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Examine the evolutionary basis of modern classification systems.

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1 Examine the evolutionary basis of modern classification systems.
1 Classification of Living Organisims Classification is the grouping of objects based on similarities. Examine the evolutionary basis of modern classification systems. (six kingdoms)

2 Classification Classification is an important
2 Classification Classification is an important In understanding how organisms are related and how they are different. So that we can work with the diversity of life Taxonomy is the branch of biology that studies the grouping and naming of organisms.

3 Aristotle Ancient Greece— 3
Aristotle (384 BC to 322 BC) was the first to use a classification system. classified living things into two categories: plants and animals. Plants -shrubs, herbs, or trees. Animals -according to where they lived. His classification system was based on structural differences that were seen.

4 classification on characteristics of organisms that were similar.
4 Carolus Linnaeus ( ) Swedish Botantist Considered to be the Father of modern Taxonomy Based his classification on characteristics of organisms that were similar. Developed the two word system used to identify species: binomial nomenclature.

5 5 Linnaeus used Latin for the Names of his categories, because this was the language of educated people and not likely to change whereas an everyday language is likely to change. Clip

6 Binomial Nomenclature
6 Binomial Nomenclature Because scientists speak many different languages and common names for organisms may vary from place to place, a universal system for naming organisms is used. The scientific name of an organism is based on a two-word system called binomial nomenclature.

7 Quercus alba: is the name for white oak (alba is Latin for “white”)
7 Quercus alba: is the name for white oak (alba is Latin for “white”) Quercus rubra: is the name for the red oak (rubra is Latin for “red”) Micropterus salmoides is the name for a largemouth bass

8 Binomial nomenclature
8 Binomial nomenclature The two words, genus and species, are always italicized (or underlined). The first word in a scientific name, genus, is always capitalized and the second word, species, is never capitalized. For example the scientific name of the largemouth bass would be Micropterus salmoides (or Micropterus salmoides).

9 9 In addition to (1) appearance and (2) behavior, (3) molecular structure (e.g., DNA) and(4) evolutionary relationships are also considered when classifying organisms. Organisms that share more similarities are more closely related and are grouped together.

10 Eight levels of classification
10 Eight levels of classification Domain Least alike Taxon: Group or level of classification Most alike Species is the most specific

CHIMPANZEE HOUSE CAT LION HOUSEFLY KINGDOM Animalia PHYLUM Chordate Arthropoda CLASS Mammal Insect ORDER Primates Carnivora Diptera FAMILY Hominidae Pongidae Felidae Muscidae GENUS Homo Pan Felis Musca SPECIES sapiens troglodytes domestica leo Scientific Name Homo sapiens Pan troglodytes Felis domestica Felis leo Musca domestica 11

12 Example: Human Classification
12 Example: Human Classification Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primate Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Specific : sapiens How would you write the scientific name? a. homo Sapiens b. Homo sapiens c. Homo Sapiens

13 CLASSIFICATION OF THE LARGEMOUTH BASS Domain Eukarya Kingdom Animalia (multicellular organisms that eat food) Phylum Chordata (animals with a backbone) Class Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Order Perciformes (perch-like fishes) Family Centrarchida (sunfishes) Genus Micropterus (types of bass) Species salmoides (largemouth bass) Largemouth Bass: Micropterus salmoides

14 14

15 15 KINGDOMS OF LIFE Tree of Life Video Clip

16 Six Kingdoms of Life OLD NAME: MONERA 16 Plantae Protista Animalia
EuBacteria Animalia Archae-bacteria Fungi OLD NAME: MONERA

17 Three Domains and Six Kingdoms:
Bacteria- Unicellular and prokaryotic. Autotrophic and Heterotrophic. Cell walls have peptidoglycan. Kingdoms: Eubacteria Archaea- Unicellular and prokaryotic. Cell walls do not have peptidoglycan. Kingdoms: Archaebacteria Eukarya- Eukaryotic. Kingdoms: Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia. 17

18 18 Bacteria Protista Eubacteria (true bacteria) & Archaebacteria contain prokaryotes, cells without membrane-bound organelles. Microscopic & unicellular. Archaebacteria are mainly found in extreme environments like the deep oceans, hot springs, and swamps. Heterotropic & autotrophic unicellular and multicellular organisms with a variety of characteristics eukaryotic organisms that lack complex organ systems and live in moist environments. Heterotropic and autotrophic Most are microscopic.

