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2007.02.21 - SLIDE 1IS 257 – Fall 2007 Uniform Titles; FRBR University of California, Berkeley School of Information IS 245: Organization of Information.

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Presentation on theme: "2007.02.21 - SLIDE 1IS 257 – Fall 2007 Uniform Titles; FRBR University of California, Berkeley School of Information IS 245: Organization of Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 1IS 257 – Fall 2007 Uniform Titles; FRBR University of California, Berkeley School of Information IS 245: Organization of Information In Collections

2 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 2IS 257 – Fall 2007 Structure of AACRII Part II: Headings, Uniform Titles, and References –Chap 21: Choice of Access Points –Chap 22: Headings for persons –Chap 23: Geographic Names –Chap 24: Headings for Corporate Bodies –Chap 25: Uniform Titles –Chap 26: References

3 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 3IS 257 – Fall 2007 Corporate Bodies General Rule –Enter a corporate body directly under the name by which it is commonly identified, except when the rules that follow provide for entering it under the name of a higher or related body or under the name of a government. –Determine the name by which a corporate body is commonly identified from items issued by that body in its language, or, when this condition does not apply, from reference sources.

4 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 4IS 257 – Fall 2007 Romanization If the name of the body is in a language written in a non-roman script, romanize the name according to the table for that language adopted by the cataloging agency.

5 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 5IS 257 – Fall 2007 Variant forms of name If variant forms are found in items issued by the body, use the name as it appears in the chief sources of information If variant spellings, use the form resulting from official changes in orthography -- or the predominant spelling If variant names appear in the chief source of information, use the name that is presented formally. If no name is presented formally, or if they all are, use the predominant form of name. IF there is no predominant form, use a brief form (including an initialism or an acronym) that would differentiate the body from others with the same or similar brief names.

6 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 6IS 257 – Fall 2007 Variant Names, Special Rules 24.3 Language - use the form in the official language of the body (if there are more than one official languages and one of them is English choose the English form) If name appears in English on items issued by the body, use the English form If a body is frequently identified by a conventional form of name in reference sources in its own language, use the conventional name Ancient and International bodies -- if there is a “firmly established English form” use it

7 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 7IS 257 – Fall 2007 Variant Names, Special Rules (cont) Religious orders - A) conventional name in English, B) form in english-speaking countries, or C) name in the language of its country of origin Governments, use the conventional name of a government, unless the official name is in common use. The conventional name of a government is the geographic name of the area over which the government exercises jurisdiction.

8 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 8IS 257 – Fall 2007 Addition, Omissions, and Modifications Names not conveying the idea of a corporate body -- add a general designation in English Names of countries, states, provinces -- add the name of the country, state, province, etc. in which it is located. Years (when same name used by two different bodies)

9 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 9IS 257 – Fall 2007 Omissions Omit an initial article unless the heading is to file under the article (e.g. a corporate name that begins with an article that is the first part of the name of a person or place).

10 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 10IS 257 – Fall 2007 Governments Add the type of jurisdiction if needed

11 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 11IS 257 – Fall 2007 Conferences Omit from the name of a conf. Indications of its number, frequency or years of convocation. Add number after name Add date after name Add location after name

12 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 12IS 257 – Fall 2007 Subordinate and related bodies Enter subordinate bodies directly under their own name unless its name is one of the following types –A name containing a term that by definition implies that the body is part of another –A name containing a word that normally implies administrative subordination, provided that the name of the higher body is required to identify it. –A name that is general in nature or that does no more than indicate a geographic, chronological or numbered or lettered subdivision of the parent body –A name that does not convey the idea of a corporate body –A name of a university faculty, school etc that simply indicates a field of study –A name that includes the entire name of higher body.

13 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 13IS 257 – Fall 2007 Uniform Titles Uniform titles are the means for bringing together all catalog entries for a work when various manifestations (editions, translations, etc) have appeared under various titles. Need to use Uniform titles varies with the catalog and even with the particular work.

14 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 14IS 257 – Fall 2007 Uniform Titles -- When? Base the decision to use a Uniform Title on: –How well the work is known –How many manifestations of the work are involved –Whether the main entry is under title. –Whether the work was originally in another language –The extent to which the catalog is used for research purposes.

15 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 15IS 257 – Fall 2007 General Rule 25.2 When the manifestations (other than revised editions) of a work appear under various titles, select one title as the uniform title as instructed in 25.3-25.4 Use a uniform title if –1) The work has appeared under different titles proper –OR 2) the title proper needs the addition of other elements to organize the file –OR 3) the title used as the main or added entry heading for a work needs to be distinguished from the main or added entry heading for another work –OR 4) the title of the work is obscured by the wording of the title proper

16 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 16IS 257 – Fall 2007 Format Inclose the uniform title in square brackets and give it before the title proper. If the work is entered under title, give the uniform title as the heading with square brackets. MARC Main Entry uniform titles go into 130 -- and are in 130 in authority records. Otherwise, uniform titles go into 240 -- which are listed as 100s in authority records

17 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 17IS 257 – Fall 2007 Not Uniform Title Do not use a uniform title for a manifestation of a work in the same language that is a revision or updating of the original work. Relate editions not connected by uniform titles by giving the title of the earlier edition in a note in the entry for the later edition.

