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Goals and Plans  A blueprint of the actions necessary to reach the desired goal. Goal Goal  A desired future state that the organization wants to achieve.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals and Plans  A blueprint of the actions necessary to reach the desired goal. Goal Goal  A desired future state that the organization wants to achieve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals and Plans  A blueprint of the actions necessary to reach the desired goal. Goal Goal  A desired future state that the organization wants to achieve. Plan Plan  What do we want?  How do we get there? Principles of Marketing

2 Mission Statement  Answers the question: What drives us? “Beat GM!” “Beat GM!” A good Mission Statement:  Elicits an emotional, motivational response in company employees. employees.  Is easily understood and can be transferred into individual action. action.  Points to a tangible and measurable goal.  Speaks to the competitive environment in which the company operates. company operates. Honda Honda Principles of Marketing “Crush Reebok” “Crush Reebok” Nike Nike

3 Levels of Goals/Plans - Honda Mission Statement Strategic Goals Strategic Plans Senior Management  A Mission Statement describes our purpose.  Strategic level is the “Big Picture”. Tactical Goals Tactical Plans Middle Management Operational Goals Operational Plans Lower Management  Tactics break strategies into steps.  And smaller steps. Beat General Motors Beat General Motors Build cars for the American market. Build cars for the American market. Develop car designs for American market. Develop car designs for American market. Do research on American Market Do research on American Market Principles of Marketing

4 Mission Statement  A Mission Statement points to goals that are definable, measurable, actionable, and with emotional appeal that everyone understands and can act upon. An Organization’s Mission :  Reflects management’s vision of who the firm serves.  Provides a clear vision of what the firm provides customers.  Directs managers where the firm should be staking out a competitive position in the marketplace. competitive position in the marketplace. Principles of Marketing

5 Mission Statement “To provide any customer a means of moving people and things up, down, and sideways over short distances, with higher reliability than any similar enterprise in the world.” Elevator Mission Statement Principles of Marketing

6 Mission Statement “To offer food prepared in the same high-quality manner world-wide, tasty, reasonably priced, and delivered in a consistent, low-key and friendly atmosphere.” Mission Statement Principles of Marketing

7 Mission Statement “To offer all of the fine customers in our territories all of their household needs in a manner in which they continue to think of us fondly.” Mission Statement Principles of Marketing “ Become a $125 billion company by the year 2000”

8 Mission Statement We are the eyes and ears of the nation and at times its hidden hand. We accomplish this mission by: Collecting intelligence that matters. Collecting intelligence that matters. Providing relevant, timely, and objective all-source analysis. Providing relevant, timely, and objective all-source analysis. Conducting covert action at the direction of the President to preempt threats or achieve United States policy objectives. Conducting covert action at the direction of the President to preempt threats or achieve United States policy objectives. Mission Statement Principles of Marketing CIA

9 Mission Statement “ Become the dominant player in commercial aircraft and bring the world into the jet age" “ Become the dominant player in commercial aircraft and bring the world into the jet age" (1950) Mission Statement Principles of Marketing

10 Mission Statement “To be the number one sports and fitness company in the world." Mission Statement Principles of Marketing Nike

11 Strategic Goals Strategic Plans Senior Management  Strategic level is the “Big Picture”. Strategic Goals and Plans An Organization’s Strategic Goals :  Helps managers at lower levels focus. Avoids pitfall of them trying to move in too many directions at once. trying to move in too many directions at once.  Lower level managers know where the firm is at present.  And know where the firm is headed. Senior Management formulates Strategic Goals so: Principles of Marketing

12 Strategic Goals Strategic Plans Senior Management Strategic Goals and Plans  Protect and improve Nike’s position as the number one athletic brand in America. brand in America.  Intensify the company’s effort to develop products that women want and need. want and need.  Explore the market for products specifically designed for the requirements of maturing Americans. requirements of maturing Americans.  Continue the drive for increased margins through inventory management and new product development. management and new product development. Nike Principles of Marketing

13 Tactical and Operational Goals and Plans Tactical Goals Tactical Plans Middle Management Operational Goals Operational Plans Lower Management  Tactics break strategies into smaller more specific steps.  And operational goals are even more specific steps. Human Relations

14 Tactical and Operational Goals and Plans Strategic Goal : Build momentum in fitness market.  Marketing manager works with advertising manager and sales manager to devise point-of-purchase displays for fitness manager to devise point-of-purchase displays for fitness centers. Sales manager incorporates sales calls to fitness centers. Sales manager incorporates sales calls to fitness centers in each salesperson’s sales plan. centers in each salesperson’s sales plan. Strategic Goal : Increase margins via inventory management.  Purchasing managers evaluate production lead times and tighten ROPs. Information Technology manager assigns tighten ROPs. Information Technology manager assigns inventory analyst to task of updating with more current inventory analyst to task of updating with more current software. software. Principles of Marketing

15 Strategic Marketing Planning “Marketing Strategy” = The plan of action that describes resource allocation & activities for dealing with the environment to attain organizational marketing goals. Principles of Marketing

16 Strategic Marketing Questions  What changes and trends are occurring?  Who are the customers?  What products or services should we offer?  How can we offer these products or services efficiently?  What changes and trends are occurring?  Who are the customers?  What products or services should we offer?  How can we offer these products or services efficiently? Principles of Marketing

17 Strategic Management Process Situation Analysis via SWOT Identify Strategic Factors StrengthsStrengths WeaknessesWeaknesses Scan Internal Environment Core CompetenceCore Competence SynergySynergy Value CreationValue Creation IdentifyStrategic: CorporateCorporate BusinessBusiness FunctionalFunctional Define New: MissionMission GoalsGoals Grand StrategyGrand Strategy Evaluate Current: MissionMission GoalsGoals Grand StrategyGrand Strategy Scan External Environment NationalNational GlobalGlobal OpportunitiesOpportunities ThreatsThreats Identify Strategic Factors SWOT Implementing Strategy via Changes in: StructureStructure Human resourcesHuman resources Information & control systemsInformation & control systems

18 External Opportunities and Threats The Economy Trends in Technology Legal and Political Factors Customers – what will they want? Competitors – what will emerge?

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