19 Fungi Consumers that stay put. Unicellular or multicellular heterotrophic eukaryotes that absorb nutrients from dead and decaying matter by decomposing dead organisms and wastes in the environment.

20 Multicellular eukaryotes that photosynthesize.
19 Plantae Animalia Multicellular eukaryotes that photosynthesize. Most have cellulose cell walls and tissues that have been organized into organs and organ systems. Autotrophic-some parasitic- some carnivore. Multicellular consumers-heterotrophic Cells do not have cell walls. Their tissues have been organized into complex organ systems; the nervous system, muscle system and digestive system, as well as others.

21 20 6 Kingdoms of Life

22 Clip

23 Evolutionary relationship between the kingdoms.
22 Evolutionary relationship between the kingdoms. Clip

24 A cladogram is a tree-like diagram showing evolutionary relationships
A cladogram is a tree-like diagram showing evolutionary relationships. Any two branch tips sharing the same immediate node are most closely related.

25 Cladogram

26 Illustrate relationships
22.3 Illustrate relationships

27 Bacteria, Archaebacteria, & the Prokaryotic Domains Video (8:51)

28 A tool to identify organisms is called a dichotomous key.
22.1 A tool to identify organisms is called a dichotomous key. It is made from pairs of contrasting characteristics (e.g., has wings/does not have wings).

29 Wacky People Key 1a Two feet 2 1b Some other number of feet 3 2a Does not look at all human 4 2b Looks a lot like a human 5 3a One leg 6 3b Three or four legs 7 4a Fly-like Mosk Cara 4b Not fly-like 8 5a Seems to be a girl Rita Nita 5b Not a girl 9 6a Leg is curled , two feet Ru-ela.Brella 6b Leg is straight, one foot Giggles 7a Three legs 10 7b Four legs 11 8a Has webbed feet Hex Oculate 8b Clawed feet 12 9a Curly hair, no toes Lugio Wirum 9b Wiggly looking mouth, three toes on feet C. Nile 10a Very long nose, open mouth Elle E. Funk 10b Some other appearance 13 11a Has duck bill, two pinchers Tri D. Duckt 11b No arms or pinchers 14 12a Has ears, tail, and beak Grif Leon 12b Four eyes on stalks Eggur Ondy 13a One eye, webbed feet Cue Kide 13b Four stalked eyes, four pinchers Quadrumenox 14a Three toed feet, nose like a flower Tunia petalos 14b Spider-like, has spots Patterned mulywumpus

30 23 EOCT ALERT!!!! A multicellular organism that obtains its food by absorbing nutrients belongs to the kingdom A Animalia B Fungi C Plantae D Protista

31 The study of animals is known as
24 The study of animals is known as A botany B ecology C taxonomy D zoology

32 25 In 1988, the tiger swallowtail, Papilio glaucus, was proclaimed Georgia’s state butterfly. The tiger swallowtail shares the most characteristics with members of which taxonomic level? A class B family C order D phylum

33 A obtain energy B reproduce C move D exchange gases
26 One main difference between members of the Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia is the ability to A obtain energy B reproduce C move D exchange gases

34 The table shows an early method of classifying animals.
Which of the following best illustrates why the modern Linnaean classification system has replaced the system developed by Aristotle? A) Flying insects fly over both land and water. B) Eating habits of reptiles and some land mammals are different. C) Sea snake bones are similar to those of reptiles that live on land. D) Birds are warm-blooded like mammals. 27

35 A group of prokaryotes that live in extreme environments are the
A viruses B protists C eubacteria D archaebacteria 28

36 A bacterium B mushroom C mouse D virus
The complexity of body systems differs greatly among organisms. Which of the following organisms has developed organ systems for obtaining and utilizing energy? A bacterium B mushroom C mouse D virus 29

37 Ms. Wall, may I be excused? My brain is full.

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