18 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 18IS 257 – Fall 2007 Works after 1500 Use a title or form of the title in the original language by which a work created after 1500 has become known through use in manifestations of the work or in reference sources. If no title in the original language is established as being the one by which the work is best known, or in case of doubt, use the title proper of the original edition.

19 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 19IS 257 – Fall 2007 1500+ cont. Omit from such titles (title proper of original ed.) –Introductory phrases (e.g. Here beginneth the tale of …) –Statements of responsibility that are part of the title proper, if such an omission is permissible grammatically and the statement is not essential to the meaning of the title.

20 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 20IS 257 – Fall 2007 25.3C If there is simultaneous publication under different titles in same language use the title of the edition published in the country of the cataloging agency.

21 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 21IS 257 – Fall 2007 Works Before 1500 Use the title most frequently found in –Modern editions –early editions –manuscript copies Classical and Byzantine Greek –Use the well-established English title for such a work -- or the Latin title if there is no established English title

22 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 22IS 257 – Fall 2007 Before 1500 cont. Anonymous works written neither in Greek nor in roman script. –If the original language of an anonymous work created before 1501 is not Greek or in a roman script, use an established title in English, if there is one. –Otherwise -- transliterate

23 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 23IS 257 – Fall 2007 Additions Phrases (play, etc.) Language

24 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 24IS 257 – Fall 2007 Collective titles Works, etc.

25 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 25IS 257 – Fall 2007 Credits The following slides are adapted from presentations by –Dr. Barbara Tillett (Library of Congress) –Don Thornbury (RBSC Technical Services) –Kate Harcourt (Columbia University)

26 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 26IS 257 – Fall 2007 Milestones: 19th and 20th centuries Panizzi (1841) Cutter (1876) ALA rules, 1883-1941 Paris principles (1961) AACR (1967) ISBD (1971- ) AACR2 (1978- ) FRBR (1998)

27 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 27IS 257 – Fall 2007 21st century: AACR3 In 2001, JSC decided that FRBR terminology should be incorporated into AACR. Since that time, rule revisions have been proposed to ensure that FRBR terms will be used in AACR. This will require introduction of new terms as well as redefinition of existing usage.

28 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 28IS 257 – Fall 2007 Development of FRBR Impetus 1990 1) economic realities faced by libraries and the need to reduce the cost of cataloging; 2) importance of meeting user needs; 3) addressing the various types of material and the various contexts within which bibliographic records are used Aim of the project produce a framework that would provide a clear, precisely stated, and commonly shared understanding of what it is that the bibliographic record aims to provide information about, and what it is that we expect the record to achieve in terms of answering user needs Drafting began 1995; published 1998

29 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 29IS 257 – Fall 2007 FRBR methodology “The methodology used in this study is based on an entity analysis technique that is used in the development of conceptual models for relational database systems. Although the study is not intended to serve directly as a basis for the design of bibliographic databases, the technique was chosen as the basis for the methodology because it provides a structured approach to the analysis of data requirements that facilitates the processes of definition and delineation that were set out in the terms of reference for the study.” (2.3) Translation: We need to figure out what things we’re talking about in cataloging, what there is to say about them, and how they relate to one another.

30 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 30IS 257 – Fall 2007 FRBR entities: 3 types Products of intellectual or artistic endeavor that are named or described in bibliographic records: work, expression, manifestation, and item. –Aggregate and Component entities: anthology, series, archival fond … [et al.]; chapter, article … [et al.] Entities responsible for the intellectual or artistic content, the physical production and dissemination, or the custodianship of such products: person and corporate body. Subjects of intellectual or artistic endeavour: the above entities, plus concept, object, event, and place.

31 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 31IS 257 – Fall 2007 Work : Expression : Manifestation : Item A “distinct intellectual or artistic creation.” An abstract entity: can be hard to define and delineate. Attributes: title, form, date … [et al.]

32 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 32IS 257 – Fall 2007 Work : Expression : Manifestation : Item The “intellectual or artistic realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical, or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc., or any combination of such forms.” Reflects distinctions in intellectual or artistic content between one realization and another of the same work. Attributes: title, form, date, language, sequencing pattern (serial), type of score (musical notation), medium of performance (musical notation or recorded sound) … [et al.]

33 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 33IS 257 – Fall 2007 Work : Expression : Manifestation : Item The “physical embodiment of an expression of a work;” “all the physical objects that bear the same characteristics, in respect to both intellectual content and physical form.” Can be a set of items that result from a single act of production, or unique productions such as manuscripts, original oil paintings, etc. Attributes: title, statement of responsibility, edition/issue designation, place and date of publication/distribution, publisher/distributor, series statement, foliation (hand- printed book), publication status (serial), playing speed (sound recording), reduction ratio (microform), mode of access (remote access electronic resource) … [et al.]

