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The Cleveland Street Variable Star Observatory presents Back due to popular demand and the laws of astrophysics From the neck of the Swan-between Eta Cyg.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cleveland Street Variable Star Observatory presents Back due to popular demand and the laws of astrophysics From the neck of the Swan-between Eta Cyg."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cleveland Street Variable Star Observatory presents Back due to popular demand and the laws of astrophysics From the neck of the Swan-between Eta Cyg and Albiero Χ Cygni A Mira variable with amazing properties:

2 Where is the variable Chi Cygni? Watch it brighten!

3 Chi Cyg 8-31-08 9-09-08 m = 7.2

4 Chi Cyg Sept. 22, 2008

5 Chi Cyg 9-18-08 10-03-08

6 Chi Cygni-Mira variable in brightening phase-Fall 2008

7 Chi Cyg 10-04-08





12 Updated through Nov. 10-then the clouds prevaled. Chi Cyg hanging out at about m = 4

13 Information Chi cyg is a long period Mira variable star with a wide range of magnitude variation. It also has an interesting range of variation in the maximum brightness it reaches. To find information check the American Assn. of Variable Star Observers: This site contains information on its light curve, location, etc.

14 AAVSO Home Page Put “Chi Cyg” here and see what you can find!

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