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El 23 de febrero, 2015 Translate to English: Vamos a usar los iPads hoy.

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Presentation on theme: "El 23 de febrero, 2015 Translate to English: Vamos a usar los iPads hoy."— Presentation transcript:

1 El 23 de febrero, 2015 Translate to English: Vamos a usar los iPads hoy.

2 Palabra del día 1.Look at the “palabra del día”. Read the example sentence and try to figure out what it means. 2.Write your best guess below your warm up, and explain why that is your best guess. 3.Write a sentence using the palabra del día.


4 en avión

5 en bicicleta

6 en bote

7 en autobús

8 en coche

9 en moto/motocicleta

10 a pie

11 en barco

12 en metro

13 en tren

14 ir + a + infinitive “going to”

15 ir + a + *infintive Ir + a + infinitive is a way to express something that will happen in the future. Example: I am going to sleep. (Yo voy a dormir.) *Remember that for a verb to be infinitive, it must end in –ar, -er, or –ir. “a”“infinitive”form of “ir”

16 ir + a + infintive Example: We are going to eat. (Vamos a comer.) “a” “infinitive”form of “ir”

17 iPads Open Safari Go to Click “Get Started” and select “Spanish” Skip tour To the right of your screen, there is a “Create Profile” option. Select it and create your profile. Please create a username that has as much as your name in it as possible.

18 2 nd Period Share progess with this link:$o=christen.jordan

19 3 rd Period Share your progress with this link:$o=christen.jordan

20 4 th Period Share progess with this link:$o=christen.jordan

21 5 th Period Share progess with this link:$o=christen.jordan

22 6 th Period Share progess with this link:$o=christen.jordan

23 7 th Period Share progess with this link:$o=christen.jordan

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