34 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 34IS 257 – Fall 2007 Work : Expression : Manifestation : Item A “single exemplar of a manifestation.” Often a single physical object (e.g., a copy of a one-volume monograph), but can be more than one (e.g., a monograph issued as two separately bound volumes, a recording issued on three separate compact discs, etc.) Attributes: item identifier, provenance, marks/inscriptions, condition … [et al.]

35 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 35IS 257 – Fall 2007 Entity relationships Relationships are “the vehicle for depicting links between one entity and another, and thus as the means of assisting the user to ‘navigate’ the universe that is represented in a bibliography, catalogue, or bibliographic database.” Many kinds of relationships among entities: realization, embodiment, equivalence, whole-to-part, part-to-part … [et al.]

36 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 36IS 257 – Fall 2007 Group 1 Work Expression Manifestation Item is realized through is embodied in is exemplified by recursive one many FRBR

37 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 37IS 257 – Fall 2007 Group 2 Work Expression Manifestation Item many Person Corporate Body is owned by is produced by is realized by is created by FRBR

38 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 38IS 257 – Fall 2007 Group 3 many FRBR Work has as subject Expression Manifestation Item Person Corporate Body Work Concept Object Event Place has as subject

39 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 39IS 257 – Fall 2007 FRBR Entity Levels Work: Expression: Manifestation: The Play Orig. Text Transl. Critical Edition The Movie Orig. Version PaperPDFHTML Item: Copy 1 Autographed Copy 2 Family of works

40 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 40IS 257 – Fall 2007 Entity relationships: Work … Item... many expressions of the work... Three manifestations of the expression ItemItem

41 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 41IS 257 – Fall 2007 FRBR and MARC In LC’s action plan for bibliographic control of web resources (2001): –Enhance MARC 21 to support display of hierarchical relationships among records for a work, its expressions and its manifestations (based on the IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)) MARC to FRBR: 83 pages of element mapping (ca. 2600 data elements in MARC) FRBR to MARC: 74 pages of element mapping

42 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 42IS 257 – Fall 2007 MARC 000cam a 0012465968 008821108 s 1912 gw 0 0 0 0 ger d 035‚a (OCoLC)ocm08935092035 040‚a ZIH ‚c ZIH ‚d PUL 041‚a ger ‚h eng 100‚a Shakespeare, William, ‚d 1564-1616. 24010‚a Hamlet. ‚l German 24510‚a Hamlet, Prinz von Dèanemark / ‚c von William Shakespeare ;èubersezt von Heinrich Voss. 260 ‚a [Dèusseldorf : ‚b E. Ohle, ‚c 1912] 300 ‚a 145 p. ; ‚c 28 cm. 500 ‚a Number 141 of an edition of 200 copies. ‚5 NjP 563 ‚a Bound by Carl Sonntag jun. in Leipzig. ‚5 NjP 7001 ‚a Voss, Heinrich, ‚d 1779-1822. 8528 ‚b ex ‚h 3925.342.11 876‚a 32101037428800

43 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 43IS 257 – Fall 2007 MARC: FRBR mapping 000cam a 0012465968 008821108 s 1912 gw 0 0 0 0 ger d 035‚a (OCoLC)ocm08935092035 040‚a ZIH ‚c ZIH ‚d PUL 0411‚a ger ‚h eng 1001‚a Shakespeare, William, ‚d 1564-1616. 24010‚a Hamlet. ‚l German 24510‚a Hamlet, Prinz von Dèanemark / ‚c von William Shakespeare ;èubersezt von Heinrich Voss. 260 ‚a [Dèusseldorf : ‚b E. Ohle, ‚c 1912] 300 ‚a 145 p. ; ‚c 28 cm. 500 ‚a Number 141 of an edition of 200 copies. ‚5 NjP 563‚a Bound by Carl Sonntag jun. in Leipzig. ‚5 NjP 7001 ‚a Voss, Heinrich, ‚d 1779-1822. 8528 ‚b ex ‚h 3925.342.11 876‚a 32101037428800 Field data: Work Expression Manifestation Item Record

44 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 44IS 257 – Fall 2007 “FRBERIZING” AACR2 A new interest in cataloging Rule revision AACR3

45 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 45IS 257 – Fall 2007 “FRBERIZING” A RULE 1.5A3 If an item is available in different formats (e.g., as text and microfilm; as sound disc and sound tape reel), give the physical description of the format in hand) 1.5A3 If manifestations of a work are available in different formats…

46 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 46IS 257 – Fall 2007 “FRBERIZING” RELATIONSHIPS Collocation When is a work or an expression a new work or expression? Relators Authority Control in AACR3

47 2007.02.21 - SLIDE 47IS 257 – Fall 2007 Same Expression New Expression Work New Work B. Tillett Dec. 2001

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