige (typical size 4000 – 20000 m2) Energy Efficiency in Public buildings

19 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Benchmarks for British office buildings (kWh/m 2 treated floor area) No 1 Good Prac-tice No 1 typical No 2 Prac-tice No 2 typical No 3 Prac-tice No 3 typical No 4 Prac-tice No 4 typical Compu- ter room 0000141887105 Total gas or oil 791517915197178114210 Total electri- city 3354 85128226234358 Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings

20 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Consumption areas Ventilation and climatisation  Other building specific facilities  lighting  Information and communication  miscellaneous  Potential special consumers Proportion of the several consumption areas on total electricity consumption depends on the level of mechanisation of the building Electricity consumption in office buildings

21 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Proportion of the electricty consumption for Information and communication on total electricity in German office buildings (in kWh/a)

22 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Possible saving measures (consumption field lighting) without investment:  User motivation (user shall turn out the light when leaving the room)  Verification of lighting load (i.e. in rooms without intensive utilisation) with investment:  Utilisation of lighting control system (i.e. motion detector, light control subject to daylight)  Changing of old T8-fluorescent lamps against modern T5-lamps with electronic ballast  Utilisation of daylight (i.e. using of light control systems)  Utilisation of energy saving bulbs ...

23 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Data Collection Analysing the potential Need for Investment Building Selection Decision for contracting Target Setting Implementation

24 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Energy saving guarantee: low…..high Public budget consolidation low…..high Contract duration short…..long Investment costs low…..high Investment structure modernisation…..redevelopment Energy-Controlling unimportant…..important Maintenance unimportant…..important User motivation unimportant…..important Observation of comfort levels unimportant…..important Documentation unimportant…..important Reflecting system requirememts

25 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH System requirements for Pool 10, TFH Technical College Berlin Buildings: 5 buildings of the Technical College Baseline Costs : 2 Mio.Euro, net (heat and electricity) Maximum contract duration: 10 years Energy Savings to be achieved: 30% (average all buildings) Level of budget consolidation: 6% of baseline costs Energy-Controlling yes Maintenance: for installed equipment Example

26 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Buildings: 37 (schools, kindergartens, administration buildings) Gross floor area: 197.164 m 2 Baseline consumption: 52.246 MWh/a Baseline Costs: 2.806.796 €/a Specific energy consumption [kWh/m²  a]: Example Energy Saving Partnership Berlin: Pool 3

27 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Buildings: 1 Indoor swimming pool Pool surface: 2.437 m 2 Baseline consumption: 13.056 MWh/a Heat, 3.798 MWh/a electricity, 137.339 m 3 /a Water Baseline Costs: 1.274.957 €/a Specific energy and water consumption [kWh/m²  a] or [m 3 /m²  a]: Example Olympic Swimming Hall Munich

28 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Example Olympic Swimming Hall Munich

29 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Buildings: hospital complex with 307 beds gross floor area: 22.500 m 2 Baseline consumption: 12.833 MWh/a Heat, 3.988 MWh/a electricity Baseline Costs: 470.000 €/a Specific energy consumption [kWh/bed*a]: Example Hospital Hubertus Berlin

30 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Example Hospital Hubertus Berlin

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