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Howdy! General Engineering Group Advising Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Howdy! General Engineering Group Advising Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Howdy! General Engineering Group Advising Session

2 Look College Organizational Chart M. Katherine Banks Vice Chancellor and Dean of Engineering M. Katherine Banks Vice Chancellor and Dean of Engineering N.K. Anand Executive Associate Dean N.K. Anand Executive Associate Dean Valerie Taylor Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Valerie Taylor Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Your assigned undergraduate engineering academic advisor Prasad Enjeti Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs Prasad Enjeti Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs John Criscione Associate Dean for Graduate Programs John Criscione Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

3 Academic Advising KnowKnow your advisor recommendations rulesrequirementsAdvisors provide recommendations, inform you of rules and requirements QuestionsQuestions during the semester? advisor! Contact your advisor!

4 Important Dates Midterm grades available after October 20 Q-drop & Withdrawal deadline: 5 p.m. Friday, November 21

5 Strategies for Success 3 hours per week each credit hourWe recommend 3 hours of study per week for each credit hour – lost time cannot be regained 16 credits X 3 hrs. study = 48 hours of study PER WEEK Study in groups Ask for help, early

6 Other Campus Resources

7 Spring Preregistration November 13 - December 2 Based on total earned hours Your assigned registration time will be sent by email and through your Howdy Portal You may be eligible for priority registration under certain circumstances

8 Spring 2015 Course Selection

9 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog (137) Available online at

10 Degree Evaluation Located on your Portal Serves as an electronic degree plan Shows how your courses apply in a particular major Run a “What-if Analysis” to determine which requirements your classes fulfill in other degree programs

11 MATH Sequence Courses must be completed with a grade of C or better to move on to the next course in the sequence. MATH 150MATH 151MATH 152MATH 251MATH 308

12 ENGR/CSCE Sequence Courses must be completed with a grade of C or better to move on to the next course in the sequence. ENGR 111ENGR 112 CSCE 111CSCE 121 CSCE 221 & 222

13 Science Sequence Courses must be completed with a grade of C or better to move on to the next course in the sequence. CHEM 107/117PHYS 218CHEM 102/112

14 Science Sequence Courses must be completed with a grade of C or better to move on to the next course in the sequence. CHEM 101/111CHEM 102/112 CHEN, RHEN

15 Science Sequence Courses must be completed with a grade of C or better to move on to the next course in the sequence. PHYS 218PHYS 208

16 Recommended Spring 2015 Schedule General Engineering COURSE CR. MATH4 ENGR 1122 SCIENCE4 UCC3 3 Total16 Computer Science COURSE CR. MATH4 CSCE4 SCIENCE4 UCC3 Total15



19 Entry to a Major Complete at least one math, science and engineering course (taken at Texas A&M) required for a major View your eligibility to apply in the Howdy Portal


21 Entry to a Major Process Holistic review Activities and Involvement Achievements Select up to two majors Essays for your intended major(s)

22 Entry to a Major Timeline Spring 2015 Application deadline 3-2-15 Department Decisions 3-23-15 Decisions to Students 3-27-15 Student Decisions Due 4-3-15 Application deadline 6-1-15 Department Decisions 6-22-15 Decisions to Students 6-26-15 Student Decisions Due 7-2-15 Summer 2015

23 Thanks and Gig ‘em! Questions? Engineering Academic and Student Affairs 129 Zachry Engineering Center 979.845.7200 Email:

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