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Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde Anne Burns FNP Supervisor Alcohol & Drugs Workshop 19th November 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde Anne Burns FNP Supervisor Alcohol & Drugs Workshop 19th November 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde Anne Burns FNP Supervisor Alcohol & Drugs Workshop 19th November 2014

2 What is the FNP Programme?
Preventive programme through pregnancy until child is aged 2 years Structured, intensive home visiting programme delivered by Family Nurses Based on theories of human ecology, self efficacy and attachment Underpinned by over 35 years research (3 large scale RCTs)

3 Eligibility Criteria 19 and under (at LMP) Pregnant (<28 wks)
First Baby Not planning to relinquish child Living in Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde

4 Goals of FNP Connecting with families to: Improve pregnancy outcomes
Improve child health and development and future educational readiness and achievement Improve parents’ economic self-sufficiency

5 Why?... Evidence 3 US trials over 35 years:
Improvements in women’s antenatal health Reductions in children’s injuries Fewer subsequent pregnancies Greater intervals between births Increased fathers’ involvement Increased employment Reductions in welfare dependency Reduced substance use initiation Improvements in educational readiness Review in Lancet 2009: One of only 2 programmes shown to reduce child abuse and neglect

6 Formative Evaluation in England
High quality Replication of programme 87% enrolment, fathers engaged and low rates of attrition Early signs that clients have aspirations for the future and cope better with pregnancy, labour and parenthood Reduction in smoking during pregnancy Breastfeeding initiation rate higher than national average for same age group Significantly improved self esteem linked to positive behaviour change at the end of programme compared to beginning Clients returning to education and employment, making regular use of contraception methods and spacing subsequent pregnancies FNP children appear to be developing in line with population Graduates very positive about parenting capability, report high levels of warm parenting, low levels harsh discipline/ parenting stress compared to normal population RCT underway due to report later this year (Building Blocks Trial)

7 Key Elements of Programme
Learning Phase Training for Supervisor and Family Nurses Cohort 25 clients per nurse Supervision of nurses Weekly Child Protection (triadic) Psychologist sessions Data collection Data Sheets completed for each visit Clinical Utility Replication of the programme with quality and fidelity Service User participation (Commendation at CHP Awards)

8 What is the Programme made up of?
The client & their intrinsic motivation – plus the father/ partner/ mother/ family The nurse - qualities, understanding and skilfulness (supported by supervision) The relationship – respectful, committed - the vehicle for change The approach/ method/ spirit – strength based, change focussed The content – visit by visit guidelines with facilitators and educational materials The tools – FNP specific resources and tools PIPE, DANCE The context – team, organisation, system (Governance)

9 FNP Team FNP Sponsor Board Nurse Director Mari Brannigan
FNP Lead NHSGGC Lorna Dunipace Head of Primary Care & CS Team B FNP Local Lead Liz Daniels CSM Children’s Services Family Nurse Supervisor Anne Burns Renfrewshire reps Social Work, Education, Maternity Services Psychologist Dr Clare Roberts Consultant ClinPsych Child Protection Advisor Carol Bews - CPU Data Manager Ellen Thomson 6 Family nurses Kirsteen Begg, Lynsey Callaghan, Margaret Lang, Anne McGowan, Jacqui Milligan and Debbie Rankin

10 Progress to Date Full Team in post from 16 June 2014
Completed Pregnancy and Infancy Training –2 x 1 week residential Advance Communication Skills Training Stakeholder Analysis – Communication and Engagement Plan Implementation Pathway Development – Maternity and Generic Went Live 1 August Publicity Launch 25 August – Beacon Centre over140 attendees 56 Notifications received to date (17/11/14) 41 Enrolled – 7 engagement visits in progress Transfer in - 1 Ineligible – 3 Refused programme – 4 Early shoots of success!

11 The Team

12 Contact Us Renfrew Health and Social Work Centre

13 Further Information (animation)

14 Thank you. Any Questions?

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